User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/732

A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

identifier per National Library of Sweden Libris library catalog

Unknown external ID

  • 2242 external IDs in Wikidata but not in Mix'n'Match. Too many to show individually.

Different items for the same external ID

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
137717 Mosche Smilanski Moshe Smilansky (Q64853671) Moshe Smilansky (Q1948937) 27682866
169916 Jeremy Campbell Jeremy Campbell (Q87734902) Jeremy Campbell (Q6181201) 27686837
175907 Avrāhām Ha-Ṭal Robert Attal (Q16129086) Robert Attal (Q3434457) 27600307
177191 Robert Bell Bob Bell (Q4931783) Robert Bell (Q58416741) 27565122
178558 Anders Björklund Anders Björklund (Q5577627) Andreas Björklund (Q5577631) 27598555
183853 ca 500 e.Kr Dionysius Areopagita Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (Q312816) Dionysius the Areopagite (Q310686) 27699721
185498 Leif Eriksson Leif Eriksson (Q5716876) Leif Eriksson (Q1814927) 27725323
186060 Kristina Edström Kristina Edström (Q113260102) Kristina Edström (Q42552693) 27632157
190410 Helgi Jónsson Helgi Jonsson (Q68482797) Helgi Jónsson (Q9002441) 27714824
190477 John Henderson John Henderson (Q19958065) John Henderson (Q3181726) 27527638
190609 Henri Herp Heinrich von Keppel (Q94912645) Hendrik Herp (Q473002) 27562513
191289 AsÊ»ad ibn al-Muhad̲d̲ab Ibn Mammātī Asʻad ibn al-Muhadhdhab Ibn Mammātī (Q6718406) Abu al-Makarim (Q74095) 27726224
191719 Anders Johansson Anders Johansson (Q5885260) Anders R. Johansson (Q5885325) 27565076
192162 Ulla Jacobsson Ulla Jacobsson (Q52677515) Ulla Jacobsson (Q24842) 27538845
193253 Thomas Kelly Thomas Kelly (Q110040446) Thomas Kelly (Q40207636) 27680670
193531 Anthony D King Anthony D. King (Q58110675) Anthony King (Q20749328) 27669488
193537 James King James King (Q113509660) James King (Q6137338) 27552194
198083 Bertil Rehnberg Bertil Rehnberg (Q6066577) Bertil Rehnberg (Q16633374) 27511783
203509 Åke Jonsson Q58469388 Åke Jönsson (Q5896194) 27541165
204320 Bengt Holmberg Bengt Holmberg (Q64677162) Bengt Holmberg (Q5810762) 27519206
207620 David Haas David Edwin Haas (Q102076233) David Haas (Q16192731) 27605806
207839 H. Bustos 1899-1986 Domecq Jorge Luis Borges (Q909) Honorio Bustos Domecq (Q2632474) 27588086
210162 Robert Andersson Robert Andersson (Q106247820) Robert Andersson (Q5155044) 27510836
210522 Reinhardt, Andreas, d.ä., 1676-1742 Andreas Reinhardt (Q84561439) Johann Georg Reinhardt (Q15434375) 27547518
211982 Michael Roberts Michael Roberts (Q85283878) Michael Roberts (Q3856252) 27728622
212634 Mark Tucker Mark Tucker (Q97669926) Mark Tucker (Q6770051) 27587958
212806 Kent Andersson Kent Andersson (Q79838953) Kent Andersson (Q12029161) 27670099
227054 Gabriel Gabrielsson Oxenstierna Gabriel Oxenstierna (Q6031741) Gabriel Oxenstierna (Q6031735) 27533898
229998 J. R Lewis Roy Lewis (Q106627295) Justin Lewis (Q6317833) 27634673
230473 Allan William Martin A. W. Martin (Q62102518) Alan Martin (Q4707251) 27581674
235776 Michael D Freeman Michael Freeman (Q3308206) Michael D. A. Freeman (Q104898555) 27526386
239341 1848-1922 E.S.K. Vendela Emanuelsson (Q108365480) Franz Rumpler (Q328283) 27675575
248381 Chi-tung Chen Chen Qitong (Q72824275) Chen Jitong (Q700782) 27690983
249634 Eva Bergman Eva Bergman (Q19976242) Eva Bergman (Q2533208) 27651305
262772 Wilhelm Frey Wilhelm Frey (Q94872512) Johann Wilhelm Frey (Q43279306) 27606686
265768 Gustaf Regnér Lars Gustaf Laurentius Regnér (Q68437046) Gustaf Regnér (Q6066366) 27605859
280530 Michael Sullivan Michael Sullivan (Q79502244) Michael Sullivan (Q6834698) 27647399
280746 Duncan S.A. Bell Duncan Bell (Q60032601) Duncan Bell (Q3041217) 27709500
284951 -a- Clara Sandströmer (Q105729455) Charles Richard Bone (Q47009531) 27730630
287914 Anthony Kelly Anthony Kelly (Q21165234) Stan Kelly-Bootle (Q7597725) 27665313
288075 Robert Martin Adams Robert Martin Adams (Q107654283) Robert Merrihew Adams (Q5254926) 27538557
288274 C Svedelius Carl Svedelius (Q58034313) Carl Frithiof Svedelius (Q24680756) 27619502
290801 Larsson, Sara, 1977-, matematiker Sara Larsson (Q102329377) Sara Larsson (Q19976931) 27516803
295213 Nan Li Nan Li (Q99864967) Li Nan (Q1253094) 27531945
307252 Adolf Hamilton Adolf Ludvig Hamilton (Q5785876) Adolf Ludvig Hamilton (Q2824703) 27599946
313655 William Weber Johnson William Johnson (Q48239313) Bill Johnson (Q3366808) 27633861
317944 M. 1819-1880 Wiener Meir Wiener (Q47539063) Jacques Offenbach (Q41555) 27629204
322444 David Morgan David Morgan (Q70430408) David Morgan (Q3703268) 27578747
326448 Martin J Smith Martin Smith (Q99478825) Martin Smith (Q22336897) 27524846
326504 Patrik Ö̈hberg Patrik Öhberg (Q114078288) Patrik Öhberg (Q59588250) 27727009
336390 Johann Ingolstetter Poliziano (Q250414) Johann Ingolstetter (Q87766212) 27693875
342131 Jim Miller Jim Miller (Q16732609) James C. Miller III (Q1680114) 27557300
344259 Andreas Mueller Andreas Müller (Q65940311) Andreas Müller (Q499739) 27670321
345759 P. R. Smith Paul Russell Smith (Q98834380) P. R. Smith (Q1231376) 27696883
353293 Ruth Moore Ruth E. Moore (Q87905783) Ruth Moore (Q7383136) 27676331
355606 Viveka Olsson Jesper Olsson (Q51638397) Jesper Olsson (Q1688110) 27704781
364410 Jonas J. Magnusson Jonas J. Magnusson (Q98834277) Jonas Magnusson (Q16633249) 27590597
365590 Roger Hansson Roger Hansson (Q66812830) Roger Hansson (Q941147) 27719241
383835 Magdalena Andersson Magdalena Andersson (Q108525426) Magdalena Andersson (Q4935873) 27654795
385383 Mats Nyström Mats Nyström (Q58479698) Mats Nyström (Q6020693) 27538260
387054 Per 1957-Andersson Per Andersson (Q18237286) Per-Gunnar Andersson (Q2069850) 27730756
388360 Katie Scott Katie Scott (Q74281113) Katie Scott (Q74284684) 27524370
390272 Marianne Montgomery Marianne Montgomery (Q109120764) M.R. Montgomery (Q6712260) 27704066
399263 François-Antoine Quétant François-Antoine Quétant (Q21535099) François Quet (Q55771190) 27551243
406270 Mauritz Samuelsson Mauritz Samuelson (Q55916481) Mauritz Samuelson (Q29246735) 27642883

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match

  • 790 items have more than one match in Mix'n'Match. Too many to show individually.

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
108101 Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Q684415)
Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Q2370801)
151342 Croatia (Q224)
Socialist Republic of Croatia (Q209062)
155099 Nepal (Q837)
Kingdom of Nepal (Q1078602)
169916 Jeremy Campbell (Q6181201)
Jeremy Campbell (Q87734902)
177191 Bob Bell (Q4931783)
Robert Bell (Q58416741)
178558 Anders Björklund (Q5577627)
Andreas Björklund (Q5577631)
183853 Dionysius the Areopagite (Q310686)
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (Q312816)
190410 Helgi Jónsson (Q9002441)
Helgi Jonsson (Q68482797)
190477 John Henderson (Q3181726)
John Henderson (Q19958065)
190609 Hendrik Herp (Q473002)
Heinrich von Keppel (Q94912645)
192162 Ulla Jacobsson (Q24842)
Ulla Jacobsson (Q52677515)
193253 Thomas Kelly (Q40207636)
Thomas Kelly (Q110040446)
203509 Åke Jönsson (Q5896194)
207620 David Haas (Q16192731)
David Edwin Haas (Q102076233)
207839 Jorge Luis Borges (Q909)
Honorio Bustos Domecq (Q2632474)
210162 Robert Andersson (Q5155044)
Robert Andersson (Q106247820)
210522 Johann Georg Reinhardt (Q15434375)
Andreas Reinhardt (Q84561439)
212806 Kent Andersson (Q12029161)
Kent Andersson (Q79838953)
227054 Gabriel Oxenstierna (Q6031735)
Gabriel Oxenstierna (Q6031741)
229998 Justin Lewis (Q6317833)
Roy Lewis (Q106627295)
235776 Michael Freeman (Q3308206)
Michael D. A. Freeman (Q104898555)
248381 Chen Jitong (Q700782)
Chen Qitong (Q72824275)
262772 Johann Wilhelm Frey (Q43279306)
Wilhelm Frey (Q94872512)
280530 Michael Sullivan (Q6834698)
Michael Sullivan (Q79502244)
280746 Duncan Bell (Q3041217)
Duncan Bell (Q60032601)
284951 Charles Richard Bone (Q47009531)
Clara Sandströmer (Q105729455)
287914 Stan Kelly-Bootle (Q7597725)
Anthony Kelly (Q21165234)
288274 Carl Frithiof Svedelius (Q24680756)
Carl Svedelius (Q58034313)
290801 Sara Larsson (Q19976931)
Sara Larsson (Q102329377)
313655 Bill Johnson (Q3366808)
William Johnson (Q48239313)
322444 David Morgan (Q3703268)
David Morgan (Q70430408)
324955 Globe Theatre (Q272434)
Shakespeare's Globe (Q7725501)
326448 Martin Smith (Q22336897)
Martin Smith (Q99478825)
336390 Poliziano (Q250414)
Johann Ingolstetter (Q87766212)
342131 James C. Miller III (Q1680114)
Jim Miller (Q16732609)
344259 Andreas Müller (Q499739)
Andreas Müller (Q65940311)
345759 P. R. Smith (Q1231376)
Paul Russell Smith (Q98834380)
353293 Ruth Moore (Q7383136)
Ruth E. Moore (Q87905783)
364410 Jonas Magnusson (Q16633249)
Jonas J. Magnusson (Q98834277)
365590 Roger Hansson (Q941147)
Roger Hansson (Q66812830)
385383 Mats Nyström (Q6020693)
Mats Nyström (Q58479698)
387054 Per-Gunnar Andersson (Q2069850)
Per Andersson (Q18237286)
390272 M.R. Montgomery (Q6712260)
Marianne Montgomery (Q109120764)
399263 François-Antoine Quétant (Q21535099)
François Quet (Q55771190)
406270 Mauritz Samuelson (Q29246735)
Mauritz Samuelson (Q55916481)