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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

All That's Left is a 2015 Star Trek: Seekers novel by authors Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore.


Initially charted by Starfleet probes dispatched to sur­vey the Taurus Reach, the planet Cantrel V now plays host to a budding Federation colony, as well as a com­bined civilian/Starfleet exploration team. Ancient ruins of an unknown civilization scattered around the planet have raised the curiosity of archaeologists, anthropolo­gists, historians, and other interested members of the Federation scientific community. Together, they are attempting to shed light on the beings that once called this world home.
After a large, unidentified vessel arrives in orbit and launches a seemingly unprovoked orbital bombardment, the U.S.S. Endeavour responds to the colony's distress call. As they attempt to render assistance and investi­gate the mysterious ship, Captain Atish Khatami and her crew begin to unlock the astonishing secrets the planet has harbored for centuries. Does the survival of a newly-discovered yet endangered alien race pose a threat not only to Cantrel V, but to other inhabited worlds throughout the Taurus Reach and beyond?


The Federation colony on Cantral V is attacked by a mysterious spaceship consisting of five spheres joined together. The USS Aephas manages to disable the ship and the Endeavour answers a distress call. Their first task is to assemble relief teams to locate and treat the wounded in cave-ins near an archeological dig.

Personnel on the search mission begin to go missing. In fact, they have been captured by the Pelopan, the surviving members of the indigenous people who have been hiding underground using cloaking technology. Their society was destroyed by a combination of war with each other and the arrival of the Lrondi, a non-humanoid amorphous lifeform whose society has become dependent on finding humanoid hosts who they can control and influence. After generations living with them, the Pelopan survivors have become accustomed to a form of institutionalised slavery, and the captured Federation personnel are also linked with Lrondi hosts.

Meanwhile, Stano has led a landing party over to the ship, where a group of Lrondi and Pelopan are kept in suspended animation, the attack on the colony having been automated. Revived, they not only want to retrieve their people from the surface but also "collect" the members of the colony and the starship crews as hosts. Many of the landing party are joined with Lrondi but Ensign Tropp is immune as a Denobulan and manages to trick an infected Kliesiewicz into beaming back to the Endeavour along with an uninfected Anissa Cole: Klisiewicz and his Lrondi controller Naqa are soon subdued.

The free personnel on the surface come under attack from the linked Lrondi-Pelopan and their captured hosts, but soon begin to penetrate the cloaking technology and find a way to use their tricorders to disrupt the Lrondi's connection, while the Endeavour and Aephas engage the alien ship. Stano finally wrenches the Lrondi leader Maralom off his host, Ensign Grammell, causing him severe neurological damage which temporarily shocks all the Lrondi into detaching from their hosts.

The Federation colony agree to peacefully co-exist with the Pelopan and some of the Lrondi (with some Pelopan volunteering to continue serving as hosts), while the rest of the Lrondi are left with a twenty-year journey back to their home planet.



Aephas personnel[]

Mahmud al-Khaled • Colleen Cook • Zeturildtra ch'Dran • Moves-With-Burning-Grace • Hosking • Folanir Pzial • Sasha Rodriguez • Janice Sanborn • Molan lek Xav

Endeavour personnel[]

Holly Amos • Joseph Berenato • Brax • Anissa Cole • Phu Dang • Kelor jilan Drev • Hector Estrada • Adam Gaulke • Angela Grammell • Gray • Jay Hastert • Michael Hess • Kayla Iacovino • Javokbi • Atish Khatami • Stephen Klisiewicz • Anthony Leone • Marielise McCormack • Carlton McMurray • Guillermo Montes • Jonathan Morrell • Neelakanta • Christine Rideout • Sa-Gameet • Katherine Stano • Ivan Tomkins • Trinh Van Son • Tropp • Wadsworth • Leandro Weinrich • Lanier Wimmer • Yataro • Kerry Zane • Zapien
Referenced only
Zhao Sheng

Lrondi and Pelopan[]

Cejal • Doliri • Ivelan • Maralom • Naqa • Sijaq • Tidan


Ethan Barbree • Buntin • Morgan LeMons • T'Naal
Referenced only
Kurt Davis • James Gillespie • James T. Kirk • Heihachiro Nogura • Daniel Okagawa • Araev zh'Rhun • Rhonda Ross • Greg Simon

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Aephas (Miranda-class) • USS Endeavour (Constitution-class) • Lrondi ship • shuttlecraft
Referenced only
USS Enterprise (Constitution-class) • USS Excalibur (Constitution-class) • USS Exeter (Constitution-class) • USS Farragut (Constitution-class) • USS Huang Zhong (Archer-class) • USS Kongo (Constitution-class) • USS Lovell (Daedalus-class) • USS Masao (Daedalus-class) • USS Perseus (Saladin-class) • USS Sagittarius (Archer-class) • USS Zander (Daedalus-class)

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Arcturan • Denobulan • Edoan • Efrosian • Human • Lirin • Lrondi • Pelopan • Rigelian • Tellarite • Vulcan
Referenced only
blastoneuron neural parasites • Dolysian • Gorn • Klingon • Romulan • Shedai • Tholian • Vornal


Cantrel V (Beta Site • Pelopan city • Tài Shan) • Taurus Reach
Referenced only
Arcturus • Argelius II • Atlantic Ocean • Deneva • Drydock • Earth • Erilon • Lrondi homeworld • Mars • Pluto • Romulan Neutral Zone • San Francisco Fleet Yards • Starbase 9 • Starbase 11 • Starbase 12 • Vanguard

States and organizations[]

Starfleet • United Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Gorn Hegemony • Klingon Empire • Starfleet Academy • Starfleet Command • Starfleet Corps of Engineers • Starfleet Headquarters • Starfleet Medical • Starfleet Security School • Tholian Assembly

Science and classification[]

airlock • amino acid • anesthesia • antigrav unit • artificial gravity • astrogator • bone knitter • carbohydates • cerebral cortex • chronometer • communicator • computer workstation • cutting laser • dampening field • data card • deflector shield • dermal regenerator • diagnostic scanner • diet card • dilithium • distress call • environmental suit • epinephrine • fat • Feinberg receiver • food synthesizer • gravity boots • hazard suit • hypospray • impulse engine • inertial dampener • laser drill • linguistics • mendelevium • optical cable • oxygen • P-38 • phaser • photon torpedo • power generator • sensor • spanner • spatial rift • neural scanner • tactical grid • Taurus meta-genome • thermostat • transporter • transporter pad • treadmill • tricorder • type-1 phaser • type-2 phaser • vitamins • warp drive

Occupations and titles[]

administrator • admiral • archaeologist • archaeology and anthropology officer • assistant chief engineer • captain • chief engineer • chief medical officer • chief petty officer • commander • commanding officer • commodore • communications officer • doctor • ensign • first officer • lieutenant • master chief petty officer • medic • nurse • physical therapist • professor • science officer • security chief • security officer

Other references[]

Battle of Vanguard • bridge • carrots • Earth-Romulan War • gymnasium • ham loaf • hot bunking • jellyfish • jujitsu • meatloaf • nutrient gravy • Operation Vanguard • polar bear • Prime Directive • ration • robe • salad • sandals • sauna • shuttlebay • sickbay • spacewalk • stir-fried chicken • surgical mask • surgical scrubs • Suus Mahna • swimming pool • temporary shelter • Transporter room • tray • triage • UV bed • vegetable • waste extraction • water treatment facility • yoga




published order
Previous story:
Long Shot
Star Trek novels Next story:
Child of Two Worlds
Previous novel:
Point of Divergence
Novels by:
Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore
Next novel:
Purgatory's Key
chronological order


External links[]
