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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Hoya, a Benzite woman.

The Benzites were a humanoid civilization from the planet Benzar, an unusual species who breathe an atmosphere that differs from class M planetary standards. By the 24th century, Benzites were members of the United Federation of Planets. (TNG episode: "Coming of Age")

The Star Trek The Expanded Universe RPG book All Our Yesterdays states that first contact between Benzites and the Federation occurred in 2360.

History and specifics[]


Benzites breathe in a gas heavy in chlorine, which is exhaled in the form of carbon trichloride. The gaseous mixture also contains essential mineral salts and a lot of moisture. Benzites traditionally wore an artificial breathing apparatus, a form of vaporizer, when off of Benzar. They could survive without it for a limited time, but prolonged exposure to standard class-M atmospheres resulted in lung damage that would eventually prove fatal. (TNG - The Sky's the Limit short story: "Acts of Compassion")

Benzite blood is based on mercury and platinum; it takes the form of a thick orange liquid when oxidized. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky)

A Benzite’s average body temperature is several degrees lower than that of a Human or a Vulcan. (TNG - A Time to... novel: A Time to Sow) to successfully transplant organs into an injured Benzite. There was little Doctor Julian Bashir could do to save the life of the Benzite Monyodin when his alveoli were liquefied by a polymer gas in April 2376. (DS9 - Avatar novel: Book One)

The 2380 Federation Councilor from Benzar was observed using his rebreather in session. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)


Life aboard Benzite spacecraft differs in terms of various protocols from life aboard Starfleet vessels. One Benzite regulation states “no officer on the deck of a Benzite ship is to report any unexplained occurrence until a full analysis and resolution has been made”. Reporting an unexplained or undetermined anomaly is considered to be improper; information should be useful or not provided at all. Reporting a problem but no solution is especially frowned upon. It often took new Benzite Starfleet officers some time to adapt upon Benzar’s entry into the Federation. (TNG episode: "A Matter of Honor")


Benzites from a given geostructure tend to "look alike" with exactly the same base facial structures, shades of skin tone, and so on. Benzites have become used to cases of "mistaken identity" when dealing with non-Benzites, and most are quite patient about explaining it away as a "family resemblance". (TNG episode: "A Matter of Honor")

During the Dominion War, in 2374, Benzar was briefly occupied by the Dominion. The Benzites were liberated by the forces of the Romulan Star Empire. (DS9 episode: "The Reckoning")

Melnis was a Federation Councilor from Benzar. During his time on the Federation Council, he served on the Federation Judiciary Council. At the end of January 2380, Melnis retired, opening up a seat on the Judiciary Council that was eventually filled by Councilor Eleana of Delta IV. Melnis was succeeded by Linzner. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)

Benzite individuals[]




External links[]
