Wikidata:WikiProject Genealogy/numbers/ancestors/United States representatives

Number of ancestors of United States representatives in Wikidata (not including persons with zero ancestors):

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representative number of ancestors
Roger Sherman 2849
Artemas Ward 1
Daniel Carroll 6898
William Floyd 13
Josiah Smith 11
Jeremiah Van Rensselaer 2268
Paine Wingate 4213
Joseph Stanton 5
George Mathews 1
Theophilus Bradbury 3441
Jonathan Trumbull 21
Theodorick Bland 4306
Lambert Cadwalader 1910
John Page 4185
Jeremiah Wadsworth 8
Elbridge Gerry 12
Anthony Wayne 1
Jonathan Freeman 40
Timothy Pickering 4208
Theodore Sedgwick 30
Peter Muhlenberg 4
Michael J. Stone 11
Thomas Sprigg 1
John Baptista Ashe 1
Peleg Wadsworth 969
Walter Bowie 2
Thomas Claiborne 6371
Levi Lincoln 13
Philip Van Cortlandt 2270
John Watts Jr. 21
Philip Key 4146
Frederick Muhlenberg 4
John Smith 4973
Thomas Pinckney 2
James Madison 3659
Elijah Brigham 7
Gabriel Duvall 8
Benjamin Tallmadge 23
George Hancock 4029
Ebenezer Huntington 53
Nicholas Gilman 3610
Benjamin Bourne 1
John Marshall 4301
Sylvester Gilbert 44
Carter Bassett Harrison 4091
Henry Lee III 5450
Epaphroditus Champion 1
Jonathan Mason 676
Peleg Coffin, Jr. 42
Philip Barton Key 4028
Dwight Foster 1
Samuel Sewall 56
Nathaniel Macon 5
William Loughton Smith 1
Fisher Ames 12
James Davenport 2927
Thomas Dwight 9
Zephaniah Swift 14
Francis Malbone 1
Thomas Blount 2878
John Francis Mercer 1
Chauncey Goodrich 12
Bradbury Cilley 1
Samuel W. Dana 2
Jonathan Dayton 1
Lewis R. Morris 3429
Richard Bland Lee 5450
Wilson Cary Nicholas 3433
Elizur Goodrich 12
Samuel Dexter 1
Artemas Ward, Jr. 2
Daniel C. Verplanck 2135
Edward St. Loe Livermore 2
Roger Griswold 10
William Branch Giles 4028
Pierre Van Cortlandt, Jr. 2270
James Breckinridge 4541
Lewis B. Sturges 11
David Walker 5089
Barnabas Bidwell 1063
Benjamin Pickman, Jr. 3
Gurdon S. Mumford 6761
Burwell Bassett 8
John Noyes 40
Richard Stockton 1
Edward Livingston 2271
Francis Walker 3454
Uriel Holmes 1
Daniel Rodney 4324
Stephen Van Rensselaer 2298
Theodore Dwight 1010
William Johnston Dawson 4303
John Cotton Smith 8
Benjamin Ellicott 2809
Hezekiah L. Hosmer 1
Walter Folger, Jr. 24
Charles Marsh 2582
Charles Goldsborough 4353
Francis Preston 4536
William Hale 1
Harrison Gray Otis 26
Daniel Chipman 27
Ambrose Spencer 953
John Rutledge, Jr. 4
Timothy Pitkin 5339
Thomas Lowndes 1
Nathaniel Freeman, Jr. 41
Arthur Livermore 2
William Irving 4
Andrew Jackson 2
Elias Perkins 989
Samuel Dana 1098
John Quincy Adams 4126
James A. Bayard 1083
Henry W. Livingston 2286
Philip Jeremiah Schuyler 2287
Nathaniel Terry 63
Josiah Bartlett Jr. 1
Hugh Nelson 6013
Thomas Mann Randolph 5451
Samuel C. Crafts 1
Thomas Newton, Jr. 1
Joseph Desha 2752
George B. Upham 1
James Cochran 1
Cadwallader David Colden 4
Jonas Platt 1
James Pleasants 4297
Nicholas Van Dyke 1
David A. Ogden 3421
Joseph Kirkland 1033
Jacob Crowninshield 3
James M. Garnett 2
Lyman Law 1
Henry Middleton 6
Joseph Hopkinson 12
Thomas S. Kenan 1
Thomas Morris 2
George Clinton 4775
William Chetwood 2
Samuel Breck 1
Caesar Augustus Rodney 4324
Samuel Clesson Allen 15
Josiah Quincy III 5158
Samuel M. Hopkins 26
James Jones 10
Benjamin Williams Crowninshield 3
James Isaac Van Alen 16
William Henry Harrison 4091
Daniel Cady 3785
John Randolph of Roanoke 4322
Robert Williams 7
Peter Buell Porter 43
Charles Humphrey Atherton 5282
Charles Kellogg 18
Marmaduke Williams 2
John Stanly 1
Daniel D. Tompkins 2
John Ely 20
Littleton Waller Tazewell 4
William C. C. Claiborne 6372
Benjamin Gorham 3011
Cuthbert Powell 8
James M. Broom 2
Rensselaer Westerlo 2272
Stephen Longfellow 18
Ezekiel Bacon 1
William Baylies 975
William Drayton 1
John Claiborne 6372
Thomas Clayton 5
John G. Jackson 1
Nathaniel Claiborne 6372
Samuel Hoar 21
William Gaston 1
Thomas B. Robertson 19
Daniel Elliott Huger 1
Edward Lloyd 4146
Joseph Story 1
George Peter 6024
Nathan Appleton 3535
Henry W. Edwards 1007
Elisha Phelps 5
John Sergeant 10
Horace Binney 9
Henry Baldwin 12
Thomas Claiborne 6372
William Woodbridge 5274
Richard Mentor Johnson 2
Henry St. George Tucker, Sr. 5160
John W. Weeks 4208
James B. Spencer 1
John Reed, Jr. 1
Thomas H. Hubbard 970
Daniel Webster 2
William Lowndes 2
John C. Calhoun 4069
Eleazer Wheelock Ripley 925
Henry A. P. Muhlenberg 5
Joseph Halsey Crane 2
Charles Jared Ingersoll 2
Levi Lincoln, Jr. 14
Joseph Trumbull 22
George Strother 4369
Henry Alexander Scammell Dearborn 1
John Floyd 1
Philip Pendleton Barbour 4025
Leverett Saltonstall I 5472
Isaac Southard 1
Francis Baylies 975
Elisha Whittlesey 30
Augustin Smith Clayton 4621
William Grainger Blount 2879
Marcus Morton 19
Elisha Litchfield 4236
Gouverneur Kemble 2
Lewis Williams 7
George Gray Leiper 1
Alexander Contee Hanson 6
William R. King 2
Henry Marie Brackenridge 1
Joseph Reed Ingersoll 2
Gulian C. Verplanck 2137
Davy Crockett 1
William Appleton 3535
Richard W. Habersham 2
George Grennell, Jr. 24
John Davis 2166
Jonathan Hunt 6
John J. Crittenden 91
William H. Roane 1
John Alsop King 50
John C. Spencer 971
John Lee 7273
Seaborn Jones 4204
Daniel Breck 1
Henry W. Dwight 11
Jabez W. Huntington 54
Joseph Grinnell 3782
Ralph Isaacs Ingersoll 1
William Plumer, Jr. 1
Robert S. Garnett 2
George Corbin Washington 5337
Alfred Conkling 5
John Chaney 12
William Butler 1
John Tyler 14
Joseph L. Tillinghast 5
John S. Barbour 1
Walter Coles 1
Robert Desha 2
James Buchanan 7
James G. King 50
John Nelson 1
Michael Sprigg 3
Benjamin Chew Howard 11
William W. Ellsworth 3693
Abraham Bruyn Hasbrouck 1
James Carroll 23
Lemuel Hastings Arnold 1
Selah B. Strong 6088
Frederick A. Tallmadge 40
Abbott Lawrence 1
Edward B. Jackson 1
William Cabell Rives 3
Robert Emmett Bledsoe Baylor 5006
Thomas Alexander Marshall 4303
Edward Everett 5
Charles H. Carroll 6903
Harmar Denny 1
Robert P. Dunlap 2
Henry L. Pinckney 1
William Whiting Boardman 2602
Ogden Hoffman 1
Francis Swaine Muhlenberg 5
James K. Polk 4
Archibald Stuart 5154
James I. Roosevelt 41
Richard Dobbs Spaight 1
John Nevett Steele 3
Richard Biddle 3
John G. Palfrey 1098
Humphrey H. Leavitt 37
William A. Whittlesey 52
John Fairfield 4184
Gerrit Smith 2262
James Wilson 1
John M. Patton 1896
Littleton Kirkpatrick 1088
Samuel Atkins Eliot 5865
Rufus Paine Spalding 4201
William Soden Hastings 1
James Murray Mason 4426
Chester W. Chapin 32
Aaron Vanderpoel 1
James Monroe 13
Millard Fillmore 78
Francis Strother Lyon 4592
Edgar C. Wilson 1
Frederick William Lord 1616
Robert Rhett 5
George Perkins Marsh 4598
Nathaniel B. Borden 16
Thomas Francis Marshall 5324
John Otis 25
Robert Dale Owen 7230
James Sprigg 3
Thomas Walker Gilmer 3457
Charles S. Morehead 27
Willoughby Newton 4303
Edward Dickinson 70
William J. Bacon 2
Moses Hicks Grinnell 3782
Joseph Fitz Randolph 1046
George B. Rodney 4325
Richard Kidder Meade 4623
Oakes Ames 2
Elisha Hunt Allen 16
Origen S. Seymour 3
Charles G. Atherton 6251
Francis B. Cutting 2287
John Patterson Bryan Maxwell 1
John Scott Harrison 4101
Franklin Pierce 2595
David Dudley Field II 901
Robert A. Thompson 4613
William Duer 2
John Cadwalader 3906
Francis Wilkinson Pickens 4072
Henry J. Seaman 14
Julius Rockwell 35
Rutger B. Miller 1
Samuel H. Walley 5128
William E. Dodge 4951
William Ballard Preston 4537
George C. Woodruff 1
William Aiken 1
John G. Floyd 18
Daniel Moreau Barringer 1
William P. Fessenden 1
Henry A. Wise 30
John Van Dyke 2
Thomas R. Whitney 6
John Wesley Crockett 2
Charles Francis Adams, Sr. 4130
Francis Mallory 3259
William Henry Stiles 2
Alexander Keith Marshall 5324
Thomas D. Eliot 3359
Thomas Marshall Howe 17
Jefferson Davis 2
Brutus J. Clay 1
Jacob Broom 3
Hamilton Fish 2338
Charles Benedict Calvert 12945
Andrew Johnson 4
Cornelius Darragh 1
Thomas Swann 5454
Abraham Lincoln 62
John Francis Hamtramck Claiborne 6373
Robert Charles Winthrop 7064
Hannibal Hamlin 19
Robert C. Schenck 1
Warren Winslow 3606
John J. Hardin 1
Edward Stanly 2
Henry Bell Van Rensselaer 2301
Philip Francis Thomas 1
Joseph Lanier Williams 9
Henry B. Payne 3959
Horace Greeley 29
George W. Scranton 2
Henry Myer Phillips 3
James F. Strother 4370
Milo Melankthon Dimmick 13
Humphrey Marshall 4304
John Trimble 3
William P. Cutler 27
Percy Walker 4
Bannon Goforth Thibodeaux 1
Alfred Peck Edgerton 4879
Benjamin Thomas 2
Stephen A. Douglas 3028
Israel Washburn 23
Milledge Luke Bonham 16
Robert Ward Johnson 1
John S. Phelps 6
John Appleton 3559
Samuel C. Fessenden 1
John Thomson Mason, Jr. 4427
William Hawkins Polk 4
James Seddon 4688
William Michael Cocke 4210
Howell Cobb 4990
Garnett Adrain 1
William Harrison Dimmick 13
John Martin Broomall 7
Edward Carrington Cabell 4
Ebenezer R. Hoar 3042
James Bishop 1
Frederick Augustus Conkling 6
Elihu B. Washburne 23
Aylett Hawes Buckner 4584
Andrew Gregg Curtin 4
James Brown Clay 3
William Collins 4701
Cadwallader C. Washburn 23
Frederick E. Woodbridge 5266
William Henry Barnum 5
Benjamin Franklin Butler 1902
Edmund Rice 6
Colin M. Ingersoll 4
Jeremiah W. Dwight 13
Charles John Biddle 4
William A. Wheeler 2
Thomas A. Hendricks 3
Dudley Chase Denison 996
James Jackson 4592
Frederick Stone 13
William Paine Sheffield, Sr. 2861
Guy M. Bryan 8
John C. Breckinridge 4549
Francis Preston Blair 4548
Stephen Taber 1
Rowland Ebenezer Trowbridge 942
Edward C. Marshall 4537
Stephen Wright Kellogg 22
Jonathan T. Updegraff 2
Galusha A. Grow 937
Rutherford B. Hayes 1538
John Augustus Griswold 2
Schuyler Colfax 2
John Sherman 62
Henry Augustus Muhlenberg 6
Robert F. Ligon 4034
John Randolph Tucker 5164
Joseph C. McKibbin 1
Levi P. Morton 29
Lucas M. Miller 1
Samuel S. Cox 2
Carter Harrison 4874
Clarkson Nott Potter 13
George H. Pendleton 1
Henry Lillie Pierce 3618
Lucius Q. C. Lamar 12
T. A. D. Fessenden 1
Stephen Sanford 1
Green Clay Smith 3
George Frisbie Hoar 3042
John Winthrop Chanler 6239
Thomas H. Herndon 1
William Lawrence Scott 2816
Augustus Brandegee 17
George Eustis, Jr. 1
Robert Roosevelt 45
Roscoe Conkling 6
John Mercer Langston 3271
William W. Crapo 79
John Logan Chipman 29
Barnes Compton 4149
William D. Washburn 23
Horace Davis 4621
Robert Stockton Green 5302
James A. Garfield 90
Edward Woodruff Seymour 6
Randall L. Gibson 4720
Theodore Lyman 4259
William Peters Hepburn 31
Thaddeus C. Pound 72
Eugene McLanahan Wilson 2
Alfred Moore Waddell 15
Adlai Stevenson I 2
Lewis C. Carpenter 11
Joseph Wheeler 3412
John Mason Martin 1
William Henry Fitzhugh Lee 14433
William Campbell Preston Breckinridge 4545
Rufus Dawes 746
Joseph A. Scranton 3
Benjamin F. Funk 1
Andrew Grant Chapman 1
Thomas E. Noell 1
William Walter Phelps 28
William Everett 6
Norton Prentiss Otis 22
Edward H. Gillette 1377
Nelson Aldrich 8
William F. Draper 1097
Joseph Chappell Hutcheson 2
William H. Wiley 2
John W. Daniel 5
John L. Mitchell 1
William McKinley 4
Charles Phelps Taft 4953
Francis W. Rockwell 993
Charles Frederick Crisp 2
Isidor Straus 4
John Buchanan Robinson 2
David Gardiner Tyler 27
James Wolcott Wadsworth 1768
Clifton R. Breckinridge 4553
John Sergeant Wise 32
Joseph Pulitzer 1
Bellamy Storer 1
Connally Findlay Trigg 7023
John Ambler Smith 13
Francis B. Posey 1
Charles H. Martin 8
Stephen Mallory II 1
Edward Burnett 1
Hamilton Fish II 2452
Champ Clark 15
Henry Cabot Lodge 1398
Joseph H. Acklen 1075
John L. Wilson 1
John Sanford 2
Perry Belmont 60
John Kean 2371
Henry St. George Tucker III 5165
Peter A. Porter 4592
Robert M. La Follette 1
James S. Sherman 6049
Rockwood Hoar 3043
Henry Sherman Boutell 3258
William Gay Brown, Jr. 1
Henry De Lamar Clayton, Jr. 1
William Paine Sheffield, Jr. 2862
John A. Thayer 1
Mahlon Pitney 49
William C. Redfield 2129
Oliver Belmont 60
Charles August Lindbergh 2
Howard Mutchler 1
John Wilbur Dwight 14
Arthur Laban Bates 1
Charles Curtis 73
William Jennings Bryan 1
John Wingate Weeks 4210
Sherman Hoar 3043
William Gordon Brantley 1
Richard Yates 1
Oscar Underwood 2
John Francis Fitzgerald 8
William Randolph Hearst 4
Alanson Bigelow Houghton 18
William Kent 11
Frank B. Brandegee 18
Charles Robert Connell 1
Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright 2303
George Washington Lindsay 1
Henry D. Flood 19
Augustus Peabody Gardner 7161
George B. McClellan, Jr. 1025
Rufus King Polk 5
William Wirt Hastings 6
Augustus Owsley Stanley 5663
William A. Chanler 6466
Carlos Bee 3
James F. Strother 4372
Charles Aubrey Eaton 2877
John Nance Garner 2
Frank H. Funk 2
Nicholas Longworth 4
Harry Bartow Hawes 2
Beman Gates Dawes 747
Henry Riggs Rathbone 2
James W. Husted 1
James Middleton Cox 9
Richmond Pearson Hobson 12
Daniel Read Anthony, Jr. 3866
C. Bascom Slemp 1
Charles R. Crisp 3
Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole 22
Butler Ames 1919
John William Davis 1
Francis Burton Harrison 6494
Parker Corning 4
William B. Bankhead 1
Robert Charles Wickliffe 2
Morris Sheppard 1
Joseph Medill McCormick 3
James Wolcott Wadsworth, Jr. 1784
Carl Hayden 2
Alben W. Barkley 2
Clifton N. McArthur 4
Peter G. Gerry 2286
George F. Brumm 1
Ruth Hanna McCormick 1
Nan Wood Honeyman 2
James Robert Claiborne 6374
John B. Johnston 2
Stephen A. Day 4242
Herbert Pell 6678
Richard Steere Aldrich 2091
Robert L. Bacon 1102
Martin L. Davey 1
Ogden L. Mills 2287
James Coats Auchincloss 7070
Frances Payne Bolton 3963
Ruth Bryan Owen 3
Absalom Willis Robertson 3358
Frank H. Buck 2
Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg 14
Katherine G. Langley 1
Ralph Owen Brewster 935
Hamilton Fish III 2455
William Y. Humphreys 1
Joseph Weldon Bailey, Jr. 1
Robert Kean 6719
Lewis Williams Douglas 2
Katharine Price Collier St. George 6759
Joel West Flood 19
Christian Herter 2113
John F. Dockweiler 4
William H. Harrison 4111
Joseph C. Baldwin 2
Margaret Chase Smith 74
Frederic René Coudert 2
John Crain Kunkel 30
Emily Taft Douglas 7
Martin Dies, Jr. 2
Helen Gahagan Douglas 1
Thomas Pelly 28
Clare Boothe Luce 2
Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr. 2
Howard Homan Buffett 28
John Davis Lodge 5071
Burr Harrison 1
J. William Fulbright 1
Thomas H. Eliot 6229
James Roosevelt 10278
Albert Arnold Gore 30
Lyndon B. Johnson 13
Albin Walter Norblad Jr. 1
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. 1
Lyle Boren 6900
Millicent Fenwick 1121
Will Rogers, Jr. 1
Richard Nixon 1991
Gerald Ford 3532
John B. Breckinridge 4547
Thomas Hale Boggs, Sr. 5226
Jonathan Brewster Bingham 4330
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr. 10278
Alphonzo E. Bell, Jr. 3
John Lesinski, Jr. 1
Peter Frelinghuysen, Jr. 4
Lindy Boggs 6399
James M. Collins 2
Richard Walker Bolling 2693
Oliver P. Bolton 3965
Robert Taft, Jr. 6150
James Kee 2
William H. Bates 1
John F. Kennedy 34
William Scranton 963
Stewart Udall 4011
George Huddleston, Jr. 1
David E. Satterfield III 1
Stuyvesant Wainwright 5371
Barbara Farrell Vucanovich 1
Mo Udall 8
Clarence Clifton Young 2
Charles Diggs 1
Daniel Brewster 3831
George H. W. Bush 6670
M. Caldwell Butler 3
Hamilton Fish IV 2458
John Dingell, Jr. 1
Amo Houghton 20
John Glenn Beall Jr. 1
James W. Symington 6654
Manuel Lujan 1
Guy Victor Molinari 1
Helen Stevenson Meyner 1
Goodloe Byron 1
Donald Rumsfeld 1
Jim Jeffords 1
John V. Tunney 2
Pierre Samuel du Pont IV 18
Pat Roberts 1
John McCain 58
John Heinz 6
Liz J. Patterson 1
Nancy Pelosi 6
Connie Mack III 5
Dick Cheney 3473
Lucille Roybal-Allard 1
Bernie Sanders 6
Max Baucus 1
Tony P. Hall 1
Jon Kyl 1
Walter B. Jones 1
Bob Livingston 2291
Ben Cardin 1
Peter King 1
Chris Dodd 1
Charlie Gonzalez 1
Rodney Frelinghuysen 5
Dan Quayle 72
Judd Gregg 1
Bill Richardson 4368
Al Gore 38
Tom Udall 4012
Tom Cole 1
Ron Wyden 1
John Shadegg 1
Roy Blunt 1
Mark Udall 9
Michael C. Burgess 924
Harley O. Staggers, Jr. 1
George Allen 1
John Kasich 2
Joseph P. Kennedy II 38
Fred Upton 5735
Deborah Dingell 2
Shelley Moore Capito 2
Carl C. Perkins 1
Lincoln Diaz-Balart 2
Pete Sessions 1
Jack Kingston 2245
Lindsey Graham 1
William Lacy Clay 1
Bob Ehrlich 1
Susan Molinari 2
Rick Santorum 1
Russ Carnahan 1
Chris Van Hollen 4684
Mike Pence 2
Ben Chandler 2
Teresa Leger Fernandez 1
Jim Matheson 2
Andy Levin 1
Bill Shuster 1
John Sarbanes 1
Jim Hagedorn 1
Jamie Raskin 1
Gwen Graham 1787
Gus Bilirakis 1
Keith Ellison 1
John E. Sununu 1
Jesse Jackson Jr. 1
Dan Lipinski 1
Elizabeth Cheney 3477
Jason Chaffetz 1
Patrick J. Kennedy 38
Connie Mack IV 6
Darin LaHood 1
Jimmy Panetta 1
Harold Ford, Jr. 1
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin 3
Bobby Jindal 1
Ben R. Luján 1
Beto O'Rourke 2
Dan Boren 6904
Joaquín Castro 1
Jared Polis 2
Grace Meng 1
Ben Quayle 74
Duncan D. Hunter 1
Joe Kennedy III 1058
Tulsi Gabbard 2
Matt Gaetz 1
Joe Cunningham 1
Ilhan Omar 1
Peter Meijer 3
Sara Jacobs 1
End of automatically generated list.