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Your search for: 'author:("Kumar, Manoj")' has returned 6 results. (0.017s)

Energy efficient cognitive body area network (CBAN) using lookup table and energy harvesting

Price: EUR 27.50

A fuzzy cognitive map of the quality of user experience determinants in mobile application design

Price: EUR 27.50

An application for the earthquake spectral and source parameters and prediction using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system and machine learning

Price: EUR 27.50

Dynamic load balancing in IoT-enabled WSNs using fuzzy logic-based control

Price: EUR 27.50

A novel approach to enhance the quality of health care recommender system using fuzzy-genetic approach

Price: EUR 27.50

RETRACTED: Integrating IoT with WSNs using fuzzy logic-based middleware

Price: EUR 27.50