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12:04 AM
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by bad_coder
It's likely the only way to post 2 separate revisions without having to wait for the 5 min grace period is to get a custom userscript. There's something similar for flagging comments without having to wait the minimum 5 seconds per flag. — bad_coder 33 secs ago
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by phil1008
This post provides a lot of food for thought. My takeaway is that if the answers to an MSE question are generally applicable and likely to cross-pollinate potentially good solutions or policies from one site's experience to others - without being proscriptive about which particular solutions or policies the autonomous sites should adopt - then the question would be appropriate for MSE. Did I come close to where your head is at on this? — phil1008 54 secs ago
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by Makyen
This question is similar to: How does editing work?. If you believe it’s different, please edit the question, make it clear how it’s different and/or how the answers on that question are not helpful for your problem. — Makyen 49 secs ago
12:25 AM
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by Makyen
Alternately, the answer is 'You can't. See "How does editing work?" for all the things which will end the grace period, other than the ways you've already listed in this question and discarded.' — Makyen 15 secs ago
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by Ryan M
I have several hundred unread inbox notifications that I can't practically access. Certainly including some mod messages that should have gotten replies. — Ryan M 26 secs ago
[ Boson light ] New comment posted by wjandrea
@bad Do you know how the custom userscript would work? Or could you point me to the comment-flagging one so I can study it? Thanks :) BTW I edited to add why. — wjandrea 40 secs ago
12:54 AM
in Meta Stack Overflow Comment Archive on Stack Overflow Chat, Sep 7 at 0:54, by Zoe - Save the data dump
Stack Exchange, Inc. has killed the on-site comment archive. Due to changes to bot prevention, chatbots are now much more prone to breaking during login, and it's much more difficult to recover from errors. Because there's no workarounds for getting around the new bot detection based on CloudFlare, the comment archives have moved to discord. The comment archive will return to SE once (if) chat access starts working reliably again

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