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Ships small scale


Ships medium scale


Drawings, large scale

Musashi, 武蔵, 2 view drawing, showing her in 1942 with the two additional 15,5-cm turrets midships. In this early stage she still carried four big searchlights on both sides of the smokestack and matching four directors on the bridge tower. A type 94 rangefinder with 4,5-m baselength was mounted between bridge and smokestack.
Musashi, 武蔵, 2 view drawing, showing her in October 1944. It took us very long, but finally fruitful discussions until we were able to agree on this version. Remarks: The main deck should be camouflaged with a sloppy layer of smut, taken from the funnel, applied compareable to the camouflage pattern which can be seen on Yamato during the battle of the Sibuyansea. However I added no camouflage for reasons of clarity. Some of today’s reconstructions differ from this version as I have placed an additional 25mm AA-gun and an additional rangefinder on the extensions of the superstructure. Some explanatory notes were added to this image for trial [1]. (colordepth 16 Million, colors used 26168, size 4177 x 2026 pixel).
Yamato, 大和, 2 view drawing, showing her on April the 7th 1945. Additionally to the streghtend AA-Gun suite, the Yamato received some modifications compared to 1944 Musashi. For example the Mast of the aircraft-crane was removed shortly before the final battle, the main-mast was modified in early 1945, the main-anchors were secured by steel wire ropes and the chain was not visible on 7. April 1945. I first thought it would be easy to modify 10/1944 Musashi into 04/1945 Yamato - but that turned out to be a mistake. Btw, the white markings on the deck are maneuvering aids, applied to give bridge personnel a better idea of the ships outlines at night. Thanks to user Felix Sandberg for his support and his IJN knowledge (again). Some explanatory notes were added to this image for trial [2].(colordepth 16 Million, colors used 31081, size 4177 x 2026 pixel)
Kongō, 金剛, 2 view drawing, showing her 1944 configuration. There is some debate in scholarship about her exact look in 1944, resulting in various versions. As on Fusō, the light machineguns were portable and the exact positions of all those guns are unknown (at least to me).(colordepth 16 Million, colors used 28029, size 3490 x 1810 pixel)
Fusō, 扶桑, 3 view drawing, showing her 1944 configuration.
Dunkerque, 2 view drawing, showing her 1940 atlantic-configuration after the refit in 2/1940. The two 37-mm twin AA-guns on both sides of the second main turret have been removed, because they were considered vunerable to weather in the north. For the same reason the mainguns were equipped with a protective covers at the point where they connect with the turret. Two additional quad 13,2 mm AA-guns were placed on new platforms on both sides of the bridge tower. The associated 2-Meter rangefinders were put on a platform, which was installed between roof of the armored bridge and the main tower. The ship also got a dark-grey paintjob - which was replaced shortly after Operation catapult in July 1940 with light-grey. Marcel Gensoul was commander of the french squadron, therefor the ship displays the command version of the Vice-Admiral d´Escadre rank flag - the stars are located in the center, while the rank flag of a subordinate VAE shows those stars in the top left corner.
Strasbourg, 2 view drawing, showing her 1942 after the refit in 4/1942. She was equipped with four Sadir ME 140 radar emitters on the front of the bridge tower, below the searchlight platform. The matching MR-126 receiver antennas were also put on the brigdestructure. That system covered a 45° arc to the front and was identical to that installed on the battleship Richelieu. The optical 5-Meter rangefinder, which used to be mounted on top of the bridgetower, just infront of the main rangefinder, was removed. Some machineguns were added on both sides, next to the bridgetower, and one was placed on top of the hangar.
Scharnhorst, 3 view drawing, showing her in one of the camouflage patterns used in 1943. She carried two FuMO 27 radarsets, one on top of the bridgetower and one on the aft rangefinder. A FuMB 4 "SAMOS" radar-warning receiver was mounted below the forward FuMO 27. The ship carries two sets of three torpedotubes, added in 1942 to make the ship more effective when attacking merchantman and tankers. (colordepth 16 Million, size 4000 x 2337 pixel).
SMS Derfflinger, 3 view drawing, showing her in her configuration in May 1916. (size 4000 x 1850 pixel).
SMS Lützow, 3 view drawing, showing her in her configuration in May 1916. (size 4000 x 1850 pixel).
SMS Von Der Tann, 3 view drawing, showing her in her configuration in May 1916. (size 4000 x 1850 pixel).
SMS Seydlitz, 3 view drawing, showing her in her configuration in May 1916. (size 4000 x 1850 pixel).
HMS Queen Mary, 3 view drawing, showing her in her configuration in May 1916. She is listed to have carried a single 3in/cwt Mk I and a single six pounder gun since 1914, but I could not identify the correct position of those guns.(size 4000 x 1850 pixel).
HMS Lion, 3 view drawing, showing her in her configuration in May 1916. (size 4000 x 1850 pixel).
Akula class, Щука-Б, Drawing of the 4 different, currently thought to be active, versions of russian Akula class submarines. I did this to help solving the conflict dealing with the "original" russian designations and NATO/US Codenames, which came up during the work on the german wiki Akula article. For 5* "Akula" models, each different in some external aspects from its predecessor, we find only 3 western designations: "Akula","Improved Akula" and "Akula II".*(number five, not included in this drawing, looks like the bottom submarine without the additional launching-tubes).

Differences (external ones only):

  • the oldest sub in the drawing (bottom) still features quadratic air vents, mounted in sets of two and an early version of the waterintake for the reactorcooling.
  • the submarines, laid down a few years later, have the sets of 2 vents replaced by one rectangular vent each. The waterintake has been modified, possibly to reduce the noiselevel.
  • the next modification has the passive sensorpods moved from starboard to the portside and the hull was lenghtend along the shaft alley to gain space for addtional noise dampening technology. The position of the flood vents has also been altered.
  • the latest submarine of the Akula class, K-335, features a modified passive sonar mount on the upper rudder and an enleghtend sail.

Various Drawings
