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Curved Panels

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Figure 1: Curved Panel Side View
Figure 1a:

The expression for the finite force applied to a finite unit length of a curved panel is . However, to analyze the curved panel with respects to an x and y component, we can make use of the fact that to render the equation:

For and we can implement the polar coordinate transformations:

(remembering that we are in the yz plane)

Figure 1b: Example of a thin walled curved panel

and hence:

Integrate to find the total force

For our application we can solve for the magnitude of the force finally arriving to the equation:

Closed Thin Walled Cross Sections

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Figure 2: Force Breakdown of dF
Figure 2: Closed Thin Wall Section

We can relate our resultant force, , with the torque, by:

by letting be the perpendicular distance from the point of reference to the corresponding finite force, and by remembering that , we can conclude:

Torsion of Uniform, circular Bars

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Figure 3: In class example of Torsion using a thin, flexible sheet. In class this sheet was a piece of paper
Figure 3b:

It is first important to define the rate of twist as:


Also, the second polar area moment of Inertia is defined as:

To start, our equation for torque is:

By substituting in that and we get:

Torsion of Uniform, Non-circular Bars

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Torsion of uniform, non-circular bars typically leads to an occurrence of warping of the cross section. Warping is when a point in the cross section under torsion, subject to deformation, will undergo a axial displacement along the length of bar. A simple example of warping is rolling up a sheet of paper then applying a torque - the rolled sheet will noticeably elongate along its axis.

Figure 4 below shows a typical depiction of displacement in a cross section view of a non-circular bar in torsion.

Figure 4: Displacement due to torsion in non-circular bars

As can be seen above, the displacement vector, is perpindicular to the original position vector, . This method of describing the displacement vector is chosen because with the assumption that is small the y and z components of the displacement vector can easily be calculated. Figure 4a below shows the y and z components of displacement for the case .

Figure 4a: and components of displacement.

By applying basic trigonometry to the figure above, and can be solved for in terms of :

If the assumption that is made, then and . These equations then become:

For the general case as shown in figure 4, R becomes the initial distance OP and the y-component of the displacement of point P can be expressed as

Similarly the z-component of the displacement of point P is

Recalling the definition of

Generalizing for all points:

(Eq. 1)
(Eq. 2)

For warping displacement in the axial direction (i.e. x-direction) it can be shown that

(Eq. 3)

Road Map for Analysis of Wing Torsion of a Multicell Section

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Figure 5: Airfoil Cross Section; Multicell Example
  1. Kinematic Assumptions (Equations (1), (2) and (3) above) [Sun, Sec. 3.2]
  2. Strain Displacement Relationship [Sun, Sec. 3.2]
  3. Equilibrium Equation for Stresses [Sun, Ch. 2 , Sec. 3.2]
  4. Prandtl Stress Function [Sun, Sec. 3.2, Eqn. 3.15]
  5. Strain Compatibility Equation [Sun, Sec. 3.2, Eqn. 3.17]
  6. Equation for [Sun, Sec. 3.2, Eqn. 3.19]
  7. Boundary Conditions for [Sun, Sec. 3.2, Eqn. 3.24]
  8. Calculation of Torque
[Sun, Sec. 3.2, Eqn. 3.25]
9. Formal Derivation of Torque and Shear Flow Relationship
[Sun, Sec. 3.5, Eqn. 3.48]
10. Calculation of Twist Angle
[Sun, Sec. 3.5, Eqn. 3.56]
11. Solution of Multicell Thin-walled Sections [Sun, Sec. 3.6]

Use of "RoadMap" to Solve a Single Cell Section Airfoil

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We can simplify the analysis of a complex, multi-cell airfoil by looking at a semi-circle attached to a triangle.

Figure 6: Area of Triangle

Average Area ()

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To find we simply look at the area of each shape sepratly.

Shear flow ()

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Remembering our derived equation for Torque, , we can solve for the shear flow:

Twist angle ()

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Our twist angle equation is:

However when looking at each segment of the wall, we have 3 separate sections with constant thickness, so the integral portion becomes a sum:

Proof of Triangle Area Formula

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The area of a triangle is given as:

To prove this equation, the area of triangle CDE is subtracted from the area of triangle BDE. Notice that area of a right triangle is exactly half the area of a square whose sides are equal to the legs of the triangle. Thus:


Subtracting the areas to solve for the triangle of interest:

Second Polar Area Moment of Inertia for a Circle

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The definition of the Second Polar Area Moment of Inertia is given as:

For a circle of radius a, the second polar moment of inertia can be solved via a double integral as

Second Polar Moment of Inertia of a Thin-walled Cylinder

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Figure 8: Cylinder with inner radius a, and outer radius b

For a thin-walled cylinder of inner radius and outer radius the average radius can be given as:

The square of the average radius is:

If the assumption is made that the wall is thin such that thickness, , is much less than a or b, then

Then,the second polar area moment of inertia for the thin-walled section can be given as

Expanding the last term provides

Recalling the definitions for , and from above

Comparison of a solid, circular cross-section to a hollow, thin-walled, circular cross-section

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Figure 9: Given Problem Schematic for solid and hollow circular cross sections

A solid, circular cross-section has radius . A hollow, thin-walled, circular cross-section has inner radius and thickness .

a) compute and

b) compute and

c) compare

d) find radius of thin-walled section with thickness such that and compare


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To determine the proper , set the second polar area moment of inertia equations for a thin-walled section and a solid section equal to one another and solve for the unkonwn:


To compare areas, calculate the area and compare to determined above.

Comparing the two areas,

Analysis of Multi-Cell Sections

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It is important to understand how to analyze a multi-cell section because of their widespread use in common structures such as wings. We can apply what we already know about a single cells to our analysis of multi-cells by simply adding or integrating all of the single cell sections.

If we look at the torque generated by the single cell, we get the formula:

To apply this equation to a multi-cell structure, we simply add all of the cells. Given that is the number of cells:

As for the rate of twist, , since the structure is a rigid body, such that the rate of twist attributed to the cell is:

NACA Airfoil Matlab Project

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The purpose of this project is to form the basis for future structural analysis of thin walled bodies, with emphasis on airfoils. The code should be able to plot the body, determine the average area (Ā), and find the location of the centroid. These values are found through splitting the perimeter of the bodies into small discrete segments and then using properties of the cross product to determine the area from a point in space and a quadrature to determine the centroid.

Contributing Members

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The following Team Aero members contributed to this report.

Jared Lee --Eas4200c.f08.aero.lee 03:06, 1 October 2008 (UTC)

Ray Strods --Eas4200c.f08.aero.strods 03:53, 7 October 2008 (UTC)

Oliver Oyama --Eas4200c.fo8.aero.oyama 17:14, 7 October 2008 (UTC)

William Kurth --Eas4200c.f08.aero.kurth 11:53, 8 October 2008 (UTC)

Gonzalo Barcia --Eas4200c.f08.aero.barcia 12:30, 8 October 2008 (UTC)