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Your search for: 'author:("Hyman, Bradley T.")' has returned 5 results. (0.011s)

Alzheimer DataLENS: An Open Data Analytics Portal for Alzheimer’s Disease Research

Characterizing Clinical and Neuropathological Traits of APOE Haplotypes in African Americans and Europeans

Price: EUR 27.50

Associations of Lower Caffeine Intake and Plasma Urate Levels with Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease in the Harvard Biomarkers Study

Price: EUR 27.50

Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers and Future Decline in Cognitive Normal Older Adults

Price: EUR 27.50

Age-Dependent Increase in Tau Phosphorylation at Serine 396 in Huntington’s Disease Prefrontal Cortex

Price: EUR 27.50