September 30, 2024


For the record, Horsford has not graduated from UNR

Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford, D-North Las Vegas

Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford, D-North Las Vegas

State Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford, D-North Las Vegas, often credits education as his pathway out of a turbulent youth.

He was shuttled from school to school as a child. His mother was addicted to drugs. His father was killed in a drug incident.

He worked during college to help support his younger siblings.

Although Horsford sees a college degree as a way out of a violent life, he has so far fallen short of obtaining his. Yet he’s done little to dispel the appearance that he is a graduate of UNR.

When asked directly, he acknowledges he attended the university and hasn’t earned a degree. He’s still working to earn his final credits.

Horsford’s campaign website and his biography on the legislative website do not credit him with a bachelor’s degree.

But a number of stories in Reno and Las Vegas newspapers about his life and his campaigns incorrectly state he has his bachelor’s degree in political science and communications.

A biography on the Nevada Senate Democratic Caucus website also said he “graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno with a degree in Political Science and Communications.”

Horsford admitted he didn’t seek to clear up the record about his education.

“I have been very careful to be clear that I attended the university,” he said. “If I had to correct every report that was out there, I would spend most of my time making those corrections. But I have always tried to be extremely careful and sensitive to the fact I attended the university, but did not earn all the credits I needed to graduate.”

As for the bio on his caucus’ website, Horsford said he doubts he “even reviewed it or put it together.” He said he would correct the information. His staff had taken down the site a day after an interview with the Las Vegas Sun.