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Journal of Alzheimer's Disease - Volume 66, issue 2

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Price: EUR 595.00
ISSN 1387-2877 (P)
ISSN 1875-8908 (E)

Impact Factor 2024: 3.4

The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease is an international multidisciplinary journal to facilitate progress in understanding the etiology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, genetics, behavior, treatment and psychology of Alzheimer’s disease.

The journal publishes research reports, reviews, short communications, book reviews, and letters-to-the-editor. The journal is dedicated to providing an open forum for original research that will expedite our fundamental understanding of Alzheimer’s disease.

results per page

Genetic Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease: Three Wishes Now That the Genie is Out of the Bottle

France Will No More Reimburse Available Symptomatic Drugs Against Alzheimer’s Disease

Tau Protein Dysfunction after Brain Ischemia

Possible Role of Chitin-Like Proteins in the Etiology of Alzheimer’s Disease

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Frontotemporal Dementia Misdiagnosed for Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome or vice versa? A Treviso Dementia (TREDEM) Registry Case Report

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An Inducible Alpha-Synuclein Expressing Neuronal Cell Line Model for Parkinson’s Disease

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Forgetting Rate on the Recency Portion of a Word List Differentiates Mild to Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease from Other Forms of Dementi

Price: EUR 27.50

Learning Processes and Brain Connectivity in A Cognitive-Motor Task in Neurodegeneration: Evidence from EEG Network Analysis

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Increased Risk of Dementia in Subjective Cognitive Decline if CT Brain Changes are Present

Risk Factors of Rapid Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Price: EUR 27.50