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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Marshall.
Marshal of France

Q dressed as Marshal of France.

Field marshal, or marshal[1], was a title in a military hierarchy. (ST - Myriad Universes - Shattered Light novel: The Tears of Eridanus)

History and alternate timelines[]

23rd century[]

Thelian president andorian

Field Marshal Thelian in 2293.

In an alternate timeline where Vulcans had remained a violent and emotional species, field marshal was the highest rank in the Union's Interstellar Guard. In the 2290s decade, Field Marshal Thelianaresth th'Vorothishria (Thelian) was the commander in chief of the Interstellar Guard. Thelian and his General Staff operated from the interstellar Headquarters (IHQ) based on Andor.

In the year 2293, Commander Hikaru Sulu of the Excelsior-class battlecruiser IUES Kumari II struck a deal with Brigadier General Gav to manipulate Thelian into sending the Kumari to resolve a hostage crisis on UGC 36A-2B. (ST - Myriad Universes - Shattered Light novel: The Tears of Eridanus)

25th century[]

Marshal Janeway

Marshal Janeway in 2411.

In a permutation of the mirror universe where the Second Terran Empire rose to power, Kathryn Janeway of the ISS Voyager held the favor of the Terran Emperor in the 2410s. In 2411, she held the rank of marshal and was ordered to lead a task force to retrieve "the Emperor's Prize", Lieutenant Ilia of Federation Starfleet, from Jupiter Station in the primary universe. After securing the comatose Ilia, Captain Sylvia Tilly and her associates betrayed Marshal Janeway so that they could bask in the glory of the Emperor's favor, and absconded with Ilia. Marshal Janeway was left behind and entered a temporary alliance with the Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway and the Khitomer Alliance. (STO - Terran Gambit mission: "Red Shift")

The Khitomer Alliance deployed a holographic bridge officer based on Marshal Janeway. The holographic Marshal Janeway was a science officer candidate and held the rank of commander, or its equivalent in non-Starfleet militaries, and the title of marshal. (STO website: Shadow's Advance: Reflections of Empire)

Known marshals[]


Appearances and references[]


External links[]
