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Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2016-01-13/In the media

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In the media

War and peace; WMF board changes; Arabic and Hebrew Wikipedias

It's chaos, apparently.

The Pacific Standard reports on a study published by Simon DeDeo (Indiana University) last month, looking at conflict in Wikipedia:

DeDeo says he "wanted to understand the structure of conflict and its resolutions – what conflicts look like, what starts them, and what ends them", based on the patterns of constructive changes and reverts to 60 frequently edited pages – entries on global warming, Hillary Clinton, Michael Jackson and an unspecified boy band.

DeDeo had three hypotheses on what might affect these patterns: "administrator lockdowns, users with a history of stirring up trouble, and news coverage related to a Wiki page". He was only able to find a weak correlation with news coverage of a Wikipedia page.

In the end, DeDeo seems to have remained mystified by it all:

(Jan. 7) AK