Note #21487

Toast popup, reading: FreshRSS: new articles! There are -26 new articles to read on FreshRSS. (unread: 1148) via

I have minus 26 new articles in my RSS reader! Either I’m a time traveller, or there’s a wraparound bug when you neglect your unreads for long enough.

Both seem equally likely, if I’m honest.


1 comment

  1. Tulip Tulip says:

    Reminds me of a problem I often have implementing rss reading. What to do when items appear on the bottom end of a feed? (or in the middle)
    Do you keep the ID of each entry forever? Or might a new item on the bottom simply indicate something disappeared from the top? (negative 26 entries, perhaps)
    (and how to ID isn’t always as easy as it should be, too!)

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