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Syrian civil war

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2011 Syrian protests
Part of 2010–2011 Middle East and North Africa protests
File:Syria Damascus Douma Protests 2011 - 22.jpg
Protests in Douma, Damascus.
Date26 January 2011 (2011-01-26)ongoing
Caused byLack of effective constitution, government corruption.[1]
GoalsResignation of Bashar al-Assad[2][3]
Ending the state of emergency, regime change,[4] freedom[5]
recognition of Kurds[6]
MethodsDemonstrations, self-immolations, hunger strikes
Death(s)358–548 killed, 180-240 missing (Arab Commission for Human Rights claim)[7][8]
40 security forces members are among the dead[9]
338 killed (opposition claim)[10][8]
ArrestedHundreds (as of 20th April, 2011)[12]

The 2011 Syrian protests are a series of major protests taking place in Syria, which began on 26 January 2011 and are influenced by concurrent protests in the region. The protests have been described as "unprecedented".[13][14]

Hundreds of protesters have been killed, and many more injured, in the largest protests to take place in the country for decades. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has condemned the use of deadly force against protesters as "unacceptable".[15]

President Hafez al-Assad was in office for nearly 30 years, while his son, President Bashar al-Assad, has been in office since 2000.[16]


Human rights in Syria are largely criticized by global organizations.[17] Since 1963, emergency rule has remained in effect which gives security forces sweeping powers of arrest and detention.[18] The country is governed by a one-party state without free elections.[18] The authorities harass and imprison human rights activist and other critics of the government.[19] Freedom of expression, association and assembly are strictly controlled.[18][19] Women and ethnic minorities face discrimination.[18][19] According to Human Rights Watch in 2010, President Bashar al-Assad had failed to improve Syria’s human rights record in the 10 years since he came to power.[20] The organization states that Syria's human rights situation is one of the worst in the world.


Former President Hafez al-Assad (right), and his brother Rifaat al-Assad (left), who personally supervised the Hama massacre.

Syria was under Emergency Law since 1962, effectively suspending most constitutional protections for citizens. Syrian governments have justified the state of emergency by pointing to the fact that Syria is in a state of war with Israel. Syrian citizens approve the President in a referendum. Syria does not hold multi-party elections for its legislature.[21]

Since 1963, following the Ba'athist overthrow, Syria has been the controlled by the Ba'ath Party. Despite internal power changes, such as the 1966 coup and the 1970 Syrian Corrective Revolution, the Ba'ath Party has remained the sole authority in Syria.[22][23][24]

After the 1970 Revolution, President Hafez al-Assad led Syria for just short of 30 years, banning any opposing political party and any opposition candidate in any election. In 1982, at the climax of a six-year Islamic insurgency throughout the country, President Hafez al-Assad conducted a scorched earth policy against the town of Hama to quell a revolt by the Sunni Muslim community, including the Muslim Brotherhood and others. Tens of thousands of people, including 10–80,000 civilians, were killed in the Hama massacre.[24][25][26][27][28][29]

Hafez al-Assad died in 2000, from pulmonary fibrosis, and was succeeded by his son Bashar al-Assad, appointed after a constitutional amendment lowered the age bar for President from 40 to his 34 years of age.[22][23][24]

The 2004 Al-Qamishli riots against the government erupted in the northeastern city of Al-Qamishli. The riots began during a chaotic soccer match, when some people started raising Kurdish flags, and the match turned into a political conflict. In the aftermath of a brutal reaction by Syrian police and clashes between Kurdish and Arab groups, at least 30 people were killed,[30] with some claims indicating a casualty count of about 100.[31]


Bashar al-Assad.

While Bashar al-Assad had permitted existence of radio stations playing Western pop music, websites such as Wikipedia, Youtube, Facebook, and Amazon were blocked until 1 January 2011, when all citizens were permitted to sign up for high speed internet, and those sites were allowed.[32] However, a 2007 law requires Internet cafes to record all comments that users post on online chat forums.[33]

On 31 January 2011, the Wall Street Journal ran an exclusive interview with Bashar al-Assad, in which he said that it was time to reform. Commenting on the protests in Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen, he said that a "new era" is coming to the Middle East, and that Arab rulers would need to do more to accommodate their peoples' rising political and economic aspirations.[34][35]

Bashar al-Assad's Alawite sect numbers barely six percent of Syrians, among a total Shia population of 13%.[36][37] He has received complaints and several protests by Kurds.[38] Al-Assad declared that his state was immune from the kinds of mass protests that took place in Egypt.[39] Bouthaina Shaaban, a presidential adviser, blamed Sunni clerics and preachers for inciting Sunnis to revolt, such as Qatar-based Sheik Youssef al-Qaradawi in a sermon in Doha on 25 March.[40]


Early protests

"Down with al-Assad". Regime critical graffiti was an early signal of the protests.

The protest movement in Syria was at first modest, and took a while to gain momentum. The events began on 26 January 2011, when Hasan Ali Akleh from Al-Hasakah poured gasoline on himself and set himself on fire, in the same way Tunisian Mohamed Bouazizi had in Tunis on 17 December 2010. According to eyewitnesses, the action was "a protest against the Syrian government".[41][42] Two days later, on 28 January 2011, an evening demonstration was held in Ar-Raqqah, to protest the killing of two soldiers of Kurdish descent.[43]

On 3 February, a "Day of Rage" was called for in Syria from 4–5 February on social media sites Facebook and Twitter. Protesters demanded governmental reform, but most protests took place outside of Syria, and were small.[44][45][46][47] The only known action within Syria took place on 5 February, when hundreds of protesters in Al-Hasakah participated in a mass demonstration, calling for al-Assad's departure. Syrian authorities arrested dozens, and a demonstration was quickly triggered.[48] After the failure of attempts to arrange a "Day of Rage," Al Jazeera described the country as "a kingdom of silence". It identified the key factors underlying Syrian stability as the country's strict security measures, the popularity of President Bashar al-Assad, and fear of potential sectarian violence in the aftermath of a government ouster (akin to neighboring Iraq).[49]

External videos
video icon Protests in Damascus, 17 February 2011 on YouTube

The protest movement was inspired by the situation in Libya, and provoked by alleged ties between the Syrian and Libyan government. The Reform Party of Syria claimed that "al-Assad is sending arms to Gaddafi to kill his people with".[50] On 22 February, about 200 people gathered outside the Libyan embassy in Damascus to protest against the Libyan regime, and ask that the ambassador resign. Government security forces took steps to disperse the demonstration; 14 people were arrested but later released, and several more were beaten by policemen.[51][52][53] On 6 March, TIME magazine said that the commitment could still be found among the Syrian youth, but that what was needed was a starting point.[54] Ribal al-Assad said that it was almost time for Syria to be the next domino.[55]


File:Burnt car 17 April 2011 Banias Syria.jpg
A sign over a burned car says: "Caution! You are in Baniyas, not in Israel". Another says: "Down with the regime".

On 15 March, the protest movement began to escalate, as simultaneous demonstrations took place in major cities across Syria.[56] Thousands of protestors gathered in al-Hasakah, Daraa, Deir ez-Zor, and Hama. There were some clashes with security, according to reports from dissident groups. In Damascus, a smaller group of 200 men grew spontaneously to about 1,500 men. Damascus has not seen such protests since the 1980s. The official Facebook page called "Syrian Revolution 2011" showed pictures of supportive demonstrations in Cairo, Nicosia, Helsinki, Istanbul and Berlin. There were also unconfirmed news that Syrian revolution supporters of Libyan descent, stormed into the Syrian Embassy in Paris.[57][58][59][60][61] On 18 March the most serious unrest to take place in Syria for decades erupted.[62] After online calls for a "Friday of dignity" (Arabic: جمعة الكرامة), after Friday prayers, thousands of protesters demanding an end to alleged government corruption took to the streets of cities across Syria.[63] The protesters were met with a violent crackdown orchestrated by state security forces. The protesters chanted "God, Syria, Freedom" and anti-corruption slogans.[64]

Increasingly, the city of Daraa became the focal point for the protests. On 20 March, thousands took to the streets of Daraa for a third day, shouting slogans against the country's emergency law. One person was killed and scores injured as security forces opened fire on protesters.[65] The courthouse, the Ba'ath party headquarters in the city, and Rami Makhlouf's Syriatel building were all set on fire.[66] The next day, hundreds of people protested in Jassem, and there were also reports of protests in Baniyas, Homs and Hama.[67][68] Al-Assad made some conciliatory gestures, but crowds continued to gather in and around the Omari mosque in Dara’a, chanting their demands: the release of all political prisoners; trials for those who shot and killed protesters; the abolition of Syria’s 48-year emergency law; more freedoms; and an end to pervasive corruption.[69] Mobile phone connections to Daraa were cut during the day and checkpoints were set up throughout the city and manned by soldiers.[70]

Protests and concessions

File:Hafez Assad Statue 15 april 2011 - 01.jpg
Protesters in Daraa tore down and kicked the statue of Hafez al-Assad, the former president of Syria.
File:Homs Syria Protests 2011 - 03.jpg
Thousands of demonstrators gathered for Friday prayers in Quwatli Square in central Homs.

On 25 March, after new online calls to a big demonstration called "Friday of Glory" (Arabic: جمعة العزة), tens of thousands took to the streets in protest around the nation. Military troops opened fire during protests in the southern part of Syria and killed peaceful demonstrators, according to witnesses and news reports.[71] Increasingly, the crackdown against the protests became more violent. There were reports that at least 20 people were killed in protests in Daraa which drew over 100,000 people.[72][73] A statue of Hafez al-Assad was dismantled and set on fire.[74] The governor's home was also set on fire.[74] There were also reports of protests in Damascus, Deir ez-Zor, Homs, Latakia and Raqqa.[72][75] A witness said that in Sanamayn, security forces killed 20 people.[75][76] 17 people were killed in demonstration on the way to Daraa, while 40 were killed near Omari Mosque, 25 died in al-Sanameen in Homs, 4 in Latakia, 3 in Damascus.[77]

Religious and political leaders in exile began to get involved in the conflict. The Sunni cleric Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi gave a sermon in Qatar, in which he said:

Today the train of revolution has arrived at a station that it was destined to reach, the Syrian station. It isn't possible for Syria to detach itself from the history of the Arab nation.[78]

AFP reported that Syrian opposition leaders-in-exile called in Paris for the deposition of President Bashar al-Assad, asking France to maintain pressure on the Syrian leader to "halt the killing of innocents."[77] The Syrian Ambassador to India resigned in protest of the massacres in Syria.[79]

On 26 March, the first signs were seen that the government was willing to make concessions to the protestors, when al-Assad announced the release of as many as 200 political prisoners.[80] The next day, Buthaina Shaaban, al-Assad's media adviser, stated that the emergency law would be lifted, without giving any indication of when this would happen.[81] On 29 March, the Syrian newspaper Al-Watan reported that a major cabinet reshuffle was coming,[82] and later that day, al-Assad accepted the official resignation of the government led by Muhammad Naji al-Otari, while the latter will serve as caretaker prime minister until a new government is selected and officially announced.[83]

Forces loyal to the president also mobilized. The Grand Mufti of Syria, Ahmad Bader Hassoun, said "Any citizen has the right to protest and call for freedom, but I will tell you, all those behind the bloodshed will be penalized. There are no army officials who opened fire at protesters, they only retaliated out of self-defense. After what happened, there should be reconciliation between the people. There are some corrupters in the country and the corrupters should be penalized".[84] On 29 March, hundreds of thousands demonstrated in support of President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus, Aleppo, Hasaka, Homs, Tartous and Hama.[82][85][86] On 30 March, al-Assad made a speech blaming foreign conspirators for the protests and declaring that the emergency law will not be lifted as previously confirmed by Bouthaina Shaaban, and instead the lift will be put to studies for future application.[87] A YouTube video of a CNN report shows Syrian State television footage of a woman allegedly attacking al-Assad’s car following his speech on Wednesday.[88] Disappointed by the president's speech, protesters took to the street in Latakia, where they were fired on by police.[89][90] The next day, Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that al-Assad issued a decree raising the wages of state employees, starting 1 April.[91]


On 8th of April 2011, protesters in Douma, suburb of Damascus, had signs saying "No for destorying" and "Peaceful".

After online calls for a "Friday of martyrs" (Arabic: جمعة الشهداء) on 1 April, thousands of protesters emerged from Friday's prayers and took to the streets in multiple cities around Syria. Security forces opened fire on about 1,000 protesters in the suburb of Damascus, Douma, killing eight. In Damascus, hundreds gathered in Al Rifai mosque to protest after Friday prayers; however, government forces reportedly sealed the mosque and attacked those who tried to leave. Further south, in a small city outside Daraa, a demonstrator was killed during a protest there.[92][93] The conflict gradually began to attract more attention from the international community. On 1 April, Syrian authorities closed a border crossing between Syria and Turkey and banned Turkish and foreign reporters from entering Syria.[94] On the next day, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan said he will put pressure on al-Assad to create reforms.[95]

On 3 April, Assad appointed Adel Safar as the new Syrian prime minister and charged him with the task of forming a new government.[96] On 6 April, Assad's government offered concessions to Sunnis and Kurds and that teachers would once again be allowed to wear the niqab.[80] The government had also closed the country's only casino.[97] Tens of thousands of Kurds residing in Syria will soon be granted Syrian citizenship.[98]

External videos
video icon Unknown Gunmen Filmed at Syria Demo
(YouTube: Associated Press.)
8 April 2011. Retrieved 9 April 2011.

The day of 8 April became known as the "Friday of Resistance" (Arabic: جمعة الصمود), as thousands of protesters took to he streets in Daraa, Latakia, Tartus, Edlib, Baniyas, Qamishli, Homs and the Damascus suburb of Harasta, in the largest protest yet.[99][100] 27 anti-government protesters were killed in Daraa and *many other were wounded when security forces opened fire with rubber bullets and live rounds to disperse stone-throwing protesters.[100][101] At least three people were killed in Damascus' suburb city of Harasta and two people were killed and dozens wounded in Homs, Syria's third largest city.[102] A human rights group said 37 people killed in protests across the country on Friday.[80]

External videos
video icon Protests in Homs, Syria, 18 April 2011 on YouTube

Towards the middle of April, protests became more extensive, and more violent. On 15 April, tens of thousands of people held protests in several Syrian cities, including Baniyas, Latakia, Baida, Homs, and Deir ez-Zor.[103][104] Al Jazeera reported that up to 50,000 protesters trying to enter Damascus from the Douma suburb were dispersed by security forces using tear gas, while in the Barzeh district of the capital violence erupted when dozens of armed men in plain clothes surrounded about 250 protesters rallying in front of a mosque.[105] On the other hand, thousands demonstrated in Daraa, but security forces were not visible in the city, as the authorities reportedly allowed the protests to take place.[104] Al-Assad announced the release of hundreds of prisoners that were "not involved in criminal acts", and that a new government had been formed (see Cabinet of Syria).[106][107]

Lifting of the emergency law and continued violence

File:Syrian Army in Daraa 9 April 2011.jpg
Armed security forces in central Daraa, 9 April.

Two days later, al-Assad spoke to the People's Assembly in a televised speech, stating that he expected his government to lift the emergency law the following day, and acknowledging there is a gap between citizens and the state, and that government has to "keep up with the aspirations of the people".[108] On 19 April, the government approved a bill lifting the country's emergency laws.[109] This was the first time in 48 years that the state of emergency had been lifted.[109] On April 21, Assad signed the decrees for ending the state of emergency, abolishing the Supreme State Security Court (SSSC), and regulating the right to peaceful demonstrations.[110][111]

The lifting of the emergency law failed to placate the protesters. On 22 April, the country experienced its biggest and bloodiest day in the current series of protests as tens of thousands took to the streets.[112] Protests occurred in the capital, Damascus, and in at least ten other cities in the country.[113] Hundreds of protesters in central Damascus were dispersed, but thousands congregated in towns ringing the capital.[113] According to the protesters' own reports, at least 70 people were killed nationwide when security opened fire on the demonstrators.[114] Immediate verification was difficult because Syria had expelled almost all members of the international media from the country,[112] although The New York Times reported the next day that 104 had been killed.[115] Later reports indicated that 112 had been killed that day.[116]

U.S. President Barack Obama condemned the "outrageous" use of violence by the regime.[117] Two MPs from Daraa, Naser al-Hariri and Khalil al-Rifaei, resigned on 23 April 2011 in protest against the killings.[118] Syria's state news agency claimed the rebels were "fabricating" videos and inciting violence.[119]

On 23 April, the following day, funerals for fallen protesters occurred throughout the country. Snipers reportedly fired, killing 8 people in Daraa with 5 members of the security forces among them.[120][121] That night, plainclothes security forces raided homes and arrested activists.[122] Dozens of citizens went missing following the Good Friday protests, with one human rights group reporting a tally of 217 disappearances between Friday and Sunday.[123] Early the next morning, the death toll from the previous two days was revised to a total of 120, including eight on Saturday, April 23.[116]



Arrests and convictions

Days before protests planned for 5 February, Syrian authorities arrested several political activists, such as businessman Ghassan al-Najar, leader of the Islamic Democratic movement,[124][125] the writer Ali al-Abdallah,[126] Abbas Abbas, from the Syrian Communist Party[127] and several other political personalities of Kurdish backgrounds, such as Adnan Mustafa.[128]

On 14 February, blogger and student Tal al-Mallohi was convicted of spying for the United States and sentenced to five years in prison. Washington denied these allegations and asked for al-Mallohi's immediate release. On 15 February under pressure from human rights organizations, the Syrian government released Ghassan al-Najar after he went on hunger strike following his arrest for calling for mass protests.[129]

On 22 March Syrian authorities arrested Loay Hussein, a human rights campaigner.[130] On 25 March there were reports of mass arrests and detentions of protesters taking place.[78]


On 5 February, Internet services were said to have been curbed, although Facebook and YouTube were reported to have been restored three days later.[131] Suggestions were made that easing the ban could be a way to track activists.[132]


On 19 March by legislative decree 35, Assad shortened the length of mandatory army conscription from 21 months to 18 months.[133][134]

On 20 March, the Syrian government announced that it would release 15 children who had been arrested on 6 March for writing pro-democracy graffiti.[65]

On 23 March, by regional decree 120, Faisal Ahmad Kolthoum was removed as Governor of Daraa.[135][14]

On 24 March, al-Assad's media adviser, Buthaina Shaaban, said that the government will be "studying the possibility of lifting the emergency law and licensing political parties". The Syrian government also announced a cut in personal taxation rates, an increase in public sector salaries of 1,500 Syrian pounds ($32.60 US) a month and pledges to increase press freedom, create more employment opportunities, and reduce corruption.[72][136][137]

On 26 March, Syrian authorities freed more than 200 political prisoners – 70 according to other sources - mostly Islamists, held in Saidnaya prison.[138]

On 27 March, Bouthaina Shaaban confirmed that the emergency law will be lifted, but did not say when.[81]

On 29 March, the Syrian Government submitted its official resignation to al-Assad.[83]

On 31 March, al-Assad set up a committee of legal experts to study legislation that would pave the way to replacing decades-old emergency laws. The committee was to complete its study by 25 April. Assad also set up a judicial committee tasked with investigating the circumstances that led to the death of Syrian civilians and security forces in the cities of Daraa and Latakia.[139]

On 6 April, it was reported that teachers would once again be allowed to wear the niqab, and that the government has closed the country's only casino.[97]

On 7 April, al-Assad relieved the Governor of Homs province from his duties and issued a decree granting nationality to thousands of Kurds living in the eastern al Hasakah province[140] while the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the 48 Kurds were released, more than a year after they were arrested in the eastern city of Raqqa.[141] This came a day after Assad met with Kurdish tribal leaders to discuss citizenship issues concerning the Kurds of Syria’s north-eastern provinces, as hundreds of thousands of Kurds were stripped of their citizenship rights as a result of the 1962 national census.[142]

On 16 April, Assad spoke to the People's Assembly in a televised speech, stating that he expected his government to lift the emergency law the following week. He acknowledged there is a gap between citizens and the state, and that government has to "keep up with the aspirations of the people".[108] Later in the day he welcomed the new ministers in the Cabinet of Syria with a speech containing more specifics (full text). He spoke of the importance of reaching "a state of unity, unity between the government, state institutions and the people"; stressed the need for dialogue and consultation in multiple channels, popular support, trust and transparency; explained the interrelatedness of reform and the needs of citizens for services, security and dignity. He stated the first priorities were citizenship for Kurds, lifting the state of emergency in the coming week or at the latest the week after, regulating demonstrations without chaos and sabotage, political party law, local administration law in both structure and elections, and new and modern media law, all with public timeframes. The next topics were unemployment, the economy, rural services, attracting investment, the public and private sectors, justice, corruption, petty bribery, tax reform and reducing government waste, followed by tackling government itself with more participation, e-government, decentralization, effectiveness and efficiency, as well as closer cooperation with civil society, mass organizations and trade unions.

On 19 April, a bill was approved by the Syrian government to lift the emergency law.[143] Two days later, al-Assad signed legislative decree 50 into law.[111][110]


On 22 March there were reports in The Guardian that the Syrian authorities had been organising pro-Assad rallies and distributing propaganda blaming the unrest on saboteurs and infiltrators.[144] On 25 March, pro-Assad rallies were held in Damascus.[78]


On 8 March, SANA, the official Syrian news agency, published an article on its website titled "President al-Assad issued a decree provides for a legislative grant amnesty for political crimes committed before the date of 2011-03-08". Three hours later, the publication was removed.[145] Hours later, Syrian authorities released Haitham al-Maleh, an 80-year-old former judge, one of al-Assad's most outspoken critics, under an amnesty marking the anniversary of the 1963 coup which brought the Ba'ath Party to power.[146][147] Twelve Syrian human rights organisations called on the government to scrap the state of emergency which has been in effect for almost 50 years.[148]

On 12 March, newly released Haitham al-Maleh announced in a YouTube video his support and assistance to the Syrian youth who are behind the new wave of protests and hoped that he will soon see democracy in Syria.[149]

On 16 February regime critic and director of the Organisation for Democracy and Freedom in Syria (ODFS) Ribal al-Assad, son of Rifaat al-Assad and cousin to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, held a press conference in London, in which he made it clear that he "does not want to see a Syrian revolution, but a peaceful change of power".[150] On April 5 interview, Ribal al-Assad warned of Syria's risk for a civil war, saying[151]

Everyone in Syria has seen what is happening in Arab countries but in Syria there are many minorities. Everyone has arms and everyone will want to defend their own people. It is like what happened in Iraq.




Demonstration in Montreal on 27 March, in solidarity with the anti-regime protestors
Rally in support of Bashar al-Assad in Sydney
  •  Australia – On 25 March, Australian foreign minister Kevin Rudd said: "we are deeply sceptical about the official explanations as to what has happened with the various killings which have occurred in Daraa .... And we call directly on the Syrian Government to exercise restraint in their response to peaceful protest seeking democratic change."[154]
  •  Canada – On 21 March, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon stated: "Canada deplores the multiple deaths and injuries following protests in several Syrian cities over the weekend."[155]
  •  France – The Foreign Ministry condemned the violence carried out against demonstrators, and called for political prisoners to be freed.[156] On 23 March, French foreign ministry spokesman Bernard Valero called on Syria to carry out immediate political reforms.[157]
  •  Germany – On 24 March, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said: "The violence must end immediately. The Syrian government must make sure that basic human and civil rights, as well as the rule of law, is observed,"[158]
  •  Greece – On 24 March, Greek Foreign Minister Dimitrios Droutsas said: "The use of violence to repress protests that has led to the murder of citizens is absolutely condemned. We call on the government of Syria to guarantee the fundamental rights of its citizens".[159]
  •  Iraq – On 3 April, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki called Syria's President and voiced Iraq’s support of Syria "in the face of conspiracies targeting Syria’s stability".[160]
  •  Israel – On 24 March, Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Lieberman said: "the same principles, activities the Western world [has taken] in Libya ... I hope to see those regarding the Iranian regime and the Syrian regime.".[161] Israel expressed concern that Assad will try to divert the attention from the protests in Syria and try to provoke some border incidents with Israel in the Golan Heights, Lebanon or Gaza or even start a war with Israel in order to unite the the Syrian people against Israel and to divert the media attention from the protests in Syria.[162][163]
  •  Lebanon – On 31 March, Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati commended the "ending of the chance to cause strife in Syria" as well as the Syrian people’s support for their president[164] Also, President Michel Suleiman highlighted the importance of stability in Syria, and its positive impact on the security of and economic situation in Lebanon and Syria.[165]
  •  Mexico – Mexico's government issued a statement through the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs in which it condemns the violent events, calls on Syrian authorities to refrain from the use of force and to facilitate political dialogue which includes its citizens more. [166]
  •  Norway – On 24 March, Norwegian minister of foreign affairs Jonas Gahr Støre condemned the violence, saying: "Norway urges the authorities of Syria not to use violence against peaceful protesters, to respect the freedom of speech and assembly, and to enter into a dialogue with the people about their legitimate demands".[167]
  •  Qatar – On 3 April, Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani sent a letter to Syrian President al-Assad voicing Qatar’s support for Syria amid attempts at destabilization.[168]
  •  Russia – On 6 April, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called al-Assad to voice support for the latter’s decision to make reforms in his country.[169]
  •  Saudi Arabia – On 28 March, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia expressed his support to the Syrian leadership in a telephone conversation with President al-Assad, claiming that the protests are in fact a conspiracy targeting the legitimate government. Relations between Syria and Saudi Arabia have been strained and even hostile for decades. However, the position of the Saudi monarch is an indication of their recent improvement.[170]
  •  Sudan – On 6 April, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir called al-Assad to voice his support for Syria against "the attempts aimed at destabilizing it".[171]
  •  Turkey – On 21 March, Turkish foreign minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said: "Syria is on an important threshold. We hope problems between the people and the administration [in Syria] can be handled without trouble."[172]
  •  United Arab Emirates – On 29 March, United Arab Emirates President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan called Syrian President al-Assad, and reaffirmed that the UAE stands by Damascus.[173]
  •  United Kingdom – On 24 March, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said: "We call on the government of Syria to respect their people's right to peaceful protest, and to take action about their legitimate grievances,"[174]
  •  United States – President Barack Obama's administration condemned the use of violence, stating: “The United States stands for a set of universal rights, including the freedom of expression and assembly, and believes that governments, including the Syrian government, must address the legitimate aspirations of their people."[175] Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that it was unlikely the US would intervene in Syria, since the US Congress views al-Assad as "a reformer".[176][177] On 9 April, it was reported that Obama had said:

    I strongly condemn the abhorrent violence committed against peaceful protesters by the Syrian government today and over the past few weeks. I also condemn any use of violence by protesters ... I call upon the Syrian authorities to refrain from any further violence against peaceful protesters ... Furthermore, the arbitrary arrests, detention, and torture of prisoners that has been reported must end now, and the free flow of information must be permitted so that there can be independent verification of events on the ground ... Violence and detention are not the answer to the grievances of the Syrian people. It is time for the Syrian government to stop repressing its citizens, and to listen to the voices of the Syrian people calling for meaningful political and economic reforms.[178]

  •  Venezuela – It was reported on 26 March that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had said: "Now some supposed political protest movements have begun [in Syria], a few deaths ... and now they are accusing the president of killing his people and later the Yankees will come to bomb the people to save them ... How cynical is the new format the empire has invented, to generate violent conflict, generate blood in a country, to later bombard it, intervene and take over its natural resources and convert it into a colony."[179]


  • Amnesty International condemned the "violent crackdown", against "a peaceful protest" by people calling for the release of political prisoners.[180]
  • Human Rights Watch stated that the Syrian government has shown "no qualms about shooting dead its own citizens for speaking out." It also said that Syrian people have shown "incredible courage in daring to protest publicly against one of the most repressive governments in the region, and they shouldn't have to pay with their lives."[181][182]


Egyptian scholar Yusuf al-Qaradawi declared his support for the protests against what he called Syria's "oppresive regime", saying that it commits "atrocities". He called for victory against the ruling Ba'ath Party, and claimed the army would be the major factor in the revolt.[183] Al-Qaradawi said all Arabs should support the protests in Syria, saying "Today the train of revolution has reached a station that it had to reach: The Syria station", and "It is not possible for Syria to be separated from the history of the Arab community".[184] The Muslim Brotherhood assisted in the protests, with Islamic clergy calling on Sunnis to pour onto the streets throughout Syria and expel the Alawi regime.[185]


File:Syria Daraa 17 april 2011 - 01.jpg
Protestor in Daraa thanks BBC and another makes fun of local TV channel.

Under criticism from Internet activists for failing to acknowledge the Syrian protests, Al Jazeera broadcast special coverage of the Hama massacre, as well as analysis of the largest opposition parties in Syria which might have great political influence in any change of power: the Syrian People's Democratic Party, Muslim Brotherhood, National Salvation Front, Movement for Justice and Development, Reform Party, Arab Socialist Movement, Arab Socialist Union, Workers Revolutionary Party, Communist Party of Labour, and others.[186] On 9 March, Al Jazeera continued its reporting with an analysis of political detainees in Syria,[187] and two days later another special report said that many activists indicated displeasure that the general decree of amnesty did not include political prisoners.[188] Al Jazeera launched an internet page for the Syrian revolt as part of their "Arab Revolution Spring" portal.[189]

On 23 March a column was published in The Daily Telegraph by Con Coughlin, the newspaper's executive foreign editor, calling for the creation of a no-fly zone over Syria to protect innocent protesters.[190]

See also


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Further reading

  • Lawson, Fred Haley, ed. (2009). Demystifying Syria. London: Saqi. ISBN 9780863566547.
  • Wright, Robin (2008). Dreams and Shadows: The Future of the Middle East. New York: Penguin Press. pp. 212–261. ISBN 1594201110.
  • Ziadeh, Radwan (2011). Power and Policy in Syria: Intelligence Services, Foreign Relations and Democracy in the Modern Middle East. London: I.B. Tauris. ISBN 9781848854345.

Template:Anti-government protests in the 21st century