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Your search for: 'author:("Jang, Jung Yun")' has returned 5 results. (0.016s)

A Twin Study of Sex Differences in Genetic Risk for All Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), and Non-AD Dementia

Price: EUR 27.50

Differences Between Women and Men in Incidence Rates of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

Price: EUR 27.50

Affective Neuropsychiatric Symptoms as Early Signs of Dementia Risk in Older Adults

Price: EUR 27.50

Circulating Progenitor Cells Correlate with Memory, Posterior Cortical Thickness, and Hippocampal Perfusion

Price: EUR 27.50

Blood-Derived Progenitor Cells Are Depleted in Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment: A Role for Vascular Resilience?