What Is Decolonize ALL The Science?

Decolonize ALL The Science is a HASTS (History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology, and Society) website which aims to provide a space for anti-colonial reflections on scientific knowledge production and science communication.  Here anything from the topics of bioethics, medical ethics, health inequities, public health, genetics/genomics, etc. are discussed by public scholar Dr. Shay-Akil McLean, Ph.D.. Dr. McLean is a writer, educator, independent research scientist, public scholar and thought leader studying the relationships between human biology, racism, and health inequities. Dr. McLean is a trained eco-evolutionary biologist (Ph.D.), biological anthropologist (BA, MA – evolutionary biology & human osteology), and sociologist (BA, MA – HASTS/STS, Comparative Historical Sociology, Sociology of Race/ism, Urban Sociology) studying Darwinian evolutionary biology, theoretical population genetics, Du Boisian sociology, health demography, and philosophies of biology and science.

Feel free to check out some of the works that I’ve previously written (or been featured in) on these topics/issues on www.decolonizeallthethings.com as well as on Twitter (@Hood_Biologist):

Myth: Ancestry DNA Test Determines Race Pt. 2 w/ Dr. Shay-Akil McLean

Black Liberation & Health Justice: Shay-Akil McLean

Science That Unsettles

#MarginSci: The March for Science as a Microcosm of Liberal Racism

Issues of Power, Not Bathrooms

Hood Biologist Explains How to Decolonize All The Science

We Need Decolonial Scientists

What #IfMenHadPeriods Reveals About Transphobia in Western Medicine

8 activists using social media to fight for irl change

Intersectional Food Politics & The Failure of SNAP Challenges

Tweets for Liberation

Dear white anthropologists, I don’t believe you: When will #BlackLivesMatter & #BlackMindsMatter in Anthropology departments?