Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Greg.

Greg Thometz was a 23rd century Human man. He was a Starfleet officer assigned to the Federation starship USS Excelsior in 2285 under the command of Captain James T. Kirk.


He served in the administration, helm or engineering departments and had an AB– blood type. His best friend Lieutenant Alain Reynolds once described him as being full of life, never being scared, and living a charmed life, expecting to retire and have children after 20 years of service.

In 2285, Thometz brought a tricorder along on a landing party survey of an unnamed class M planet in the 12 Lyncis system, accompanied by Reynolds, Brickner, and Lia Burke. During the mission, a huge, bearlike carnivore leapt at Thometz, smashing him into a tree and gashing his chest from abdomen to left shoulder, and he died nearly immediately.

His body was placed in stasis in sickbay. An autopsy revealed his death was caused not from blood loss, but rather from shock and brain damage from hitting the tree. (TOS comic: "The Last Word")

His rank was unstated and not visible on his uniform. He may be related to Starfleet Academy Commandant Greg Thometz.



USS Excelsior personnel
USS Excelsior (NCC-1718) LaLiberté (CO) UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) 2280s J.T. Kirk (CO) • L. Styles (CO) • H. Sulu (XO) • M. Darby a.k.a. Henreid (XO) • M. Scott (CENG) • L.H. McCoy (CMO) • N. Uhura (COMM) • P.A. Chekov (CSEC) • D. Avoca • W. Bearclaw • Bodine • E. Braun • Brickner • N. Bryce • L. Burke • Carver • Edwards • Harburg • Hathaway • Heming • Jed • H. Keith • J. Kerasus • Konom • T. Krejci • Lahra • R. Marquez • M. Morelli • Naraht • N. Orsini • M. Rebovich • T. Renner • D. Renyck • A. Reynolds • Richardson • Saavik • C. Schulman • E. Sherwood • T. Spiro • H. Tanzer • Thimon • G. Thometz • G. Wilhelmsem
2290s H. Sulu (CO) • P. Chekov (XO) • M. Cutler (XO) • Shandra Docksey • Djugashvili • J. Rand • (XO) • L.J. Akaar • V. Bays • Berger • C. Chapel • S. Focus • P. Garvin • Grey • B. Hans • Henrey • T. Henry • H. Keith • J. Klass • Lojur • M. Lukas • R. Marquez • S. Pastur • Perez • R. Roose • N. Schmidt • Sencus • Silverman • N. Svenson • Tuvok • D. Valtane • S. Walroth
24th century H. Sulu (CO) • B. Crajjik (CO) • R. Leslie (XO) • P. Aaron • J. Ajax • T. Azleya • T. Benton • Boyle • J. S. Carville • C. Chapel • De Luca • V. Eklund • Frisch • Luckman • F. Millán • K. Reham • G. Ressix • Sevol • T'Jen • J. Whistler • Ybarra
ISS Excelsior Hikaru Sulu • Grey • Tuvok • Styles • Blaine Seal of the Terran Empire.

