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:::::{{ping|YBG}} If you don't include group categories, then [ IUPAC approval] leaves us with only transition and inner transition elements (which are really synonyms of d-block and f-block respectively), main group elements (which is basically s-block plus p-block minus hydrogen), lanthanoids, actinoids, and rare earth elements for sure. Biggest overlap seems to be the triple one for lanthanum and friends.
:::::As for metallicity: IUPAC wrote in the Red Book: {{tq|In Ref. 11, the formulae for intermetallic compounds were also subject to an exceptional rule although no guidance was given for naming such compounds, and the term ‘intermetallic compound’ was not defined. The problem is to define the term ‘metal’. Therefore, no attempt is now made to make a separate prescription for either the formulae or the names of intermetallic compounds}}. So it seems that chemistry has abdicated from defining "metal" and that there are multiple ideas going around there. In the end I think you'll find that "metalloid" is one of those ill-defined terms that people use despite having no really agreed meaning. Similar to "noble metal" or "heavy metal". I guess "metalloid (usually)" for arsenic is not inaccurate; I just kind of dislike putting up ill-defined terms in the infobox because I worry it might make people think they are more standardised than they really are. Maybe I worry too much. ;) [[User:Double sharp|Double sharp]] ([[User talk:Double sharp|talk]]) 08:31, 1 February 2021 (UTC)