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EGM6321 - Principles of Engineering Analysis 1, Fall 2010

Mtg 29: Tue, 26 Oct10

HW5.5 p.28-3 : continued

2.8) Now solve L2_ODE_CC with Gaussian distribution

Coefficients:  : Find these such that L2_ODE_CC Eq.(2)p.27-2 accept as characteristic equation:


2.8.2) END HW5.5

Variation of Parameters: (continued)

Instead of doing the homogeneous ( F09 and King ) cases Eq.(1)p.28-4 , Let's consider directly the non-homogeneous case, then recover the homogeneous as a particular case. So consider:

Given: homogeneous solution

Find: 2nd homogeneous solution

particular solution



Where is unknown and is known

Add the following equations:

, where

After summing: L2_ODE_VC with missing dependeant variable

Where , thus is a homogeneous solution.

Order reduction method  :

Where and

Solve for given by Eq.(6)p.10-3 with given by Eq.(1)p.10-3 .

Eq.(1)p.10-3 :

Where Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "http://localhost:6011/en.wikiversity.org/v1/":): {\displaystyle \left [ \int_{}^{} \left \{ a_1(x)\frac{2u_1'(x)}{u_1(x)} \right \}\,dx \right ] = \int_{}^{} a_1(x)\,dx+2 \log {u_1(x)} \ } and


From Eq.(6)p.10-3: , where and

From Eq.(1)p.29-2:


Where Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "http://localhost:6011/en.wikiversity.org/v1/":): {\displaystyle u_1(x) \int_{}^{} \frac{1}{h(x)})\, dx=u_2(x) \ }
