Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} OR {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU


Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Lust's Latinum Lost (and Found) is a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine eBook (the first original eBook release for the series) written by Terry J. Erdmann and Paula M. Block (the authors of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion) and published in 2014. The story takes place after the events of Star Trek: The Fall and features Quark.


Business is down at Quark's Public House, Café, Gaming Emporium, Holosuite Arcade, and Ferengi Embassy to Bajor. Way down. Lower level of hell down. The station is bustling, but residents and visitors are spending more time (and latinum) at the new Deep Space 9's park, sports fields, theater, swimming complex, and who knows what else, than they are at Quark's establishment. All of Quark's misfortunes just could be reversed, however, when he finds out that one of the steamiest holonovels to hit the Alpha Quadrant in years is up for grabs. And he has an inroad to acquiring it before anyone else. Or does he?



Ardon Broht • Broik • Cordray • Derf • Dixon Hill • Franti • Frool • Hetik • Felix Leech • M'Pella • Nog • Miles O'Brien • Rom • Pel • Quark • Rionoj • Ro Laren • Rom • Shmenge • Shmun • T'lana • Toby the Targ • Ziroma
Referenced only
Julian Bashir • Bena • Jefferson Blackmer • Brunt • Jan Collins • Gint • Ishka • Iskel • Leeta • Mona Luvsitt • Odo • Jean-Luc Picard • Benjamin Sisko • Jake Sisko • Treir


Alpha Quadrant • Debauche • Deep Space 9 • Desire Island • Plaza • Quark's • Radioactive Residuals • Wrigley Intergalactic Spaceport • Wrigley's Pleasure Planet
Referenced only
Aaamazzara • Aljuli • Andoria • Bajor • Bajoran wormhole • Deep Space 9 • Ferenginar • Gavara • Hell • Kri'stak • Replimat • Risa • Sapphire Spire

Starships and vehicles[]

tram • WORM47 (shuttle)
Referenced only
Furyk • runabout

Races and cultures[]

Argelian • Bajoran • Bolian • Boslic • Edosian • Ellora • Ferengi • Gallamite • Human • Nausicaan • Pakled • Tarlac • Tellarite • Vulcan
Referenced only
Andorian • Argrathi • Caitian • Dopterian • Kobheerian • Klingon • Romulan • Therbian • Trill symbiont • Wadi

States and organizations[]

Broht and Forester • Orion Syndicate • Starfleet • United Federation of Planets • Wormhole Rent-a-Shuttle
Referenced only
Dominion • Ferengi Commerce Authority

Science and classification[]

air • business contact chip • combadge • companel • computer • fire • hail • Heisenberg compensator • hologram • holographic matrix • holonovel • holosuite • hour • industrial replicator • light • matrix-beam emitter • matter-assembly field manipulator • minireplicator • minute • multilateration algorithm • PADD • quasar • radioactive • recycler • refresher • replicator • shell • tachyon detector • warp core • waste extraction


Games and works of fiction[]
Clado's Call • dabo • Galaxy of Borg-craft • Julian Bashir, Secret Agent • kaat-chag • Photons Be Free • Vulcan Love Slave • Vulcan Love Slave, Part II: The Revenge • Vulcan Love Slave, Volume III: Shmun's New Hope • Vulcan Love Slave IV: Lust's Latinum Lost

Ranks and titles[]

apprentice • businessman • dabo boy • entrepreneur • Federation President • Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance • high priestess • pirate • programmer • publisher • slave • sub-waiter • waiter • writer

Other references[]

Aldebaran sour mash • Altair water • bank • bar • black hole • Borg Invasion of 2381 • business contact • cabin • casino • cave • clado • Corinthian leather • dartboard • day • digimark • district • Divine Treasury • drink • dunsel • embassy • Ferengi language • Ferengi Rules of Acquisition • Flarflandia • free drink card • glass • hew-mon • holo-hottie • Holo-Palooza • kahzinka • kanar • klatch • lampire fish • latinum • Lurian pentahedrol pyramid • Marauder Mo • money • moogie • mud • mugato • navigation console • planet • pocket • raktajino • reeta-hawk • sehlat • snail juice • souvenir • Speegal's Little Book of Legal Larceny • Spican flame gem • staircase • storage locker • Tarkalean tea • Therbian Thrill • Tholian silk • tongo • tube grub • wood • year


Related media[]




published order
Previous novel:
The Never-Ending Sacrifice
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Next novel:
The Missing
published order
Previous eBook:
The More Things Change
Star Trek eBooks Next eBook:
Q Are Cordially Uninvited
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
not yet placed
Memory Beta Chronology Next Adventure:
not yet placed

External link[]
