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Multi-National Force – Iraq

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File:Polish soldiers iraq.jpg
A Polish Army soldier patrol leader debriefs his team after completing an afternoon patrol around the perimeter of Camp Babylon, Iraq

The multinational force in Iraq[1] includes forces within the Coalition that supported the invasion of Iraq in March 2003 (see 2003 invasion of Iraq), as well as those forces present in Iraq only for reconstruction purposes.

2003 invasion of Iraq

The Bush administration declared that Operation Iraqi Freedom was, as its name implies, intended to provide relief from tyranny -- and that it would promote stability in the region and pre-empt an Iraqi attack on the U.S. At the time, both major US political parties gave credence to intelligence reports that Saddam (A) possessed and (B) intended to use WMD -- as he had on the Kurds. Bipartisan U.S. support quickly dwindled following the invasion, and the opposing Democratic Party began saying that the invasion would be justified only if WMD were actually found in significant numbers in Iraq. When only few shells and, reportedly, "inactive" labs were found, US support for the invasion dropped measurably.

Occupiers or liberators

The distinction between the characterization of the foreign forces as occupiers (see "Coalition Provisional Authority") or liberators has become a matter of dispute in itself (see 2003 occupation of Iraq), as well as a matter of domestic concern within the United States. On June 28, 2004, the occupation nominally ended, but for those who question the legitimacy of the US-appointed interim governments the occupation continues. Indeed, the expulsion of "occupation forces" is a major stated aim of guerilla fighters. President Bush disagrees with the rationale of the insurgents:

"...what is causing violence in Iraq is the fact that Iraq is heading toward freedom." [2]

The U.S. contributed more than seven-eighths of the participating soldiers; assistance also came from the United Kingdom and several other allies. Although their status as Coalition Provisional Authority (i.e. "Occupying Powers" under a UN resolution) changed when the new government asserted its sovereignty on June 28 (see Iraqi sovereignty), the mission of the multinational force has decreased only by small numbers.

On September 7, 2004, the official U.S. military death toll in Iraq reached 1,000 as U.S. forces struggle to put down the Iraqi insurgency, which continues sixteen months after President George W. Bush declared the end of "major combat operations" in Iraq.

As of late 2004, a study by the British medical journal Lancet revealed that at least 100,000 Iraqis had been killed since the start of the invasion on April 19th 2003. The Iraqi government announced around the same time that two-thirds of all Iraqi fatalities had been caused by coalition forces.

List of nations

The following nations have troops serving in Iraq in some capacity and the numbers were last updated on 11th July 2005. Changes/updates as of 11th July, 2005

Over 5000 soldiers

  • Template:Country data flagcountry -
    File:Iraqis tortured abc-b.jpg
    US Army Sgt. Sabrina Harman grins over the corpse of an Iraqi prisoner beaten to death, aired on CBS's 60 Minutes II on 04 May 2004
    As of July 2005 there were around 140,000 Army and Marine Corps personnel in West, North and Central Iraq; a planned reduction to 115,000 was cancelled due to losses and intense Iraqi resistance in Al Anbar province and a Shia uprising in the South of the country in late 2004. An increase to 153,000 was supposed to have taken place in early-mid 2005, but such plans never materialised. As of November 9, 2005, 2,058 American military personnel from almost every branch of the US military have been killed in Iraq: 1,613 in engagements, ambushes (assault rifle and sniper fire; RPG, Katyusha and mortar attacks; roadside bombings, AA missile attacks...) as well as vehicle & helicopter accidents which occurred as a result of hostile fire. 445 were killed in non-hostile incidents including a small number of drownings, illnesses, electrocutions etc, but mostly accidental vehicle & helicopter crashes and weapon discharges. At least 15,220 American military personnel have been wounded in action, around half of whom have been maimed for life. Five Department of Defense civilian personnel were also killed as well as two other US government civilians. In addition, at least 107 American contractors have been killed in Iraq, along with at least a dozen other American civilians. On the first of December 2005, Democratic Representative John Murtha announced that the US Military would withdraw from Iraq 'within a year' because it is "broken, worn out" and "living hand to mouth".
  • Template:Country data flagcountry -
    British soldiers, part of a "snatch squad," move in to detain an Iraqi man during a protest in Basra March 29, 2004
    troops in South East Iraq; also commanding a number of other coalition troops throughout South Eastern provinces. 3,500 more are stationed in Kuwait. The British forces command the Multi-National Division (South East) which consists of forces from several other countries. Prime minister Tony Blair had considered an expansion of 1,500 to 2,000 troops to replace the troops of Spain and other departing nations. However, military commanders as well as former diplomats criticizing US military tactics put this into question. The UK has lost 97 soldiers in Iraq: 68 in ambushes, engagements or other attacks (including the shooting down of a C-130 Hercules transport plane which killed 10 soldiers). Out of the remaining 29, the cause of death included accidents, friendly fire, illnesses, and suicide. In addition 30 British civilian contractors have been killed in Iraq, almost all security contractors, and 28 of 30 in attacks. See also: Operation Telic (operational name for UK's involvement in Iraq) for further information on the UK's contribution. The UK has a further 3,500 soldiers at bases in the Persian Gulf region.

1000 - 5000 soldiers

  • Template:Country data flagcountry - About 3,300 ROK (Republic of Korea) troops are officially deployed in Iraq (as of October 1 2005). In early December 2005, the National Assembly voted 10-3 with one abstention for the withdrawal of 1000 troops in the first half of 2006, thus approving a government proposal. The main tasks of the troops are to offer medical services and build and repair roads, power lines, schools and other infrastructure. The 2,500 men, mostly combat engineers of the Zaytun ("olive-peace") Division were deployed in late September 2004 to Irbil in the Kurdish-controlled region of northern Iraq, and combined with the 660 humanitarian troops that have been operating in southern Iraq since April 2003, South Korea has the third-largest military presence in the war-torn nation after the United States and Britain. 4 South Korean contractors have died in Iraq: one in a building accident, while the other three were killed by insurgents. There are also large numbers of Korean mercenaries, most notably from the NKTS, a private Korean security company, operating in Iraq. They are estimated to number between 70 to 700, and most protect South Korean civilian assets as well as other coalition civilian assets.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry -
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    Italian soldiers maintain vigilance while a British explosive ordnance disposal team investigates a suspicious vehicle
    Independent contingent of 2,800 troops (as of October 2005), the 'Garibaldi Brigade' is currently serving a 4 months duty, including Signal & transport soldiers, mech. infantry, engineers, helicopterists and Carabinieri in South Central Iraq, around Nasiriyah. The Italian forces have lost 27 soldiers in Iraq. 19 were hostile deaths: 2 in engagements and 17 in a late 2003 suicide bombing on the Italian HQ in Nasiriyah, 7 were accidents and one, ranking major general, was a controversial friendly fire incident. In March 2004, four Italian security guards were taken hostage in Iraq. One was executed in April and the rest were let go later in the month. Later in 2004 two aid workers were taken hostage and then released unharmed several weeks later. Two Italian contractors and two reporters have been killed by insurgents in Iraq. Italy has another 84 troops stationed on bases in the Persian Gulf. In March 2005 it was rumoured that Italian officials planned to begin the withdrawal of their forces in September, which was confirmed by Prime Minister Berlusconi on the 9th of July. Premier Silvio Berlusconi's government has said it plans to withdraw forces in groups of 300, but in accordance with the Iraqi government and coalition allies. Recently, A-129 Mangusta attack helicopters and more Dardo tracked IFV are being sent to Iraq. As of October 1, 2005, Italy has began a limited withdrawal of its troops.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 1,500 Polish troops in South Central Iraq; The Polish forces command the Multi-National Division (South Central) which consists of forces from several other countries. In accordance with the decision of the Former Polish Minister of Defense Jerzy Szmajdzinski, the number of troops was reduced from 2,500 to 1,500 during the second half of 2005. Poland's former leftist government, which lost Sept. 25th 2005 elections, had planned to withdraw its 1,400 troops in January. The new defense minister, Radek Sikorski, visited Washington on the 3rd of December for talks on Poland's coalition plans, and Prime Minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewiczdeclared that he would decide after the Iraqi elections on Dec. 15th, whether to extend its troops' mandate beyond Dec. 31st. Poland has lost 17 soldiers in Iraq: 11 in engagements or ambushes and 6 in various accidents. In addition, in June 2004, two Polish security contractors were killed in Iraq. In addition two Polish journalists working for Polish television were killed. In a statement released in July 2004, 'Al Zarqawi' released a statement threatening Japan, Poland and Bulgaria over their troop deployments. He demanded of the Polish government 'Pull your troops out of Iraq or you will hear the sounds of explosions that will hit your country.' Hours later Prime Minister Marek Belka denied, and deputy Defence Minister Janusz Zemke said pulling out would be a 'terrible mistake.'

100 - 1000 soldiers

  • Template:Country data flagcountry - An independent contingent originally consisting of 1,650 mechanized infantry troops in Kut (South Central Iraq), has been reduced to around 900. 150 soldiers left on March 15 and a further 600 were withdrawn on May 15 - the remainder are due to leave in January 2006. BBC News reported on March 2, that Ukraine's newly-elected PM Yuschenko had instructed his Ministers to prepare for the withdrawal of his country's troop 'contribution'. This also followed a ruling from the Ukrainian legislative body, the Verkhovna Rada, which passed a motion for the withdrawal of all troops. Ukraine lost a total of 18 soldiers in Iraq: 12 in attacks, 3 in accidents, 2 in suicides and 1 as a result of a heart attack. Early in 2004, three Ukrainian engineers were taken hostage in Iraq but were freed shortly after.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry -
    File:Ro apc.jpg
    A Romanian armoured vehicle providing security on election day at Khamet Bani Said on 18 September
    830 troops (half infantry, the rest includes: an intelligence team, military police, and de-miners) under Italian command (South East Iraq). In addition one Romanian contractor has been killed in Iraq in an insurgent attack. Three Romanian journalists were held captive by insurgents, but were released in May 2005
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 400 troops including special forces, medics and engineers. Sometime during the occupation, several Georgian soldiers were wounded in an attack but none died. 500 more forces were deployed in June 2005, for UNAMI including liaison officers.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 600 medics and engineers based in Samawah (Southern Iraq) on a humanitarian aid mission to rebuild local infrastructure, purify water and provide medical assistance. The reconstruction mission in Samawa limits the troops' activities to "non-combat zones". Japan's Kyodo News service reported on the 30th of November that Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's Cabinet would decide Dec. 8 to allow its 600 troops to stay for another year, which it did, despite a poll by the Asahi newspaper that 69% of poll respondents were against renewing the mandate, down from 55% in January. 3 Japanese hostages were captured in Iraq in early 2004 but were released unharmed a week later following non-compliance from Tokyo to the hostage takers' demands. Later, in a statement released in July 2004, 'Al Zarqawi' released a statement threatening Japan, Poland and Bulgaria over their troop deployments. He demanded the Japanese government to 'do what the Philippines have done' and withdraw its troops, and said that 'lines of cars laden with explosives are awaiting you' if his demands were not met. Several months later, one Japanese civilian was captured by insurgents and killed. A Japanese security contractor was ambushed and killed in Anbar province in May 2005. Mortars and rockets have been lobbed at the Japanese camp several times, causing no damage or injuries.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - Independent contingent of 550 troops including infantry, medics and military police in
    File:10845 danish-troops-3-8-2004.jpg
    Danish soldier on patrol in Southern Iraq
    South East Iraq near Basra at "Camp Danevang". Denmark has lost two soldiers in Iraq: one to friendly fire and the other to an IED. In addition, one Danish businessman was killed in April 2004 in an insurgent attack. Denmark has plans to leave Iraq in early to late 2006 at the expected request of the Iraqi government, although Denmark has not laid down any firm plans and may stay on if requested at that time. Iceland had 2 EOD experts, a medical advisor, and some transport experts assigned to the Danish unit immedently after the occupation began- they have since been withdrawn.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 380 mechanized infantry troops guarding municipal buildings and the town centre in Kerbala (South Central Iraq). Bulgaria announced on Nov. 3 2004 that it would reduce the size of its contingent in Iraq to 462 troops during the next scheduled unit rotation. This number dropped to 380 by late November 2005, and Bulgaria will complete its withdrawal after the December 15th parliamentary elections, according to Defence Minister Veselin Bliznakov. The Dnevnik Newspaper reported on the 8th of December 2005 that 120 soldiers would guard a prison housing rape and murder convicts in Ashraf, thus switching Bulgaria's role in Iraq to one of policing duties rather than military intervention. In a statement released in July 2004, 'Al Zarqawi' released a statement threatening Japan, Poland and Bulgaria over their troop deployments. He demanded the 'crusader Bulgarian government' to withdraw its troops, and promised to 'turn Bulgaria into pools of blood' if his demands were not met. President Georgi Parvanov denied, saying 'we will not give in to the terrorists' pressure.' Bulgaria lost 13 soldiers in Iraq: one to friendly fire, 7 in attacks and 5 in accidents. In addition, two Bulgarian truck drivers have been captured and killed in Iraq, with another ambushed and killed. 3 Bulgarian pilots were killed when their Mi-17 transport helicopter was shot down in April 2005.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - Independent contingent of 450 troops including an infantry company, a cavalry squadron and around 40 LAVs deployed on Feb 22nd 2005[3] (this contingent is designated the Al Muthanna Task Group). 500 more are stationed in Kuwait. AAP Newsfeed reported on Oct. 18, that Australia, in addition to its contingent of troops in-country, also had in Iraq an army security unit called SECDET, which is composed of 120 troops assigned to protect the Australian embassy. There is also an Australian Naval LAST with a 220-man crew patrolling the Persian Gulf just off the coast of Iraq. Prime minister John Howard plans for the troops to stay at least until mid-2005. (see also: Australian contribution to the 2003 invasion of Iraq). In November 2004, several Australian soldiers were wounded in an ambush but none died. An Australian journalist was killed near the beginning of the war; one Australian security contractor was ambushed and killed along with a British and American counterpart in mid-2005, while he travelled along the airport road. On November 7, 2005, an Australian soldier was killed in a traffic accident while training in Kuwait for Iraq duty. Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, head of the Australian Defense Force, said in late 2005 that about 450 troops in the southern province of Muthanna could leave by May.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 380 special forces troops under Polish command (Central South Iraq). New President Antonio Saca took office on June 1st 2004 and promised to renew his troop contingent's stay in Iraq beyond the expiry of their commitment in August, saying that a further decision would be made after the January 30th elections in Iraq. El Salvador lost two soldiers in Iraq, one in a firefight with insurgents and the other in an accident.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 150 troops. 100 soldiers were sent on the 29th of December 2004 to reinforce the 150 soldiers already in the country. The provide security for local Turkmen populations, religious sites and convoys.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 145 men in an infantry company under Polish command.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 125 non-combat troops under US command near Mosul.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 122 troops under Polish command (Central South Iraq). Latvia lost one soldier in Iraq in an insurgent attack.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 90 police trainers. (Reduced from 300 troops, a small detachment of MPs, and 3 civilians running a field hospital as of November 2003.) The Czech government announced the troops will be pulled out completely by the end of 2005. In addition, a Czech worker was killed in an accident in April 2004.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 120 troops under under Polish command (Central South Iraq). The Lithuanian government has declared its intention to stay until the end of 2007.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 105 military engineers under Polish command (Central South Iraq). Slovakia lost three soldiers in Iraq (06/08/04) along with two Poles and a Latvian, when a mortar landed on a truck laden with munitions prepared for transportation to a detonation site. As of 2005, Slovakia has an 85 man engineering unit remaining in Iraq.

Fewer than 100 soldiers

  • Template:Country data flagcountry has deployed a unit of 46 soldiers (a mixture of logistic, medical and support soldiers) to support the effort in Iraq. On the 5th of December 2005, the Armenian government declared its intention to stay in Iraq for another year.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry deployed a 36 man force to destroy explosives and clear mines as of June 2005. A Bosnian trucker was ambushed and killed in Iraq.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 35 troops. Two soldiers were killed in Iraq in separate insurgent attacks.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 33 troops (possibly special forces). In late 2004 three Macedonian workers building barracks on American bases were executed after being captured by insurgents. As of October 1, 2005, Macedonia is planning to deploy 12 more soldiers.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 29 military engineers. One was killed (09/01/2005) along with eight Ukrainians when a pile of booby-trapped munitions was detonated by insurgents.

United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI)

  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 500 blue-helmets performing UN protection duties (separate to 400 Coalition troops).
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 335 Fijian troops protecting UN buildings and staff in and around the Green Zone, ahead of the Iraqi elections in January. ABC News reported on the 20th of October 2004, that the contingent (trained, equipped and transported to Iraq by Australia) would be deployed the following month. 5 Fijian contractors have been killed in Iraq.
  • Template:Country data flagcountry - 130 blue-helmets performing UN protection duties, seperate from Coalition troops.

According to a BBC monitoring report, the Republic of Fiji Military Forces had abandoned plans to deploy a battalion to Iraq under the Coalition, for financial reasons.

Nations no longer participating in ground operations

  • Nicaragua - 230 troops left in February 2004, no replacement, attributed to financial reasons. While in Iraq, the troops were under Spanish command.
  • Spain - had 1,300 troops (mostly assigned to policing duties)in Najaf and commanded the troops of Honduras, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, and of Nicaragua. Newly elected Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero fulfilled one of his campaign pledges and declared the end of the mission on April 28 2004 with the withdrawal of the last 260 troops. While in Iraq, Spain lost 11 military personnel: ten killed in insurgent attacks and one in an accident.
  • Honduras - 368 troops withdrawn by end of May along with Spain's contingent, citing that the troops were sent there for reconstruction, not combat. While in Iraq, the troops were under Spanish command (South East Iraq)
  • Norway - 140 of 150 troops (engineers and mine clearers) withdrawn on June 30, 2004 citing growing domestic opposition and the need for the troops elsewhere; approximately ten liaison troops remain. The Bondevik II administration insists the troops were never part of the invasion force, citing a UN humanitarian mandate. This does not seem to have come to the attention of the international community, as Al-Qaeda has included Norway in videotaped threats on at least two occasions, and US organizations have included Norway on their lists of participating nations. The actual status of Norwegian engineering and administrative personnel past and present are still a matter of domestic controversy, in part because troops serving in a war zone are entitled to better pay.
  • Dominican Republic - 302 troops withdrawn by end of May shortly after Spain and Honduras withdrew their contingents, citing growing domestic opposition. While in Iraq, the troops were under Spanish command (South East Iraq).
  • Philippines - 51 medics, engineers and soldiers withdrawn July 14 2004 in response to kidnapping of a truck driver. When the hostage takers' demands were met (Filipino troops out of Iraq), the hostage was released. While in Iraq, the troops were under Polish command (Central South Iraq) and during that time several Filipino soldiers were wounded in an insurgent attack but none died. In addition, four Filipino civilian workers were killed by insurgents in Iraq over April, May and June 2004.
  • Thailand - Withdrawal of last 100 troops from Thailand's 423-strong humanitarian contingent completed on 10th September 2004, in accordance with Thailand's mandate in Iraq which expired in September. Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra had previously announced early withdrawal if the situation became too dangerous. Thailand lost two soldiers in Iraq in an insurgent attack.
  • Hungary - Hungary's contingent of 300 transportation troops had begun arriving home in Budapest from Iraq on the 22nd of December 2004, reported AFP. All of Hungary's troops were reported by the Defence Ministry to have left Iraq by the end of that day. While in Iraq one Hungarian soldier was killed in an insurgent attack. One Hungarian contractor was also shot dead by American troops in a friendly-fire accident.
  • New Zealand - Two rotations of 61 military engineers, known as Task Force Rake, operated in Iraq from September 26, 2003 to September 25, 2004 [4] [5]. They were deployed to undertake humanitarian and reconstruction tasks consistent with UN Security Council Resolution 1483; they were not part of the invading force. While in Iraq the unit was under British command (South East Iraq) and was based in Basra. One New Zealand civil engineer was killed in Iraq during an insurgent attack.
  • Portugal - had 128 military policemen under Italian command (South East Iraq). Troops were withdrawn on Feb. 10th, 2005, two days ahead of schedule. In June 2004 one Portuguese technician was killed in Iraq in an insurgent attack.
  • Singapore - A total of 192 Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) personnel returned on 31 January 2004 after a two month deployment. A Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) amphibious transport dock conducted logistical tasks such as replenishing supplies for other naval vessels in the Persian Gulf, and conducted patrols to enforce a maritime presence. It also provided a platform for helicopter missions and maritime boarding operations missions by teams from other coalition countries when they inspected ships leaving Iraq. A (SAF) C-130 transport aircraft returned on 4 April 2004 after a two month deployment. During its deployment, the C-130 detachment conducted air support missions, including providing airlift and transportation of logistics supply to coalition forces. A SAF KC-135 tanker aircraft returned on 11 September 2004 after a three month deployment. During its deployment, the KC-135 provided air-to-air refuelling for coalition forces. A RSN amphibious transport dock with 180 personnel returned on 19 March 2005 after a three month deployment. Currently, there are no SAF personnel in or around Iraq.
  • Netherlands - Half a dozen liasion officers remain as of late 2005. An independent contingent of 1,345 troops (including 650 Marines, 3 or more Chinook helicopters, military police, a logistics team, a commando squad, and a field hospital) based in Samawah (Southern Iraq) left Iraq in June 2005. On June 1st 2004, the Dutch government renewed the troop stay through 2005. The Algemeen Dagblad reported on Oct. 21 2004, that the Netherlands would pull its troops out of Iraq in March 2005, at the end of the troop's mandate. Citing the Dutch Defense Minister, the Dutch Government had reportedly turned down an Iraqi Government request to extend the Dutch contingent's stay in-country. Netherlands lost two soldiers in separate insurgent attacks. In addition, one Dutch civilian engineer was killed in March 2004 in an attack.
  • Moldova - 12 de-mining specialists and medics. The Washington Post, on 15 July 2004, reported that Moldova had quietly halved its contingent from 24 to 12. Withdrew remaining forces in February 2005.
  • Tonga - 45 Royal Marines. Arrived in Iraq at the beginning of July 2004 to augment the I Marine Expeditionary Force in the Al Anbar Province. Withdrew all forces in mid-December 2004.

Private military contractors

In addition to regular troops there are roughly 20,000 private military contractors, described by some as mercenaries, in Iraq. This is more than twice the number of boots on the ground than the second largest group of troops of the participating nations, United Kingdom. These contractors also differ from regular troops as they are outside a Uniform Code of Military Justice, and have little or no legal accountability, making them especially feared and unpopular with the Iraqi population. However under the Geneva Conventions private contractors, along with everyone in Iraq, may be tried by fair and impartial military tribunals set up by one of the Occupying Powers. There have been unconfirmed reports of more than 40,000 'private military contractors' or 'mercenaries' operating in Iraq in December 2004. Details of such contractors shooting innocent civilians 'for fun' and taking part in interrogations and torture in US-military controlled prisons have emerged consistently.

Other countries whose nationals have been killed in Iraq

  • Turkey - At least 30 Turkish contractors (all but 3 of whom are truck drivers) have been killed in Iraq. Most died in ambushes and roadside bombings, but several were captured and executed on video.
  • South Africa - 15 citizens (13 of whom are security consultants) ambushed and killed.
  • Russia - 4 power plant technicians ambushed and killed.
  • Pakistan - 3. Driver killed in ambush, driver and engineer captured and executed on tape.
  • Nepal - 3 security contractors amushed and killed, 12 cleaners captured and executed.
  • Lebanon - 4 killed by insurgents: one translator shot, another killed by shrapnel. One worker kidnapped and murdered, body of contractor found.
  • Jordan - 2 truckers and 2 businessmen killed on the streets.
  • Indonesia - telecomms engineer ambushed and killed.
  • Germany - Water engineer shot dead, 2 GSG 9 officers acting as bodyguards killed (attackers thought them to be americans).
  • France - 3 engineers ambushed and killed.
  • Finland - 2 businessmen killed by sniper.
  • India - electrical engineer ambushed and killed.
  • Egypt - 4 contractors abducted and executed.
  • Croatia - 2 truck drivers ambushed and killed.
  • Colombia - security contracter ambushed and shot.
  • Canada - 5 security contractors killed.
  • Honduras - Paramedic working for DynCorp killed in hostile circumstances.
