User:Iceblock/Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy/Red links

-> cosmic-ray shower

-> cosmic-ray shower

-> Barycentric Celestial Reference System

-> Beta Cephei star

-> Algol star

-> carbon–nitrogen cycle

-> Celestial Intermediate Reference System

-> carbon–nitrogen–oxygen cycle

-> Córdoba Durchmusterung

-> cometary tail

-> Aten group -> Amor group

-> Earth rotation angle

-> plages

-> Greenwich Mean Astronomical Time

-> Hickson compact group

-> Ramaty High-energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager -> High Energy Transient Explorer-2

-> 21-centimetre line

-> interstellar absorption

-> inverse Compton effect

-> atmospheric transparency

-> Image Photon Counting System

-> International Sun–Earth Explorer -> [[]]

-> Jewel Box cluster

<-> [[]]

-> flux collector

-> lunar inequality

-> meridian transit -> [[]] -> [[]]

-> Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry, and Ranging

<-> [[]]

-> Ellerman bomb

-> [[ ]]

-> north polar distance -> New Style date

-> [[]]

-> Third Earl of Rosse

-> S Doradus star

-> [[]]

-> cometary tail

-> [[]]

-> meridian astronomy

<-> [[]]

-> photographic zenith tube

-> free–bound transition

-> radioactive age dating

-> richest-field telescope

-> Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager

-> South African Large Telescope -> Solar, Anomalous, and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer

-> Small Astronomy Satellite

-> Chandrasekhar–Schönberg limit

-> Southern Astrophysical Research telescope

-> [[]]

-> Temps Dynamique Barycentrique -> [[]]

-> Galileo National Telescope

-> UKIRT Infrared Deep-Sky Survey

-> United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope

-> Universel Temps Coordonné -> [[]]

-> Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System

-> H2O maser

-> Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer

-> Algol star

-> Zodiacal Catalogue


  • The list might contain errors
  • When you click a red link, please check the spelling of the title before you create the article
  • -> means a reference in the source from a headword to another, as in absorption nebula -> dark nebula


  • Ridpath, Ian (2007). Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy. Oxford University Press.