Atlas of Austria-Hungary

Wikimedia Commons Atlas of the World

The Wikimedia Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons.
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The introductions of the country, dependency and region entries are in the native languages and in English. The other introductions are in English.

Osztrák–Magyar Monarchia

Deutsch Österreich-Ungarn

Die Österreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie (Die im Reichsrat vertretenen Königreiche und Länder und die Länder der heiligen ungarischen Stephanskrone), auch bekannt als Donaumonarchie, Doppelmonarchie, von Robert Musil auch Kakanien genannt), war ein Vielvölkerstaat in Mittel- und Südosteuropa, der nach dem Umbau des Kaisertums Österreich zu einer Doppelmonarchie auf der Grundlage des österreichisch-ungarischen Ausgleiches vom 8. Juni 1867 bis zum 31. Oktober 1918 (Austritt Ungarns aus der Realunion) bestand. Sie setzte sich aus zwei Staaten zusammen: aus den „im Reichsrat vertretenen Königreichen und Ländern“, offiziös Cisleithanien (erst ab 1915 amtlich Österreich genannt), und den „Ländern der heiligen ungarischen Stephanskrone“.

Magyar Osztrák–Magyar Monarchia

Az Osztrák–Magyar Monarchia (A birodalmi tanácsban képviselt királyságok és országok és a magyar Szent Korona országai) 1867 és 1918 között fennállt különleges dualista állam Közép-Európában. Két fele, a Magyar Királyság és Ausztria (hivatalos nevén "A birodalmi tanácsban képviselt királyságok és országok" vagy gyakran hivatkozott formában " az osztrák örökös tartományok", amely a mai Ausztria mellett magába foglalta egyebek mellett Cseh és Morvaországot, Galíciát, Bukovinát, a mai Szlovéniát és a mai Olaszország egy kis részét), valamint Bosznia-Hercegovinát belső ügyeit önállóan intézhette. Közös ügyeknek számítottak a külügy és a hadügy, valamint az ehhez szükséges pénzügyek.

English Austria-Hungary

The Austro-Hungarian Empire, also known as Austria-Hungary, Dual Monarchy or k.u.k. Monarchy or Dual State, was a dual-monarchic union state in Central Europe from 1867 to 1918, dissolved at the end of World War I.

Short name Austria-Hungary
Official name(s) The Kingdoms and Lands Represented in the Imperial Council and the Lands of the Holy Hungarian Crown of St. Stephen
Status Independent country between 1867 and 1918
Location Central Europe
Capital Wien (Vienna) & Budapest
Bécs & Budapest
Major language(s) German and Hungarian, minority languages: Czech, Croat, Slovenian, Slovak, Romanian etc.
Major religion(s) Roman Catholicism
More information Austria-Hungary.
More images Austria-Hungary - Austria-Hungary (Category).

General maps

The earliest tribes known who lived on the territory of latter Austria-Hungary
The territory of latter Austria-Hungary at the time of Christ birth
The Austrian Empire until 1867, map printed 1871
Austria-Hungary since 1867, making both Austria and Hungary constituent monarchies. Kingdoms and countries of Austria–Hungary:
Cisleithania (Austria): 1. Bohemia, 2. Bukovina, 3. Carinthia, 4. Carniola, 5. Dalmatia, 6. Galitzia, 7. Austrian Littoral, 8. Lower Austria, 9. Moravia, 10. Salzburg, 11. Silesia, 12. Styria, 13. Tyrol, 14. Upper Austria, 15. Vorarlberg; Transleithania (Hungary): 16. Hungary proper, 17. Croatia and Slavonia; 18. Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czoernig's distribution of languages in the Austrian Empire in 1855
Distribution of Races in Austria-Hungary from Meyers Konversationslexikon (1885-90)
Religions in Austria-Hungary, Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas, 1st Edition, Leipzig (Germany) 1881
Ethnic map of Austria-Hungary, census 1880. German version
Ethnic map of Austria-Hungary, census 1890. English version
Austria-Hungary in 1899
Historical map of Austria-Hungary from the Bibliothek allgemeinen und praktischen Wissens für Militäranwärter Band I, 1905
Austria-Hungary and Romania
Proposed United States of Greater Austria
The end of Austria-Hungary (in German)
The end of Austria-Hungary (in English)

Notes and references

General remarks:

  • The WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons. The main page is therefore the portal to maps and cartography on Wikimedia. That page contains links to entries by country, continent and by topic as well as general notes and references.
  • Every entry has an introduction section in English. If other languages are native and/or official in an entity, introductions in other languages are added in separate sections. The text of the introduction(s) is based on the content of the Wikipedia encyclopedia. For sources of the introduction see therefore the Wikipedia entries linked to. The same goes for the texts in the history sections.
  • Historical maps are included in the continent, country and dependency entries.
  • The status of various entities is disputed. See the content for the entities concerned.
  • The maps of former countries that are more or less continued by a present-day country or had a territory included in only one or two countries are included in the atlas of the present-day country. For example the Ottoman Empire can be found in the Atlas of Turkey.

Entries available in the atlas

General pages
Continents and oceans
Historical eras
States with wide recognition
States with limited recognition
Dependencies and other overseas territories
Country subdivisions
China (mainland)
United Kingdom
United States
Disputed subnational territories
Other regions
Former sovereign states
Former dependencies and overseas territories
Former disputed territories