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EGM6321 - Principles of Engineering Analysis 1, Fall 2010

Mtg 13: Tue, 21 Sept10

Application (Engineering): Motion of particle (e.g.,rocket) in air

Where , normal = magnitude

mass of the particle

acceleration of gravity

HW 1) Derive equation of motion





Where Eq.(1) and Eq.(2) are a system of coupled N1_ODEs = SC_N1_ODE (numerical methods)

2) Particular case  : verify is parabola

3) Consider ,



3.1) Find for


Is Eq.(1) "exact" (= either exact or can be made exact by integrating factor method) (IFM) END HW

Application (Engineering): Control Engineering - Linear System:
1) Time invariant
2) Time variant:


Where is a nx1 matrix,
is a nxn matrix,
is a nx1 matrix,
is a nxm matrix,
is a mx1 matrix

Time invariant constant

Eq.(2)P.13-2 : SC_L1_ODEs

EXAMPLE Application (Engineering)

HW 1) Derive



2) Write Eq.(1) and Eq.(2) in form of Eq.(2)P.13-2

Where is a 4x1 matrix


Where is a 4x4 matrix
is a 4x2 matrix
is a 2x1 matrix END HW
