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EGM6321 - Principles of Engineering Analysis 1, Fall 2010

Mtg 45: Fri, 3 Dec10

Difference Eq.(1)p.44-5 :




Legendre differential equation Eq.(1)p.5-4 and Eq.(1)p.24-1

Gauss-Legendre (GL) quadrature

Important application, e.g. Finite Element

The word quadrature comes from quadrilateral (note use of quad in both words).

Greeks: measure areas, where Area equals sum of quadrilaterals

The word cubature comes from the word cube:

Volume is equal to the sum of cubes



with being roots of for Where the sub n is defined as degree "n"






Example: (2 integration points)

Eq.(4)p.36-2 :

Eq.(5)p.36-2 :

HW8.2 . More generally, verify the table for Gauss Legendre quadrature in wikipedia. Analyze expression for and , and ater verifying the expression for ,with . See Fall 2009 HW. pg.35-2 and HW7.9 P41-2 . Evaluate and and compare results. END HW8.2

NIST Handbook

Gaussian quadrature

Number of points, n Points, xi Weights, wi
1 0 2
2 1
3 0 89
5 0 128225

HW8.4 Back to HW7.4 P38-5. Complete the first three non-zero coefficients using Gauss Legendre quadrature up to within 5% accuracy. END HW8.4

see Fall 2009 P34-2

Question: How does Gauss Legendre quadrature compare to other quadratures, e.g. trapezoidal rule?

Answer: Look at Eq.(5) P45-2.

Consider (set of polynomials of degree less than or equal )

i.e. can integrate exactly any polynomial of degree les than or equal to using only n integration points (almost half)


Trapezoidal Rule (more details in EGM6341)

Where n=number of trapezoidal panels

Trapezoidal rule can only integrate exactly a straight line. Also as ( ), even for a simple polynomial of degree 2 (parabola)
