Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Jubbletta was a female Ferengi, the wife of latinum mining king Squeeb.

In Ferengi year 18,083, Jubbletta was having an affair with her husband's accountant Vinx, and together conspired to murder Squeeb and take over his business. Jubbletta knocked Squeeb unconscious and put his body in a skimmer programmed to crash in one of his own mines. However, unbeknown to her, Squeeb had had a duridium plate placed in his head during the Ferengi-Lytasian conflict. This plate lessened the blow, and allowed him to regain consciousness and avoid death at the last moment.

Jubbletta was arrested for attempted murder, though Vinx was released at Squeeb's request. (DS9 reference: Legends of the Ferengi)
