Absorbents Guide

Absorbents are products that can be used to contain or clean up a chemical spill. However, some absorbents can react with particular chemicals (that is, they are incompatibleSubstances that react together, if mixed.), so caution should be used in selecting the correct absorbent for your situation.

The guide was developed as a tool to help aid you in making decisions about absorbent use.

Note that this guide is intended as a starting point, rather than an all-inclusive reference. Use this information with caution and consult with experts if you have questions that aren't fully answered by this guide.

It is important to note that there may be additional incompatibilities not listed in this guide. The recommendations about incompatibilities are derived from general chemical knowledge, test data (proprietary and published), and investigations of past industrial incidents involving reactive chemicals. However, the analyzed data does not cover all possible combinations of chemicals and absorbents. So do not assume that a chemical (or group) is compatible with an absorbent just because it is not listed as incompatible.

Absorbent Incompatibilities on Datasheets

This guide provides information on incompatibilities between absorbents and general groups of chemicals (such as strong oxidizersOr oxidizing agent. A material that can cause or enhance the combustion of other materials, usually by providing oxygen.). Additionally, you can also see information about potentially incompatible absorbents in the Hazards section on a chemical datasheet.

To develop this information on incompatible absorbents, accident data from the chemical industry was analyzed to identify incompatibilities between absorbent classes and particular chemicals. To broaden the incompatibility guidance beyond just those chemicals, it was assumed that substances with similar chemical structures would be incompatible with the same absorbent classes. As such, a list of potentially incompatible absorbents was developed for every reactive group in the database. On the chemical datasheets, the potentially incompatible absorbents listed are not specific to the chemical itself—but rather an indication that one or more of the reactive groups assigned to that chemical record have been known to react with a particular absorbent.

An excerpt from the Hazards section of the chlorine datasheet, showing that there are several potentially incompatible absorbents.

Absorbent Topics