Cutter of Coleman-street/Act 5 Scene 8

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4547368Cutter of Coleman-street — Act 5: Scene 8Abraham Cowley

Scene 8.

Enter Ralph (as John) and two or three Servants.

1. Serv.Ah Rogue, art thou come at last?

2. Serv.Why, you'l not look upon your Old friends! give me your Golls, John.

Ral.Thank ye all heartily for your Love; thank you with all my Heart; my old Bed-fellow, Robin, and how does little Ginny do?

3. Serv.A murren take you, you'l ne're leave your Waggery.

Pun.A murren take ye all, I shall be paid the Portion here with a witness.

Ral.And how does Ralph? good honest Ralph; there is not an honester Fellow in Christendome, though I say't my self, that should not say't.

2. Serv.Ha, ha, ha! Why Ralph the Rogue's well still; Come let's go to him into the Buttery, he'l be Over-joy'd to see thee, and give us a Cup o' the best Stingo there.

Ral.Well said; Steel to the back still Robin; that was your word you know; my Masters coming in! go, go, I'l follow you.

1 Serv.Make haste, good John.

Ral.Here's a Company of as honest Fellow-servants; I'm glad, I'm come among 'em agen.

Wor.And would I were got out from 'em, as honest as they are; that Robin has a thrashing hand.

Pun.John with a Pox to him! would I were hid like a Maggot in a Pescod.