Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Liberty.

"Liberty" was the 2nd issue of Star Trek: Starfleet Academy in its incarnation as a series from Marvel. This Marvel Comics publication was released in January 1997.


On their first liberty from the Academy, the women of Omega Squad enjoy a barroom brawl and T'Priell tries to reconcile her Vulcan training with her hidden Romulan heritage. Meanwhile, Nog snoops through Decker's valuable comic book collection. Decker receives an invitation to join a special training team called Red Squad.



Matthew Decker • Pava Ek'noor • Kamilah Goldstein • Olaf Kjelgaard • Lester • Yoshi Mishima • Telark (dream) • Thokol (dream) • T'Priell • Jim Walters • unnamed Oguran • le-matya (dream)
Referenced only
James Baldwin • Captain America • Robert Decker • Nick Fury • Human Torch • Mark Twain


Australia • San Francisco • Starfleet Academy campus • Sydney • Sydney Opera House
Referenced only
Ogura • Valley of the Seven Winds • Vulcan

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Ferengi • Human • Oguran • Trill • Vulcan
Referenced only
Atharite • Betazoid • El-Aurian • Excalbian • Galadrian • Horta • Jurakki • Romulan

States and organizations[]

Red Squad • Starfleet • Starfleet Academy • United Federation of Planets • • X-Men

Other references[]

comic book • Islam • Jewish • kahs-wan • Koon-ut-kal-if-fee • le-matya • logic • The Prince and the Pauper • racquetball • Samarian sunset • Vulcan nerve pinch


Related stories[]



Stories set in Starfleet Academy
Comics Starfleet Academy ("Prime Directives • Liberty • Loyalty Test • War and Peace • Love and Death • Passages • Hide and Seek • X² • Return to the Forbidden Planet • A Prelude to War • Judgment • Telepathy War (Part One) • Parents' Day • T'Priell Revealed (Part One • Part Two • Part Three) • Culture Clash • MangHom qaD • Between Love and Hate") • Starfleet Academy! • Starfleet Academy (Issue 1 • Issue 2 • Issue 3 • Issue 4 • Issue 5) • Picard's Academy ("Loup Solitaire" • "Hurler Avec Les Loups" • "Froid de Loup" • "Les Loups Ne Se Mangent Pas Entre Eux" • "Dans La Gueule Du Loup" • "Jeune Loup")
Movies Starfleet Academy SCISEC Briefs (SCISEC Brief 001: "Mystery Behind Voyager" • SCISEC Brief 002: "Mystery Behind Ceti Alpha VI" • SCISEC Brief 003: "Mystery Behind the Vulcan Katra Transfer" • SCISEC Brief 004: "The Whale Probe" • SCISEC Brief 005: "Nimbus III" • SCISEC Brief 006: "Praxis" • SCISEC Brief 007: "Trilithium" • SCISEC Brief 008: "Temporal Vortex" • SCISEC Brief 009: "The Origins of the Ba'ku and Son'a Conflict" • SCISEC Brief 010: "Thalaron Radiation")
Novels Video game novelization • 1990s series (Crisis on Vulcan • Aftershock • Cadet Kirk • Worf's First Adventure • Line of Fire • Survival • Lifeline • The Chance Factor • Quarantine) • The Best and the Brightest • Academy: Collision Course • 2010s series (The Delta Anomaly • The Edge • The Gemini Agent • The Assassination Game)
Short stories "The Bottom Line" • "Best Tools Available" • "Academy Acquisition"
Video games Starfleet Academy Starship Bridge Simulator • Starfleet Academy • Starfleet Academy: Strategic Command • Starfleet Academy: Chekov's Lost Missions • Academy Trainer • Cadet Training Facility
Live performances Star Trek Live • The Starfleet Academy Experience


published order
Previous comic:
Prime Directives
SA comics
Marvel Comics
Next comic:
Loyalty Test

External link[]
