
1st Maine Cavalry Reenacting and Living History Organization


Our aim is to preserve and understand the life of the cavalryman during the American Civil War. Through practical experience and academic research we not only keep alive the ways of the cavalry but can better share that knowledge and experience in order to heighten public awareness of that part of our history, and keep alive the memory of those that gave so much for their cause and country. 1st Maine's goal is to bring to life the federal cavalryman not only for the benefit of the public that might not otherwise have experienced such a tangible portrayal of their history; but for ourselves, that we might appreciate and understand, as best we can, the experience of the cavalryman in the Civil War.

We are accepting recruits that are energetic, physically sound, quality minded, and have an interest in history and doing what we do.

Although we portray a particular regiment, our appearance is basically that of the typical cavalrymen with the Army of the Potomac, ie: "Eastern Federal Cavalry." Because much of what we do is for the benefit of the public our effort is focused on making how we look, and how we function as historically correct as we can. We continuously strive to improve our individual as well as our overall "impression." All members, therefore, are expected to maintain, at least, the minimum standards dictated by the unit's impression guidelines.

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