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Disease Markers - Volume 34, issue 6

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Prognostic role of microRNA-155 in various carcinomas: Results from a meta-analysis

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MRP1 but not MDR1 is associated with response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients

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Expression of matrix metalloproteinases in human breast cancer tissues

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HER1 R497K and HER2 I655V polymorphisms are linked to development of breast cancer

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Utility of OCT3/4, TSPY and β-catenin as biological markers for gonadoblastoma formation and malignant germ cell tumor development in dysgenetic gonads

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Levels of PEDF in pleural effusions from lung adenocarcinoma and benign disease patients

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eNOS gene variants and the risk of premature myocardial infarction

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eNOS 4a/b polymorphism and its interaction with eNOS G894T variants in type 2 diabetes mellitus: Modifying the risk of diabetic nephropathy

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The search for a genetic factor associating with immune restoration disease in HIV patients co-infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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Author Index Volume 34 (2013)