Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The amphibious lifeform[1] was a 24th century species, an evolved variant of the Human species after the Human DNA evolved when warping past warp factor 10. Tom Paris and Kathryn Janeway suffered this "evolution" in the 2370s[2] decade. (PRD video game: Supernova)

History and specifics[]

Evolved Janeway

Evolved Janeway, 2372.

Amphibious lifeform plushie

Plushie Janeway, 2384.

On stardate 49373.4 in the year 2372, Lieutenant Tom Paris tested a transwarp engine aboard the shuttlecraft Cochrane in the Delta Quadrant. His DNA mutated as a result of the flight. While in a transitory form between humanoid and amphibian, Paris kidnapped Captain Janeway and repeated the flight. After their ship, the USS Voyager, tracked them to a swam on a class M planet, Commander Chakotay and Lieutenant Tuvok found the pair in their evolved, amphibian form. When they stunned Janeway and Paris, offspring consisting of three individuals escaped into the swamp.

The Doctor reversed the evolution, returning Janeway and Paris to their baseline Human form. (VOY episode: "Threshold")

Captain Chakotay later commanded the Federation Starfleet Protostar-class starship USS Protostar. He kept a plushie of Janeway as an amphibious lifeform on his bed in the captain's room. While the ship was under the control of the Unwanted in 2384, Captain Dal R'El and communications officer Gwyn inspected the plushie on stardate 61174.9. Hologram-Janeway opined she rather not explain this item. (PRD video game: Supernova)

In simulations[]

Mariner transwarp slug

Mariner slug.

In the year 2381, the rogue artificial intelligence Badgey trapped USS Cerritos officers and visitors in the starship's holodeck. In one simulation, a shuttle exceeded the transwarp barrier, resulting in Brad Boimler, Beckett Mariner, Sam Rutherford, and D'Vana Tendi changing into the evolved lifeforms. After being restored to normal, Tendi recalled that her sense of smell was significantly heightened as a slug. The slugs of Mariner and Boimler spawned hovering offspring which Rutherford called "Mariboims". Tendi noted there were no ethical considerations in deleting them as they were holographic. (LD video game: The Badgey Directive episode: "Threshold My Beer")

Alternate timeline[]

In an alternate timeline beset by the Q Continuum's temporal anomaly crisis, Janeway, Paris and their offspring appeared as evolved Humans around the year 2380. Working as a single unit, versions of Evolved Janeway joined Starfleet to assist Q in resolving the crisis. (ST video game: Timelines)

Known amphibious lifeforms[]



Delta Quadrant races and cultures
Aakteian • Akritirian • Aksani • Alkian • Alsuran • Ankari • Annari • Antarian • Argala • Arrithean • Artilotian • Ba'neth • Banean • Bara Plenum • Bavadian • Benkaran • Benthan • Berm • B'omar • Boray • Borg • Botha • Bourget • Brenari • Briori • Brunali • Caatati • Cambrog • Casciron • Chessu • Children of the Storm • Cravic • Cytoplasmic pseudo-parasite • Devore • Dinaali • Djinari • Drakina Forest dweller • Dralian • Drayan • Dream species • Dresh • Druoda • Enaran • Entaban • Entharan • Etanian • Fantome's species • Farn • Finorian • Fradduus • Garan • Garenor • Gh'rrrvn • Gorenye • Greech • Haakonian • Harkonian • Hazari • Hirogen • Ilari • Ilidarian • Imhotep • Indign • Iscoy • Jelinian • Kadi • Karlon • Kartelan • Kazon • Kesat • Kinbori • Kindir • Kmada • Kobali • Kohl • Kolaati • Kolhari • Komar • Kradin • Kraylor • Krenim • Kyrian • Ledosian • Leodt • Lokirrim • Lyridian • Makull's species • Maldorian • Malkoth • Malon • Mari • Markonian • Mawasi • Mikhal Traveler • Mislenite • Mogholixian • Mokra • Mondasian • Monean • Morphinian • Motali • Mylean • N'Kree • Nasari • Nassordin • Nechani • Neyser • Nezu • Night Alien • Nihydron • Nijian • Norcadian • Numiri • Nuu'Bari • Nygean • Nyrian • Ocampa • Octanti • Omian • Ovion • Parein • Pathon • Peliorine • Pendari • Pensarkan • Ponea • Porcion • Pralor • Pyrinthian • Qomar • Quarren • Rakosan • Ram Izad • Ramuran • Rectilian • Reptohumanoid • Rewadian • Rhombolian • Ridion • Rilnar • Sakari • Serosian • Sha'Kurian • Shivolian • Sikarian • Silver Blood • Skedan • Skeen • Sky Spirit • Species 116 • Species 125 • Species 149 • Species 259 • Species 262 • Species 263 • Species 312 • Species 571 • Species 5174 • Species 5973 • Species 10026 • Srivani • Swarm • Tabric • Tahal-Isut • Tak Tak • Takarian • Takrit • Talaxian • Taresian • Tarkan • Tarkannan • Tauma • Telsian • Terkellian • Terrellian • Tokath • Trabe • Trevin • Turei • Uxali • Vaadwaur • Varro • Vaskan • Vashnar • Vau N'Akat • Ventu • Vidiian • Vohrsoth • Vojean • Vok'sha • Vori • Vostigye • Voth • Wyngari • Wysanti • Xanno • Yallitian • Yawkin • Yax • Yudoo • Zahl • Zolian • unnamed Delta Quadrant races and cultures the galaxy's Delta Quadrant icon image.

Appearances and references[]


