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Romeo + Juliet

From Wikiquote

Romeo and Juliet is the name of two films, one directed by Franco Zefferelli and the other by Baz Luhrmann and is based on the Renaissance novel by William Shakespeare. It is the story of two lovers on opposite sides in a civil conflict in Verona, Italy.

Romeo Montague

  • Why then, O brawling love, O loving hate. O any thing of nothing first create. O heavy lightness, serious vanity. Mis-shaped chaos of well seeming forms.
  • (to Tybalt after Mercutio's death) Either thou, or I, or both must go with him!!
  • But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks. It is the east and Juliet is the sun.
  • (after hearing about Juliet's death'") Then I defy you, stars!
  • 'Tis I never saw true beauty 'till this night.
  • A dateless bargain to engrossing death.
  • Tempt not a desperate man!
  • (last words) Thus with a kiss, I die.


  • Romeo, O Romeo, where for art thou Romeo.
  • for what is in a name? it is not hand or foot. . . or any other part belonging to a man
  • I long to die!


  • Peace? i hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montagues... and thee.
  • Thou art a villian.


  • two households both alike in dignity in Fair Verona where we lay our scene ancient grudge breaks new mutany where civil blood makes civil hands unclean form forth the fatal loins of these two foes a pair of star crossed lovers take thier lives.
  • For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo.