Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"BC 011" was the ship classification given by Starfleet Operations to a mercenary vessel operated, for a time in 2369 and 2370, by Arctus Baran. (TNG: "Gambit, Part I", "Gambit, Part II")

Technical data[]

Defensive systems[]

Baran's mercenary ship firing disruptors

Firing disruptors

This weapon systems of this class of vessel consisted of a main disruptor array that was channeled through dual forward disruptors. These disruptors could be configured to fire a significantly more powerful phase-resonant pulse.

When faced with the prospect of attacking the Starfleet outpost on Caldos II, which was defended with a type 4 deflector shield, a minimum of two phaser banks, and possibly photon torpedoes; by Starfleet's own standards this gave the outpost limited defensive capabilities. To that end, Baran contested their "Our weapons are more than a match for their defenses. I anticipate we'll be able to destroy the outpost in less than fifteen minutes."

When faced by a Galaxy-class, during its initial attack on the USS Enterprise-D, the mercenary ship merely scored a minor hit on the port deflector, which caused no damage. During a second engagement, the Enterprise's opening barrage scored a direct hit the aft deflectors on Baran's ship, but caused no damage.

The class, which was encased in an energy sheath that rendered the ship virtually undetectable to Federation long-range sensors, also prevented short-range sensors from penetrating its hull.

It also possessed the ability to jam local com systems and create an effect similar to that caused by a transport inhibitor. (TNG: "Gambit, Part I")

Propulsion systems[]

Thought capable of a maximum speed of warp 8.7, the engines of this class of vessel were prone to maintenance issues if they were pushed too hard.

After narrowly escaping a raid on Barradas III, two of the power shunts on Baran's mercenary vessel were on the verge of collapse, which limited the ship to, at best, warp 6.

Repair could be achieved with the realignment of the warp core, which was an eleven hour task that required a complete shutdown of the engines. Without a shutdown, the same repairs could be attempted by bypassing the aft power couplings, which, in turn caused temporary a power loss.

During a deliberate sabotage created by Galen to mimic a system failure, the antimatter flow regulator in the engine's intermix chamber became stuck open, the ship jumped to warp as the plasma pressure simultaneously rose. The source of the malfunction was not immediately determined, as it could have originate in any one of thirty subsystems, including the logic subsystem and regulator subsystem.

At fourteen percent above critical, the containment fields began to degrade, but the overall issue at hand, a control logic lockout, could be alleviated through an active bypass through the plasma flow converter. This was accomplished by running a delayed phase-locked feedback through the malfunctioning regulator. To prevent the recurrence of such a malfunction, it was necessary to re-initiate the regulator sub-compressors, followed by a recommend full diagnostic of the intermix chamber. (TNG: "Gambit, Part I")

Interior design[]


The bridge...

One corner of the bridge contained a transporter pad, capable of transporting at least five individuals, which operated with a type of high energy transporter beam. (TNG: "Gambit, Part I", "Gambit, Part II")

According to the script for "Gambit, Part I", "the mercenary bridge is sleek and spare with no wasted space, just like everything on this ship. A large Viewscreen dominates the forward section and there's a small Transporter pad in one corner. The walls are lined with [manned] consoles. [...] In the center of the bridge is a raised platform encircled by a rail and a console. From here, the Captain commands an unobstructed view of the entire room. It should feel as though this ship and crew are always ready for battle."

Cargo hold[]

The cargo hold... (TNG: "Gambit, Part I", "Gambit, Part II")

According to the script for "Gambit, Part I", "The room [cargo bay] looks like a cross between an archaeological museum and a science lab. The walls are jammed with scientific consoles, and the remaining spaces are filled with artifacts scattered around the room in and out of cargo containers."


Riker's, Baran's, and Galen's quarters... (TNG: "Gambit, Part I", "Gambit, Part II")

According to the script for "Gambit, Part II", "In contrast to the other [Riker's] quarters on the mercenary ship, Baran's quarters border on the luxurious...overstuffed furniture, gaudy sculpture -- very decadent. Baran is lounging in a chair while Riker sits on a couch..." Later, "Galen's" quarters were described as "A small, cramped room with only the barest of accommodations."

Ships of the class[]


See also[]


Background information[]

Ship classification BC 011

Ship classification from okudagram (lower right corner)

This classification was only mentioned in writing.

This vessel was described in the script for "Gambit, Part I" as a "sleek, dangerous-looking mercenary ship". [1]

According to the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection (Issue 147: "Baran's Raider"), this design was scaled at 220 meters long. For more information on this studio model, see DS9 studio models.


The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives this ship's class as a Virayllan-class ship.

External link[]
