Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Endicor was a star system, located somewhere in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, in or near the 23rd century boundaries of Federation space.

History and specifics[]

Endicor's orbit was the location of a planetary system, including the world Endicor. (TOS comic: "Marriage of Inconvenience"; TNG episode: "Time Squared")

Possibly a coincidence, the mention of a place called "Endicor" in the May 1989 TOS comic preceded the mention of Endicor in the canon episode, released in April 1989, by almost a full year. In general, Star Trek television and movie productions of that era tended to avoid referencing material from the comics and novels.

System makeup[]

Endicor system primary star



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (E)
Ebion • Ebor Tor • Eclosionatu's Depths • Edara • Edela • Ederlyn's End • Edjara • Edmora • Edora • Edrin • Edris • Edvaran • Egara 172 • Eisenhower • Eivox • Eizeb • Ekinus • Ekkoran • El Adrel • Elamin • Elamra • Elba • Eldara • Electri • Elex • Elgard • Elkauron • Ellion • Ellison's Star • Elnon • Elohim • Elona • Elsk'veth • Elthan • Elvada • Elven • Elvros • Elysia Incendae • Elzan • Elzbar • Elzibar • Emben • Emila • Eminiar • Emkaid • Emmeline's Gate • Emrana • Em'vara • Emvatra • Endicor • Endless Maw • Endra • Enkoth • Enoch • Enori • Enra • Entera • Entrunar • Eofaran • Eojur • Ephrata • Epsilon 119 • Epsilon Anubis (Epsilon Anubis A • Epsilon Anubis B) • Epsilon Ballara • Epsilon Beta • Epsilon Ceti • Epsilon Delta • Epsilon Fornacis • Epsilon Ionis • Epsilon Kitaj • Epsilon Lyra • Epsilon Minora • Epsilon Miranda • Epsilon Sierra • Epsilon Sorona • Epsilon Tauri • Epsilon Theta • Epsilon Ursae Majoris • Epsion • Equess • Eramor • Ercola • Erdor • Ereb • Erela Daraan • Eremar • Ergol • Erivek • Erkia • Er'vadi • Ervik • Esabl • Escor • Esinda • Eskiis • Essai • Ess'vara • Estasi • Esto • Estrada • Estron • Estrona Daraan • Eta Seratorn • Eta Tauri • Eta Trianguli • Eth'bernek • Eth'daja • Eth'fera • Eth'kaba • Eth'kina • Eth'mola • Eth'silva • Eth'teo • Eth'vara • Etla • Evadex • Evara • Evek • Excalbia • Exona Daraan • Exor • Eye of Gabriel • Eye of Helia • Ezani Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (E) Edasich • El Nath • Elasi Prime • Eltanin • Ennar • Entelior • Epsilon Aurigae • Epsilon Boötis • Epsilon Cygni • Epsilon Draconis • Epsilon Ophiuchi • Epsilon Serpentis • Eta Cassiopeiae • Eta Coronae Borealis • Eta Draconis • Eta Lyrae • Eta Ophiuchi • Eta Serpentis • Eta Ursae Majoris • Exo • Eye of Ket-Cheleb Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (E) Eden • Edinov • Eisn • Ejul Thelni • Epsilon • Epsilon Canaris • Epsilon Canis Majoris • Edren • Epsilon Carinae • Epsilon Corvi • Epsilon Eridani • Epsilon Geminorum • Epsilon Gruis • Epsilon Hydrae • Epsilon Indi (Andoria) • Epsilon Librae • Epsilon Monocerotis • Epsilon Orionis • Epsilon Pavonis • Epsilon Phoenicis • Epsilon Scorpii • Epsilon Virginis • Eta Antliae • Eta Canaris / Eta Canis Majoris • Eta Corvi • Eta Crucis • Eta Eridani • Eta Horologii • Eta Indi • Eta Lupi • Eta Scorpii • Eta Virginis • Eye of Grun Beta Quadrant icon image.

