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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Dylovene hypospray

Symbol of a dylovene-loaded hypospray in 2409.

Dylovene was a substance used for medicinal purposes as part of drugs and treatments used for humanoids, animals and other lifeforms.


In the 23rd century, dylovene was included in Starfleet medical field kits along with sterilite, coradrenaline, and tri-ox compounds. (FASA RPG module: Trader Captains and Merchant Princes, 2nd edition)

Dylovene was used in the Federation as an antidote for many plant poisons. It was available to the public for five credits in a hypospray capsule containing six doses. It was effective at least half of the time against complex and simple plant toxins. (FASA RPG modules: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual, The Basic Rule Book)

In the late 24th century, it was used as a broad-spectrum antitoxin. (Star Trek Adventures RPG module: The Sciences Division)

Dylovene removed toxic ailments on application and for a short duration. It also improved the target's physical damage resistance. A science officer trained and equipped on its use could apply dylovene on themselves or another person. (STO - Tutorial mission: "Assimilation of the Innocent")


In the year 2270, when Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu was fatally poisoned by a retlaw plant, Doctor Leonard McCoy hastily treated him with dylovene, but he lamented that it wasn't working fast enough. The Phylosian Agmar was able to save him with a different medicine. (TAS episode & Log Two novelization: The Infinite Vulcan)

In 2369 of the First Splinter timeline, Doctor Katherine Pulaski aboard the USS Progress stocked a spare medkit with extra hypospray capsules of dylovene, sterilite, and asinolyathin as soon as she heard about an explosion at the nearby dilithium mining outpost on Drema IV. (SCE - What's Past eBook: Progress)

During the Borg invasion of Vega colony in the year 2409, the colonists provided the Starfleet away team that arrived to rescue them with useful kits. Some kits included hyposprays loaded with dylovene. (STO - Tutorial mission: "Assimilation of the Innocent")



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