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Disease Markers - Volume 20, issue 6

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The matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) 5A/6A promoter polymorphism is not associated with ischaemic heart disease: Analysis employing a family based approach

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Measurement reproducibility in the early stages of biomarker development

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HLA B-27 subtypes in turkish patients with spondyloarthropathy and healthy controls

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Mutation rate at commonly used forensic STR loci: Paternity testing experience

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Evaluation on the use of β-lactamase and Aminoglycoside modifying enzyme gene sequences as markers for the early detection of antibiotic resistance profile of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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Mutations in transglutaminase 1 gene in autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis in Egyptian families

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Matrix metalloproteinase-2, squamous cell carcinoma antigen, and tissue polypeptide-specific antigen expression in Egyptian patients with cervical carcinoma: Relationship with prognosis

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Microparticles and a P-selectin-mediated pathway of blood coagulation

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Tissue Factor in the myocardium: Evidence of roles in haemostasis and inflammation

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