is a language Company with 2 Spanish Schools: Alicante, Vitoria

Spanish language Schools ZADOR

Zador schools of Spanish in Alicante and Vitoria - Zador, escuelas de español en Vitoria y Alicante - Zador, école d'Espagnol à Alicante et à Vitoria - Zador, Spanish Spraschule in Spanien - Zador Scuole di spagnolo in Spagna. File:Zadorspain Spanish Schools in-Spain

Spanish Courses to suit your needs

ZADOR, school of Spanish in Spain, with two schools of Spanish in Spain, in Alicante and Vitoria, offers you to study Spanish wide range of Spanish Courses, different types of accommodation, optional activities, excursions and trips to get to know Spain.

See you soon learning Spanish in Spain

First of all, we would like to welcome you and we hope to have the opportunity to meet you personally in Alicante or in Vitoria.

As you can see, we offer you two very different destinations: one in the North, in the Green Spain of forests and vineyards - Vitoria; and the other on the Mediterranean coast, in the Blue Spain of the Mediterranean Sea - Alicante. You can come to one of the schools or to both of them, combining your stay to make it even more enriching.

In both language schools we offer you different programmes to learn Spanish and enjoy your holidays, accommodation, a considerable range of social, cultural and sports activities and all the necessary support to make your stay in Spain a success.

Studying in another country is an unforgettable experience. Even many years later, we continue speaking about it: we go from “I do not understand a word” to... “I do not want to go home yet”.

We are fully convinced that studying Spanish in ZADOR Alicante or in ZADOR Vitoria will be an experience you will never forget.

New words, new knowledge, new customs, new places, new food, and new friends… ―everything implies a discovery that will enrich you and will motivate you to continue studying, learning and enjoying.

In sum, this new knowledge coupled with an exciting personal experience will lead you towards a new academic, professional or personal future according to your interests and needs.

When the time comes for you to go back home, you will have learned and practiced so much, that you will want to learn even more and to keep in touch with the Spanish people, with Spain and with us. A slogan promoting our land says: “come and spread the word”; we are sure this will apply to you as well!

We hope you like this brochure and, above all that you find it useful and easy to read.

Finally, the only thing left to say is that we remain available for any questions, requests or suggestions.

We send you our best regards:

See you soon!

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