
English citations of chimera

1719 1818
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  1. (Greek mythology) Alternative letter-case form of Chimera (a flame-spewing monster often represented as having two heads, one of a goat and the other of a lion; the body of a goat; and a serpent as a tail).
  2. (mythology) Any fantastic creature with parts from different animals.
  3. Anything composed of very disparate parts.
  4. A foolish, incongruous, or vain thought or product of the imagination.
  5. (architecture) A grotesque like a gargoyle, but without a spout for rainwater.
  6. (genetics) An organism with genetically distinct cells originating from two zygotes.
  7. Usually chimaera: a cartilaginous marine fish in the subclass Holocephali and especially the order Chimaeriformes, with a blunt snout, long tail, and a spine before the first dorsal fin.