Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

Results for Templat:Sastra Kurdi (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 54
Abdulla Goran (create)
Abdulla Pashew (create)
Ahmad Hardi (create)
Ahmad Khani (create)
Ali Taramakhi (create)
Almas Khan-e Kanoule'ei (create)
Bachtyar Ali (create)
Celadet Bedir Khan (create)
Cigerxwîn (create)
Dildar (penyair) (create)
Edeb (create)
Eli Herîrî (create)
Emînê Evdal (create)
Erebê Şemo (create)
Faqi Tayran (create)
Faryad Shiri (create)
Firat Cewerî (create)
Haji Qadirê Koyî (create)
Hejar (create)
Hemin Mukriyani (create)
Herîq (create)
Ibrahim Ahmad (create)
Jamal Nebez (create)
Khana Qubadi (create)
Khâlid-i Baghdâdî (create)
Latif Halmat (create)
Mahabad Qaradaghi (create)
Mahwi (create)
Mala Pareshan (create)
Malaye Jaziri (create)
Mastoureh Ardalan (create)
Mawlawi Tawagozi (create)
Mehmed Uzun (create)
Mehmûd Bayazîdî (create)
Mela Hesenê Bateyî (create)
Mishefa Resh (create)
Mustafa Besarani (create)
Nalî (create)
Nari Mela Kake Heme (create)
Osman Sabri (create)
Pîremêrd (create)
Qanate Kurdo (create)
Qani (create)
Qedrîcan (create)
Rafiq Sabir (create)
Riza Talabani (create)
Salim (penyair Kurdi) (create)
Saranjâm (create)
Sastra Kurdi (create)
Sherko Bekas (create)
Sheyda Hewramí (create)
Suwara Ilkhanizada (create)
Wali Dewane (create)
Wefayî (create)


Complete report...

Generated: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 04:20:17 UTC. Duration: 0 seconds.

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