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User:Goorgle/Books/Chess Openings Wiki 101

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Chess Openings Wiki 101

Chess Openings Wiki 101

Chess opening
e4 Openings
King's Pawn Game
Open Game
Semi-Open Game
e4 Openings – King's Knight Openings
Blackburne Shilling Gambit
Damiano Defence
Elephant Gambit
Evans Gambit
Four Knights Game
Fried Liver Attack
Giuoco Piano
Greco Defence
Gunderam Defense
Halloween Gambit
Hungarian Defense
Inverted Hungarian Opening
Irish Gambit
Italian Gambit
Italian Game
Jerome Gambit
King's Knight Opening
Konstantinopolsky Opening
Latvian Gambit
Petrov's Defence
Philidor Defence
Ponziani Opening
Rousseau Gambit
Ruy Lopez
Ruy Lopez, Exchange Variation
Scotch Game
Three Knights Opening
Two Knights Defense
e4 Openings – Sicilian Defence
Chekhover Sicilian
Sicilian Defence
Sicilian Defence, Accelerated Dragon
Sicilian Defence, Alapin Variation
Sicilian Defence, Dragon Variation
Sicilian Defence, Najdorf Variation
Sicilian Defence, Scheveningen Variation
Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav attack, 9.Bc4
Smith-Morra Gambit
Wing Gambit
e4 Openings – Other variations
Alapin's Opening
Alekhine's Defence
Balogh Defense
Bishop's Opening
Caro-Kann Defence
Center Game
Danish Gambit
Falkbeer Countergambit
Fischer Defense
Frankenstein-Dracula Variation
French Defence
King's Gambit
Lopez Opening
Modern Defense
Monkey's Bum
Napoleon Opening
Nimzowitsch Defence
Owen's Defence
Parham Attack
Pirc Defence
Pirc Defence, Austrian Attack
Portuguese Opening
Rice Gambit
Scandinavian Defense
St. George Defence
Vienna Game
d4 Openings
Closed Game
Queen's Pawn Game
Semi-Closed Game
d4 Openings – Queen's Gambit Openings
Albin Countergambit
Baltic Defense
Cambridge Springs Defense
Chigorin Defense
Marshall Defense
Queen's Gambit
Queen's Gambit Accepted
Queen's Gambit Declined
Semi-Slav Defense
Slav Defense
Symmetrical Defense
Tarrasch Defense
d4 Openings – Indian Defence
Black Knights' Tango
Bogo-Indian Defence
Budapest Gambit
East Indian Defence
Grünfeld Defence
Grünfeld Defence, Nadanian Variation
Indian Defence
King's Indian Defence
King's Indian Defence, Four Pawns Attack
Neo-Indian Attack
Nimzo-Indian Defence
Old Indian Defense
Queen's Indian Defense
Torre Attack
Trompowsky Attack
d4 Openings – Other variations
Alapin-Diemer Gambit
Benko Gambit
Benoni Defense
Blackmar-Diemer Gambit
Blumenfeld Gambit
Catalan Opening
Diemer-Duhm Gambit
Dutch Defence
English Defence
Englund Gambit
Keres Defence
London System
Polish Defense
Queen's Knight Defense
Richter-Veresov Attack
Staunton Gambit
Wade Defence
Flank openings
Benko's Opening
Bird's Opening
English Opening
Flank opening
Larsen's Opening
Réti Opening
Zukertort Opening
Irregular Openings
Amar Opening
Anderssen's Opening
Barnes Opening
Clemenz Opening
Desprez Opening
Dunst Opening
Durkin Opening
Grob's Attack
Irregular chess opening
Mieses Opening
Saragossa Opening
Sokolsky Opening
Van 't Kruijs Opening
Ware Opening
Adjournment (games)
Albin Countergambit, Lasker Trap
Albino (chess)
Alekhine's gun
Algebraic notation (chess)
Artificial castling
Babson task
Back-rank checkmate
Backward pawn
Bare king
Battery (chess)
Blackmar-Diemer Gambit, Halosar Trap
Blackmar–Diemer Gambit
Blindfold chess
Blunder (chess)
Bogo-Indian Defence, Monticelli Trap
British Chess Problem Society
Budapest Gambit, Kieninger Trap
Candidate move
Caro–Kann Defence
Cheating in chess
Check (chess)
Checkmate pattern
Checkmates in the opening
Chess aesthetics
Chess annotation symbols
Chess blindness
Chess endgame
Chess handicap
Chess notation
Chess opening book
Chess opening book (computers)
Chess opening theory table
Chess problem
Chess puzzle
Chess strategy
Chess symbols in Unicode
Chess tactic
Chess theory
Colle System
Combination (chess)
Compensation (chess)
Connected pawns
Corresponding squares
Cylinder chess
Decoy (chess)
Deflection (chess)
Descriptive notation
Desperado (chess)
Die Schwalbe
Diemer–Duhm Gambit
Discovered attack
Domination (chess)
Double check
Doubled pawns
Draw (chess)
Draw by agreement
Eight queens puzzle
Elephant Trap
En passant
Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings
Endgame study
Endgame tablebase
Excelsior (chess problem)
Exchange (chess)
Exchange variation
Fairy chess piece
Fast chess
FIDE Album
Fifty-move rule
Flight square
Fool's mate
Fork (chess)
Forsyth–Edwards Notation
Fortress (chess)
Franco-Benoni Defence
GBR code
Giuoco Piano, Jerome Gambit
Glossary of chess
Glossary of chess problems
Glossary of computer chess terms
Greek gift sacrifice
Grid chess
Grimshaw (chess)
Grotesque (chess)
Göttingen manuscript
Half-open file
Halosar Trap
Handbuch des Schachspiels
Hedgehog (chess)
Hippopotamus Defence
Hodgson Attack
Hypermodernism (chess)
ICCF numeric notation
Ideal mate
Initiative (chess)
Interference (chess)
International Judge of Chess Compositions
Isolated pawn
Italian Game, Blackburne Shilling Gambit
Italian Game, Rousseau Gambit
Joke chess problem
Key square
Kieninger Trap
King walk
King's Gambit, Falkbeer Countergambit
King's Gambit, Fischer Defense
King's Gambit, Rice Gambit
King's Indian Attack
King's Indian Defence, Sämisch Variation
Knight's tour
Lasker Trap
List of chess gambits
List of chess openings
List of chess openings named after people
List of chess openings named after places
List of chess traps
Longest uncrossed knight's path
Légal Trap
Magnus Smith Trap
Marshall Trap
Maróczy Bind
Maya Jalloul
Model mate
Modern Benoni
Modern Chess Openings
Modern Defense, Monkey's Bum
Modern Defense, North Sea Variation
Monticelli Trap
Morphy number
Mortimer Trap
Motif (chess composition)
Noah's Ark Trap
Novotny (chess)
Numeric Annotation Glyphs
Online chess
Open file
Opposition (chess)
Outline of chess
Outpost (chess)
Overloading (chess)
Paris Defence
Passed pawn
Pawn storm
Pawn structure
Permanent brain
Perpetual check
Petrov's Defence, Marshall Trap
Phase of play
Pin (chess)
Ply (game theory)
Poems and Problems
Poisoned Pawn Variation
Portable Game Notation
Promotion (chess)
Proof game
Prophylaxis (chess)
Pure mate
Queen sacrifice
Queen's Gambit Declined, Cambridge Springs Defense
Queen's Gambit Declined, Elephant Trap
Queen's Gambit Declined, Rubinstein Trap
Retrograde analysis
Romantic chess
Rubinstein Trap
Rules of chess
Rundlauf (chess)
Ruy Lopez, Mortimer Trap
Ruy Lopez, Noah's Ark Trap
Ruy Lopez, Tarrasch Trap
Réti endgame study
Sacrifice (chess)
Scholar's mate
School of chess
Scotch Game, Classical Variation
Siberian Trap
Sicilian Defence, Chekhover Variation
Sicilian Defence, Dragon Variation, Yugoslav Attack, 9.Bc4
Sicilian Defence, Katalimov Variation
Sicilian Defence, Magnus Smith Trap
Sicilian Defence, Smith-Morra Gambit, Siberian Trap
Sicilian Defence, Smith–Morra Gambit
Simultaneous exhibition
Skewer (chess)
Smothered mate
Software for handling chess problems
Steinitz Variation
Stonewall Attack
Swindle (chess)
Swiss Gambit
Tandem simultaneous exhibition
Tarrasch rule
Tarrasch Trap
Tempo (chess)
The exchange (chess)
The Problemist
Threefold repetition
Tie-breaking in Swiss-system tournaments
Time control
Time trouble
Touch-move rule
Transposition (chess)
Triangulation (chess)
Turton doubling
Two Knights Defense, Fried Liver Attack
Two Knights Defense, Max Lange Attack
Two knights endgame
Undermining (chess)
Vienna Game, Frankenstein-Dracula Variation
Vienna Game, Würzburger Trap
Wayward Queen Attack
White and Black in chess
Windmill (chess)
World Championship of Chess Composition
World Chess Solving Championship
World Federation for Chess Composition
Wrong bishop
Wrong rook pawn
Würzburger Trap
X-ray (chess)
Zepler doubling