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Your search for: 'author:("Bullido, Maria J.")' has returned 10 results. (0.013s)

A Free Radical-Generating System Regulates AβPP Metabolism/Processing: Involvement of the Ubiquitin/Proteasome and Autophagy/Lysosome Pathways

Price: EUR 27.50

A Free Radical-Generating System Regulates Amyloid Oligomers: Involvement of Cathepsin B

Price: EUR 27.50

Centro de Biologia Molecular “Severo Ochoa”: A Center for Basic Research into Alzheimer's Disease

Price: EUR 27.50

Epistasis Between Intracellular Cholesterol Trafficking-Related Genes (NPC1 and ABCA1) and Alzheimer's Disease Risk

Price: EUR 27.50

PLA2G3, a Gene Involved in Oxidative Stress Induced Death, is Associated with Alzheimer's Disease

Price: EUR 27.50

Genetic Variation in the Tau Kinases Pathway May Modify the Risk and Age at Onset of Alzheimer's Disease

The Epistasis Project: A Multi-Cohort Study of the Effects of BDNF, DBH, and SORT1 Epistasis on Alzheimer’s Disease Risk

Price: EUR 27.50

MAPT H1 Haplotype is Associated with Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease Risk in APOE ɛ4 Noncarriers: Results from the Dementia Genetics Spanish Consortium

Price: EUR 27.50

The CALHM1 P86L Polymorphism is a Genetic Modifier of Age at Onset in Alzheimer's Disease: a Meta-Analysis Study

Price: EUR 27.50