Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Avior VIII was a planet located in the space of the galaxy's Beta Quadrant, the eighth planet in orbit of the Avior star system.

History and specifics[]

By the late 24th century, Avior VIII was a holding of the Romulan Star Empire, and was considered a friendly port of call by the Romulan Imperial Fleet. (ST video game: Starfleet Command III)

In gameplay, this name was part of a list that were applied to planets on the game map, with random attributes assigned to them.



Stars, systems and objects of the Carina constellation
Alpha Carinae/Canopus/Suhail/7 Carinae: Planet Alpha Carinae, Alpha Carinae II, Canopus III, Canopus IV, Alpha Carinae V, Canopus Planet, Canopus Major • Beta Carinae/Miaplacidas/123 Carinae: Miaplacidus II, Miaplacidus V, Beta Carina VI • Carinae system • Carinae Delta: Carinae Delta V • Epsilon Carinae/Avior/Yagra/89 Carinae: Yagra IV, Avior VIII • Eta Carinae Nebula • Iota Carinae/Scutulum/127 Carinae: Scutulum III
Romulan planets and planetoids
83 Leonis B V • 872 Trianguli V • Abraxas V • Abraxas IX • Abraxas Prime • Achernar II • Achernar Prime • Acrux IX • Ain I • Alcyone II • Algeron III • Arachnae • Artaleirh • Assaf Golav • Atrius V • Avior VIII • B'Lev I • Bardat • Bestari X • Broz • Brutus X • Bu'Uli Tev III • Celes II • Chal • Chaltok IV • Chara X • Cheron • Chetzia III • Chul • Constanthus • Cor Caroli IX • Cor Caroli V • Cort • Corvus VIII • Crateris colony • Devoras planet • Didacti IV • DiWahn • D'ravasasz IV • Drovna III • Eilhaunn • Eloh • Gallus III • Garthos • Gasko II • Gemma VII • Gibraltar • Girga • Glintara I • Gotanna III • Hellguard • Izar IV • Jenjor VI • Kalabestasz • Kallion • Karr • Ke Kwanus V • Kevratas • Khazara planet • Levaeri V • Makar • Mire • Melik V • Mira Maj VI • Mirhassa • Nequencia colony • New Romulus • Nimbus III • Persevus III • Pilum IV • Placidus II • Primus IV • Ralatak • Rator III • Rator IV • Remus • Rhei'llhne • Romii • Romulus • Rotron • Sadall • Sadat VI • SalaH • Sandal IV • Santora Prime • Scheat III • Scutulum III • Seginus II • Sheratan VII • Sithoi • Situla I • Talvath colony • Tartalus • Terix II • Thieurrull • Unroth III • Virinat • Xanitla • Zaxx'n VI • Zevarus Prime Romulan Empire emblem image.

