uhHo.us a nonprofit 501c3...help refugees and victims of conflict.

About uhHo.us

It is time for relief for Dafur, relief for the people of Darfur, Sudan.

United Helping Hands Outreach (UHHO)

United Helping Hands Outreach is a 501c3 nonprofit, faith based organization, that’s focused on helping the IDP’s (Internally Displaced People) of Darfur, Sudan, surrounding countries in Africa and other nations.

UHHO was established in 2005 with the vision in mind to help the destitute people of the Darfur, Sudan region and other nations. To provide medical attention/treatment, supply and distribute medicines, supply food, build eco-friendly houses, give clothes, shoes, baby formula, toys, household goods and supplies, toiletries, female products and other basic necessities of life.

UHHO is currently seeking donations through public and private organizations/foundations, and governmental agencies.

Please visit www.uhho.us or email us at for more information.

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