
48 Reviews
Refreshingly Drama Free
24 April 2024
I must say this is a very pleasant surprise and I understand why this show has such a high rating. I am a huge lover of reality shows in general and watch as many as possible. Even though I love me some Housewives, this is such a relief to watch a show that is not based on high drama and endless conflicts.

I wasn't too familiar with Tyler Cameron because I didn't really watch his season of The Bachelorette even though I had heard of him. So I wasn't quite sure what I would get but I like shows about renovations in general so I gave it a try. From the first episode I was hooked.

What I love about it the most is the fact that what unfolds is never based on excessive drinking, screaming matches, convoluted misunderstandings or violent confrontations. We get to experience Tyler and his posse trying to get his renovation business off the ground with issues that you would normally expect from any venture in construction and renovation.

The guy is good looking, charming and I felt myself rooting for his success. His friends and family are all delightfully real without any extreme behavior you could expect from the average reality show. I think this one has a chance to last for a long while and it's up to Tyler to keep it going.

The show is well balanced as we get to see the process to the big reveal which is of course the payoff and I found it very satisfying. The only people who might not like this would be those who like their reality more on the dramatic side but to me, this type of show is a lot more up my alley.

Very well done and please, give us more of this type of drama-free, casual reality show where we can sit back and enjoy the view without feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable. I watched season 1 in 2 days so I can safely state that I enjoyed myself tremendously. Give it a try, I'm sure you won't regret it.
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Buying Beverly Hills (2022–2024)
Organic Drama
10 April 2024
I must say, this one took me by surprise. Although a big fan of most reality shows including The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, I often feel like drama in general, although necessary to spruce up the action, has taken a turn to become toxic and highly flammable in many cases. The whole Housewives franchise is a perfect example of drama going too far and although most people might prefer a high level of conflict, to me less is more.

And this show is a perfect case of that philosophy where human interactions can supply plenty of frictions without resorting to extreme behavior. Although it might seem rather tame on that level, to me this feels wonderful to watch the opulent homes and see how the different personalities interact.

I have seen Alexia, Farrah, Sophia and of course Mauricio evolve over the course of Housewives of Beverly Hills but they were never really at the center of the action and it's refreshing to see them in their workplace doing their thing. Some might criticise by implying that nepotism is strong here but isn't this how our world works? I for one am not bothered at all and find it perfectly acceptable that Mauricio would favor his daughters while still being fair to the other agents.

I also like pretty much everyone in the cast because their interactions never feel forced or contrived. Many criticize reality shows in general for their tendencies to fabricate situations that don't feel natural and only meant to fan the flames. You got the villain, the doormat and the lunatic, mix and match while it explodes.

Here we get a much tamer form of drama but it feels more natural and organic. No alcohol induced bendor or screaming matches in sight, only natural frustations and disagreements you would expect in anyone's life. And that to me is very refreshing as I must admit I enjoyed this one a whole lot more than I thought possible.

This is also the kind of show I personally find to be totally rewatchable. If you like your drama on the torrid and toxic side, you might find this totally bland but personally, I have enjoyed watching tremendously and will continue to do so. This one is a gem in my book for sure.
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Vanderpump Villa (2024– )
Major Adjustments Needed
9 April 2024
I must say first that I am a huge lover of reality shows. I even produce and direct my own so that genre holds a particular fascination for me. There are so many now that it's difficult to watch them all but I really try to experience as many as possible.

I always give a new show the chance to develop and my feelings might evolve over time but for now, I get a very bad feeling about this one. It is obviously inspired by Vanderpump Rules and my guess is that Lisa Vanderpump is hoping it will become must see TV.

But in order for that to happen, some serious fixes are needed. So far, the only ones I like are Anthony the chef, Andre the barman, server Priscila and Stephen the event coordinator. They are real, entertaining yet not prone to extreme behavior that never fails to make my skin crawl.

The others in the cast are still an open question for me to find out if I will like them in the long run. But the two most obnoxious, cliched and unbearable characters are without a doubt Eric the manager who is an absolute monster of arrogance and Marciano the eternal frat boy who will most likely never change.

Eric is by far the absolute worst one in the bunch. He is prickly, smug and pretentious. I understand that he is the manager but the way he goes about it is insane. I find him unwatchable to the point that when he talks in his confessionals, I fast forward because I can't stand what he says and the cocky way he says it.

Marciano is the typical jerk who goes around drinking like he's on a Vegas bender. Hannah is his insecure ex who still loves him and we can see a mile away that their road to get back together will be filled with toxic confrontations already teased as the season will progress.

But the thing that really disappoints me about this show is Lisa. At the beginning, she establishes her rules which make perfect sense one of which is to not drink on the job. Well, that rule is broken within minutes obviously along with several others yet, Eric and Marciano drink constantly and antagonize every other person in the cast but Lisa doesn't do anything to stop it.

I understand that most reality shows think they need at least one or two villains to stir things up but the fun for an audience is to see the bad apple being properly chastised and punished. Yet Lisa doesn't intervene when they break her own rules and the show devolves into yet another circus of toxic personalities who drink, make bad decisions and so far suffer no consequences.

The show is still in its infancy and the previews are showing us that there might be repercussions for the culprits but I can't help but agree with chef Anthony who says that in any normal restaurant, half the staff would be fired already.

The toxicity is already so high and as I write this, only 4 episodes are released so I am not hopeful that this will get any better. I will pretty much watch any reality show but at some point I feel like this one will lose me if the people who need to be called out on their behavior are free to roam in this debacle eventually making it unwatchable. Let's hope that some sense will prevail and that Lisa will admonish the ones who deserve it.

Any show needs a grace period and I am willing to stick around to find out but if by the end of the season nothing changes, I won't be returning for season 2. A bit of drama is fine but toxicity to this level is just not sustainable and frankly, not even remotely entertaining.
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Gorgeous Love Tale
16 August 2022
I watch a lot of movies featuring gay romances and somehow, never found one as breathtakingly beautiful as this one. Not only are the two main actors extremely good-looking but the whole movie is a treat for the eyes with gorgeous scenery and I savored every drop. I loved it so much that I instantly watched it again a second time.

The story is about two half brothers who fall in love as we see their journey from key moments in their childhood and as young adults. The incest is a taboo I guess but I personally don't see any issues when two men or women are involved. Only in procreation could this cause a problem. The thing is that the subject matter is treated with such delicacy and care that I don't see how anyone could be offended.

I have to mention that I speak English and French fluently but not Portuguese nor Spanish. Since the copy available to me didn't have subtitles, this meant that I had to watch the whole movie without understanding anything that was said except for a few lines in English. But somehow, it didn't matter because the two actors have such electrifying chemistry that they transcended the need for words even though I would love to understand what they're saying but it doesn't take anything away from my enjoyment of this masterpiece. I finally found a copy with subtitles after a while and wasn't disappointed at all when I watched it again several times.

To me this is the most beautiful movie ever made of a love story between two men. The acting is beautifully modulated and subtle and there is not a bad apple in the bunch. Even the two kid actors are wonderful and they really both look and act like their adult counterpart. I must applaud the casting, writing, acting and directing here cause it's flawless and every character is well played and interesting to watch.

I remember thinking midway through when the hysterical drama would come. You know, the gay bashing, self-loathing, homophobia violence, the misunderstandings, the fly in the ointment. But it never came and instead I was treated to a captivating story that didn't rely on any cliché we've seen countless times in gay movies. Even the ending is perfect and that's saying a lot because I like happy endings and I was not disappointed in the slightest.

I highly recommend this poetic film which might seem slow or uneventful to some but if you're like me and crave to see a beautiful love story between two men expressed on the screen without reservation, you will truly enjoy this. There is full frontal nudity and sex scenes although nothing explicit is ever shown as it is more about the love between the two that matters.

Also, some might qualify this as unrealistic because the characters seem to live in some peaceful utopia. I think several filmmakers seem to forget that many want entertainment and escapism from this harsh reality, not a movie preaching about social issues. Yes those are important problems to address I guess but I don't want it in every single thing I watch and you can easily find that elsewhere.

I agree that this should never have a sequel which could potentially ruin the perfect gay fantasy that is contained in this magnificent piece of cinema. But I would be the first to check it out because I have watched this thing so many times already. This is by far my favorite movie with a gay love story and I don't think I will ever find something as truly astonishing and satisfying as this film.

Somehow, it went straight into my heart and I will never recover. 10/10 and very well deserved. Give yourself a treat and watch it.
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Like Eating a Whole Cheesecake
22 March 2021
I have to admit that unlike many it seems, I absolutely love the theatrical Whedon version and gave it a 10/10. That's right I'm one of those precious few who feel that way. And I gave this exactly half of that 5/10 for several reasons. Obviously those who didn't care at all for Whedon's version or were merely disappointed might not agree with me.

I sat though it once but will never watch it again. It was like eating a whole cheesecake. Don't get me wrong, a slice can be delicious but it would never occur to me that a binge is the way to go and I would have to suffer the consequences.

The movie overdoses on itself with a mountain of slow motion shots that can last for minutes at a time. This includes not just action sequences but endless closeups, people walking or reflecting on something as the pace is slowed to a crawl while Snyder indulges in rendering a beautiful image but then staying on it for way too long.

There is a reason why a great editor can make or even save a movie. The pacing is all wrong because it is not sustained in a way that I would personally find satisfying. The rendering for Steppenwolf is completely different and I much preferred the one from the original than this new version which looked even more fake. To me he never looked anything else than a cartoon here while in the first version, although not perfect he was adequate enough.

The music with choirs and plaintive vocals is very depressing especially in the first few hours before the real action begins. And most of the time it went on for way too long. Some scenes that were snippy and fast in the original with an upbeat tempo were slowed done and stretched to a crawl here with this very sad soundtrack which completely changed the tone of the scene in question.

Obviously, Snyder is a genius and can craft beautiful images like nobody's business although I am not a fan at all of the filter he constantly uses which makes everything look drab and brownish. I like vivid colors in movies and this felt grey and darker than I would like.

Frankly, the 4:3 ration is the main culprit why I will never see this version again. I don't know why Snyder felt the need to revert back to this archaic format which made every image look cheaper and without scope. The whole way through, I kept thinking about all the background I couldn't see on each side, knowing it existed but was removed on purpose. I just can't understand this decision and I couldn't enjoy it as much as I might have with a proper theatrical format.

I wanted to like it cause I love the original so much and there are things that are worth seeing yet I've had my fill and once was enough. I even watched the theatrical cut again the day after I was done as if to rinse it away. And I appreciated it even more. Whedon has a much faster style and I found it a whole lot more entertaining.

For those who are big fans of Snyder, I can understand why you would hail this as a great movie especially if you revel in the minutiae and intricate details of this universe with backstories galore. But personally, the 4 hours, the 1:33 format and the non-stop slow motion shots got me so down and depressed that I will never revisit this again.

I half recommend so to speak and it is certainly worth a watch but be prepared to live through a very long journey. Let's be clear, this is more a mini-series than a movie and it would probably work better being marketed as such. They decided to release it instead as one of the longest movies ever made.
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Color Me Surprised
15 March 2020
I have to say fist, I barely tolerated The Force Awakens and really disliked The Last Jedi so with all these negative reviews floating around I was expecting to hate The Rise of Skywalker. But to my utter delight, I really enjoyed it to the point where it has become my second favorite next to Episode III Revenge of the Sith.

The pacing was perfect and the story kept me engaged all throughout with a velocity that I found surprisingly effective. The acting was good and of course the special effects were flawless but with all the money spend on this thing I wouldn't expect anything less.

This said, I can totally understand why many die hard fans might totally hate it. Several key plot points didn't quite make sense in connection with the 2 previous movies and it just dismissed many established facts of the whole saga in general. Not to give anything away but let's just say that this ending if it truly is the last Star Wars movie doesn't quite make sense considering everything that came before.

Say what you will about George Lucas but he kept the story tight and precise with every detail deeply connected to the franchise as a whole. You might have not liked some of his choices but no one could dispute the fact that he cared about the story and made sure that everything fitted together like a giant puzzle.

But somehow, even though George had no say in this whatsoever, I truly loved Rise of Skywalker to the point where a 9 rating was justified in my mind. I would recommend that you leave everything else behind and not try to connect the events of this movie too much with the previous 2 let alone all the others because it might become a tedious and frustrating experience.

I think that this movie is best enjoyed when one just tries to forget everything that happened before and let yourself get immersed in the story. I guess it was easier for me to really enjoy this because I am not viscerally attached to the Star Wars universe in such a way that I can't forgive lapses in continuity.

I truly enjoyed it and in spite of myself, I have to conclude that it is one of the best Star Wars I've ever seen. I won't even try to convince anyone else because it would be pointless since most fans have very definite ideas on what should happen in the Star Wars universe. But for what it's worth, I think the force is strong with this one so color me satisfied.
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More Entertaining Than I Expected
22 January 2020
Here's the thing. If you like sci-fi movies full of bad aliens and action scenes with exploding stuff every 5 minutes, you will not like this. Like many reviewers stated, this is a slow journey into a story that is not original by any stretch of the imagination but still fun enough to follow. At least for me.

I was surprised I liked it as much as I did because I've watched several sci-fi stinkers lately and I had the worst doubts I would ever enjoy this. But oddly enough, unlike many reviewers I actually liked the slow pace because I felt a buildup to something and I was just hoping it would not disappoint me.

The ending of a movie is always the deal breaker for me whether I recommend it or not. In this case, the end came and surprise, I was satisfied with it and didn't feel like I wasted my time. The acting by the lead actress is quite good and the other characters were adequate even though it is mostly a one woman show unless you count ARTI.

But if you appreciate a slow burning sci-fi mystery and like to be submerged into a universe not too far in the future and rather well rendered especially for such a low budget, check it out. You might hate it or find it boring but for those of you who are like me, you might enjoy it more than anticipated.

A solid 7 stars in my book is well deserved and yes, I like that one a whole lot more than I thought I would so they got me by the end literally.
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400 Days (2015)
The Ending That Never Was
21 January 2020
I admit, I didn't expect too much out of this but I said to myself why not? I like Brandon Routh (even thought he was underrated in Superman Returns) and I guess Dane Cook is alright too in small doses.

I didn't know the other actors so I took a chance and even refrained myself from reading the reviews because I'm one of those rare birds who actually like spoilers before watching a movie. And now I wish I had read all of them cause this was excruciating.

First of all, the acting is quite good and even though this is obviously a very low budget production, that doesn't bother me because I am able to take it into consideration when I judge a film.

It started slowly and I didn't mind that because I still felt like we were going somewhere but then, around half way when the "action" (and I use the term loosely) shifted from the lone set to the outside, it all fell apart and very quickly.

Without a solid story, any movie becomes tedious at best and in this case, the further along it went, the more I felt like I would be disappointed. Nothing made sense, very little was explained but by far, the worst aspect of this production is the ending.

Not only did it feel like the cliffhanger of an episode from a TV series where everything is up in the air but worst of all, it's as if there is a huge chunk of the movie missing at the end. There is no conclusion, no explanation and I was left to wonder why in the name of heaven did I even bother in watching this drivel.

Mind you, not every loose end has to be tied up or explained but as an audience we need some sort of satisfying resolution and this is by far one of the worst ending I've ever seen in my life. It's as if the writer/director had no idea how to finish so he simply gave up I guess telling himself that the viewers would fill in the blanks.

But this is so lazy and incompetent that I felt angry I wasted my time. 2 stars is the only rating I feel this deserves because even though it showed promise at the beginning, by the end everything was ruined and if you like a movie where nothing is explained at all this might be for you but it's not for me. Not by a long shot.
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Alien Code (2018)
Totally Worth Your Time
7 January 2020
The slow pace especially at the beginning might make some viewers jump ship too early and I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to invest my time but I always try to give this type of movie a chance because I usually enjoy a slow burning thriller. The sci-fi elements didn't hurt of course but those expecting aliens and big explosions will not be happy.

Yet as I immersed myself into the rather sluggish story rhythm especially in the beginning, it started to grow on me and by the middle I was used to the progressive pacing which slowly builds into something more than the average thriller.

The acting is very competent and even if it took me a while to warm up to the main protagonist Kyle Gallner as Alex Jacobs, by the end I was rooting for him and I must say he kept my interest until the conclusion. I was rather thrilled by the plot which slowly revealed itself to be quite intricate.

A solid 9 stars is what I feel this deserves. The ending is not the best I've ever seen but it's still satisfying enough that I didn't feel cheated even though I would have wanted a bit more.

It is totally worth a viewing and even if you feel like it might lead nowhere, if you hang in there you'll realize that the plot gets you to an interesting place where time and philosophy are mixed into an interesting commentary on how time defines us as human beings.
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Time Trap (2017)
Unexpected Gem
7 January 2020
I admit, I had no idea what I was in for when I decided to watch this movie. The subject appealed to me especially the title since I usually like anything related to time but I wasn't prepared for how much I would enjoy this precious little jewel of a movie.

It starts innocently enough and took a little while to get going but once it did I was totally hooked. The acting is good for this type of flick but the star of this movie is not really the characters so to speak but rather the way the story slowly grabs your attention and never lets the momentum die.

The effects are very good and used sporadically enough to give us a satisfying jolt while not overdoing it and I was totally engrossed in how this would play out. There are a lot of great ideas flawlessly executed and the direction and editing are top notch serving us a fresh and moving story.

Even the ending was wonderful, open enough to let a sequel continue this saga and frankly, I would love to see it. Not everything is explained but enough is resolved that we don't feel cheated yet I was totally rooting for the characters all the way through and the conclusion feels like the start of what could be a very exciting part 2.

I give this 9 stars which is very well deserved and it's always such a great gift to be surprised by a movie that I wasn't sure would deliver. If you give this a chance, you might also be well rewarded and if you're anything like me, you will stay riveted until the end that promises everything while still fulfilling our need as a viewer to feel satisfied with a well crafted conclusion.
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Anon (I) (2018)
I Really Like This One
7 January 2020
I wasn't quite sure what to expect but the subject matter seemed very promising. As I got into it, I started to really enjoy the story which is rather slow yes but I still had the feeling that somehow, it would lead somewhere.

The acting is really good by Clive Owen and especially Amanda Seyfried who impresses as the girl with a mission, reminding me of the character she played in the movie "In Time" back in 2011. With a brown wig and those soulful stares, she made "The Girl" totally memorable and she really is the stand out in this movie.

The effects are well rendered but not overdone and even though there is some action, if someone expects a whole lot of shooting and violence, they might be disappointed although there are some bloody scenes. The slow pace picked up progressively as we find out more about The Girl's world and how detective Sal Frieland (Owen) gets sucked into her web so to speak.

The subject matter is rather appropriate and current in this day and age where total privacy is but a pipe dream and I must admit, I even liked the ending which, even though not every loose bit was resolved, is totally satisfying to me. I have this thing where if the ending of a movie is too open ended or botched up, I really resent it but this one was perfectly adequate.

I give this a solid 9 stars and anyone who enjoys a well crafted and intelligent thriller should appreciate it. Unfortunately, the movie was a total flop at the box office so it was mostly overlooked but I think it deserves an audience and I for one am very happy I gave it the chance it deserves.
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Radius (2017)
That Ending Ruined Everything
5 January 2020
I must say, I enjoyed how this flick started and the premise with a slight sci-fi flavor grabbed my attention instantly. It starts slowly and doesn't quite get as fast as I had hoped but still, it was entertaining and I was intrigued to find out how they would resolve it.

But then came the last third of the movie and everything went south. Not only was the big shocking twist asinine and boring but mostly, it completely negated everything that transpired before and felt like a slap in the face of the audience becoming pointless.

They never explained in a satisfying manner what I thought the movie was about which is this weird curse the protagonist had of killing people instantly whenever they came too close. I wanted to find out and mostly, wished they could have stayed on this plot but then they completely switched gears while dropping the one interesting thing about the story.

I understand that it might have been difficult to find an interesting way of solving the mystery since this is a low budget production but I really didn't like the fact that they simply switched the narrative and chose to go the route of the way too easy cliche used in so many thrillers.

I would have respected it more if they had made a regular thriller and not mix it with supernatural elements they had no intention of pursuing. The production, direction, editing and acting are all quite good so this is why I felt especially disappointed.

The 4 stars are for those well done production elements but the very bad ending and the plot twist that was used to conclude things made me subtract the other stars and although I enjoyed 2/3 of this, the end spoiled it all for me.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
They should have stopped after 2
7 August 2019
I had heard of this show for quite a while yet never had the inclination to watch. But then, I had the opportunity to do so and basically binged all 3 seasons in a week. Once I was done I started to read the reviews and I must say I agree with many of them.

Obviously, this is a very well made show and season 1 is the best of course but season 2 also satisfied me with a neat and effective resolution. And then came 3 and as most will agree, this is 1 too many.

Not only was the premise of this show only based on one great idea which had ran its course but also, the tone and the characters changed drastically starting with season 3. The new story which is really a rehash of the previous one became too convoluted and felt like a reheated lasagna past its expiration date.

If they had started with a totally fresh story it might have worked but it felt too similar as if starting over with a slightly different approach could make things seem all new again.

I found season 3 to be quite painful to sit through because not only the delicious mystery present in 1 and 2 has vanished replaced by a sort of "dramedy" with the cast of characters seeming to struggle in their new quest to stay relevant.

If season 3 had been the first, it might not have suffered as much in comparison with the 2 great seasons that preceded it but coming after such amazing and groundbreaking work, 3 has an indisputable feeling of been there done that.

For this reason, even though I would rate season 1 a perfect 10 and season 2 a very strong 9, season 3 brings down my final rating to 6 stars. Still worth a watch but if you skip 3 altogether, you won't miss much of anything.
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Franchise Fatigue Setting in
19 May 2019
I don't know why but it took me a long while before I felt like watching this one. Something about it seemed quite predictable and I got a "been there done that" sort of feel from it. But last night I was bored so I said to myself, why not give it a shot. So here we go.

First, the pros are there for sure. The effects are very well done as expected, the story zipped along at a fast enough pace and the acting was good and adequate for this genre. So why was I so disappointed?

I think it's because as I watched, I felt like I had seen all this before and could almost predict in details what would happen next. I really tried hard to let myself get invaded by the story and gave it a fair shot but as the film progressed I got more and more disillusioned to the point that I had to fast forward certain scenes to speed things along even though the story was not exactly that slow.

I guess it's also because there's been quite a few movies in that franchise already and well, it seemed like overkill. But that doesn't totally explain why I disliked it. I think it's just that I might not be in the key demographics for this particular type of movie even though I usually like sci-fiction films.

A 5 star rating might seem low compared with all the glowing reviews this got here although at rottentomatoes it was certified rotten with a 48% score which I tend to agree with. Basically, I got blasé quite fast and my level of interest declined instead of rising. So if you end up liking or even loving it, good for you. But as for me, I am not fond of this and will never watch it again.
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Weak Story with Decent Acting
17 May 2019
I wanted to like this one for some obscure reason. The subject matter seemed promising and I dove into it with an open mind. Even though the acting was adequate (although nothing great), the one flaw was of course the story or rather the lack of it.

At first, I was lulled into a false sense of hope that something would come to grab my attention so I kept on watching and soon found out that this was as good as it would get. The story should always be the number one priority when producing a movie and sadly, this is not the case here.

The drug aspect didn't bother me as much as it just seemed like yet another cliched way of depicting a love story between 2 men. True, drug addiction can be a part of that community but in this case, it just felt stitched together to give the characters something to do.

The whole time I felt like the director/writer didn't know what to do with his characters to make them interesting. The chemistry between the 2 leads was fair and the supporting actors were also decent but yet again, the story didn't have enough meat to make this riveting. It dragged along to its wobbly conclusion which felt like a letdown because the payoff never came.

The only actor who I felt really owned his part was Thure Lindhardt as Erik and he was quite good in portraying the anguish and sadness of his character but he wasn't given enough substance in terms of his tale to make me feel satisfied with this movie so I could only give it a decent 4 star rating. Nothing horrible certainly but nothing outstanding either.
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Good Acting but Pointless Story with Explicit Sex
19 April 2019
First, I have to admit my surprise at the graphic sex scenes in this movie. I really didn't expect that and although I'm not a prude by any stretch of the imagination, I felt like they detracted from the story instead of adding to it because when sex is shown in an explicit way, it becomes only about that. I should have guessed from seeing Naked Sword in the opening credits but I figured they could produce something else than adult flicks.

This felt to me like a porn disguised as an artsy movie. And there is certainly nothing wrong with that. This said, I really didn't like it at all. But first, the strong point is that the acting is quite good, surprisingly so I must say. All the while, I expected the plot to get to a higher state of interest but that was in vain which brings me to the worst trait of this film.

Without a good story, a movie can't be anything but an exercise in futility. Where is the drama? The heart of the matter? All I saw were huge closeups and inane dialogue leading nowhere. This felt like the writer/director had no idea where to go and how to get there. Nothing really made sense in terms of action because I never felt like the character were clearly defined even though as I said, the actors did a good job but with very little substance.

I would have hoped for a better story to let them shine but all we got were bland concepts and pretentious angst which were not well explained nor expressed on the screen. This felt like a waste of time just watching a bunch of characters trying to come up with the something, anything to retain our interest.

I have to say, I could only award this 2 stars and it's only because the acting worked. But as for the actual purpose of doing this movie, I see no message, no story arc or purpose. I gained nothing from viewing and I actually forgot what happened as soon as I watched because it all felt so disposable and pointless.

It's a miss in my book, not even if you like sex really explicit and in your face. There are great porn movies for that. This is like a hybrid that doesn't know what it wants to say or how it wants to show it. Huge disappointment and no, I don't recommend it to anyone.
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Fun Breezy Reality Series
19 April 2019
I have to say first that since I love almost every reality show out there, I was bound to find something interesting in this one. Sure, this is not the best there is in that genre and some of the situations are a bit bland but I still liked it enough to come back for more.

I never knew anything about Fernando Allende who is quite a star in Mexico and his wife and kids are as nuts as he is but they're fun to watch and my favorite family from this show. Then comes the Madrazo gang with the "almost" incestuous brother and sister duo namely Óscar, Paulina and their kids. They're fun as well and so far I've enjoyed their shenanigans.

The last family Bessudo is really a mother-daughter duo Raquel and Doris. They are the weakest link here and I could do without them but they're not that bad and I can live through their segments.

What I really appreciate about this show is the way it makes me experience a totally different culture from anything I've seen. I haven't traveled that much in my life and to see all those Mexican places is a lot of fun.

The drama is actually quite different from most reality series because it's not quite as heavy and mostly on the fluff airy side but that is refreshing in itself and I can say that I totally appreciate immersing myself in their universe.

Those who don't like reality shows will most likely hate it and those who love them might find something to latch onto as I did but I can honestly give this a well deserved 7 star rating.

Not because it breaks any ground or is a great show but since I watched every single episode and plan on continue to do so, it's a safe bet that I am part of their demographic one might guess. So give it a chance and you might like it as well.
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Seeing Heaven (2010)
Story with Potential Going Into Nothingness
18 April 2019
For some reason, I was quickly turned off by the lack of budget and artsy pretentious soft erotica even though it doesn't always bother me. But I convinced myself to give this a fair shot because the original premise sounded intriguing. I should have known better but I went for it and watched the whole thing. Wow, what a bad movie.

The main thing that really bothered me, as pointed out by other reviewers is how some scenes and pieces of dialogue were repeated all throughout as if trying to make them sound more profound to the viewer but it just felt tiresome as things progressed.

The acting is by far the worst aspect of this production and that's saying something since we can totally see just how low budget this is yet, a lack of money never bothers me as long as creativity is present and rewards the watcher.

But in this very bad flick, the more time passes the worst the acting gets and the more the story goes south. Every scene becomes excruciating after a certain point and I had to work hard to keep watching. Even the sex scenes were boring, not that I would have wanted more explicit sexuality but I kept seeing just how uncomfortable the actors looked and it made me shudder.

The lead actor Alexander Bracq as Paul is probably the worst actor in the bunch. In the movie every character keeps referring to him as beautiful beyond words, including himself and although the actor is cute enough, he is no supreme Adonis in my humble opinion. This repeated statement made things quite laughable as things progressed and it kept pulling me out of the story in disbelief. As far as looks are concerned, a little humility goes a long way in my book.

The ending is just as atrocious as I expected and even though there are some nice moments here and there throughout, this film was stuck between wanting to be a soft porn with no explicit sex and a "regular" story with no foundation. So nothing really worked and I was relieved when it concluded.

I have seldom seen a movie so bizarre and weird but I usually like anything that doesn't conform and tries to be original but in this case, the story is just too monotonous and redundant to become anything but a huge letdown, not that I expected much anyway by the time the credits rolled.

I felt bad giving this only 1 star so I gave it 2, mostly for the courage it took to try something different but without a proper sense of pacing and a lack of originality the film didn't stand a chance. Too bad cause I wanted to like it but that just didn't happen.

I don't recommend it either unless you are prepared to really work at trying to enjoy yourself. I did on my end and it got me nowhere but maybe you'll have more luck on that front.
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In my Top 3 of Reality Series
18 April 2019
I gotta say, along with Housewives of Beverly Hills and New York City, Atlanta is in my top 3 of favorite reality TV series I've watched in my life and I have seen a lot of them. Is it perfect? Not on your life. Is it truly enjoyable mishaps and all? Absolutely!

True, some story lines are so preposterous that they "feel" scripted and even though I truly believe they are not in the classic sense of the term, some situations are most likely encouraged by producers. But the dialogue is certainly not scripted to the comma and I can totally sense the spontaneity of the drama which is what makes me come back and beg for more.

I have my favorites of course including Kenya (who is sadly not in season 11 having left the show to have a baby which I hope is a temporary thing), Cynthia who is truly beautiful and charming, Porsha who is the loose cannon but oh so funny that we forgive her almost anything and finally, Kandi who I feel is truly the heart and soul of the show.

For the life of me, I will never understand how some people like Nene who is a total bully and absolutely insufferable yet, she can surely create a lot of drama which has the tendency to make me like whoever is pitted against her even more. She left for a while only to come back a bit later but I can safely say I would not miss her if she left permanently. I truly feel like the show would be better without her.

This said, of course someone who doesn't like reality shows to begin with won't appreciate this totally over the top drama fest but I for one think it's one of the very best in the housewives franchise and in reality series as a whole. The way they speak to each other where everything becomes a convoluted mess of misunderstandings while shading each other to death is an absolute pleasure for me to watch.

The 1 star I retracted from the 9 rating has to do with some of the ladies I don't care for as much as the others starting of course with Nene but also, Marlo Hampton who is a nightmare and Phaedra Parks who I don't miss one bit ever since she was fired from the show with very good reasons.

But I can safely say that I enjoy all the others as they come and go because they're always so much fun to watch and that to me is the biggest quality of this show. No matter how outrageous or over the top it gets, Real Housewives of Atlanta remains an absolutely hilarious riot.
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C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005)
Labor of Love
18 April 2019
When I read in the trivia that writer/director Jean-Marc Vallée took 10 years to write and bring the movie to the screen, I wasn't surprised. This is a labor of love all the way and we can sense his total devotion to the story which is magnificent in its scope and beauty.

The acting is top notch as well and the casting was meticulously done so that every character feels justified in its existence with the best person put in place for each role. Of course, the main star is protagonist Marc-André Grondin as Zachary Beaulieu, the tormented youth trying to find his place in life and struggling to come to grips with his sexuality suffocated in a rigid catholic setting.

Since I was born a catholic, I totally get the everything-is-a-sin nightmare that it can be for a young man who simply wants to live his life and fulfill his desires without opresssion. Grondin is perfect in the part and makes this a fascinating journey into his existence. But this said, everyone else in this movie is top notch in terms of acting so this is truly an ensemble cast worth praising.

Michel Côté as Gervais and Danielle Proulx as Laurianne Beaulieu also do amazing work in supporting roles and even though the other 4 boys have less showy parts, they all do a great job as well elevating the movie to new heights.

I also read in the trivia that a lot of money was spent on clearing the songs used in the soundtrack and I can totally understand why the director felt it was essential to use real classics from the different eras portrayed in the movie to bring the story to a higher level. The music is such an intricate part of the plot that without it, the film might have been less impressive.

A strong 9 star rating is well deserved and I removed only 1 star because there is a part of the story I didn't really like close to the conclusion and without spoiling anything, I felt it was a bit too ridiculous and over the top but it's nothing major so the story didn't suffer too much from it.

I strongly recommend the movie and was very surprised at just how great it was as I applaud the director's vision which he was able to communicate to us in such a beautiful piece of cinema.
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3-Day Weekend (2008)
Average Story Weak Acting
17 April 2019
Obviously, I didn't expect this to be a masterpiece and the low budget of a production even if it's quite visible never comes in the way when I form an opinion about any movie. This said, even though I was able to finish the whole thing in one sitting (quite rare for me) due to the short duration, I can't say I really enjoyed it much.

First, the story is quite ordinary, nothing much happens and the dialogue is not exactly scintillating. Still, that can be true for many other movies made with few resources so I don't hold that against the film. The biggest flaw in my opinion is the acting.

Except maybe for Chris Carlisle as the self-proclaimed geek Mac, Derek Meeker as Simon and Stephen Twardokus as Ace, none of the other actors felt even remotely comfortable in their roles. Their acting was amateurish to say the least and I could even sense their embarrassment trying to pull it off.

I also have to say that I would have switched a few of the roles around since several of them felt miscast but the one who really didn't fit his role was Daniel Rhyder as Andre the escort. Not to sound disrespectful but he is one of the least attractive man in the bunch and it was unbelievable to expect the viewers to imagine anyone paying his services, least of all the attractive Derek Meeker. In real life it would have been the other way around.

I'm not saying this film is completely awful but it's very generic and bland so a 4 star rating felt appropriate. If the story had a bit more meat to it (no pun intended) in terms of real drama it would have been better to entice us as viewers. But except for a few flashes of real profundity about aging in the gay culture, it remained lightweight fluff. In closing, I also have to mention that the soft erotica and nudity didn't add much of anything to the production.
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Engaging and Beautiful Love Story
15 April 2019
I must say, I wasn't quite sure this would be my cup of tea. I love movies about LGBTQ issues but this didn't look much fun and since I am no lover of nature, I was afraid I would get bored. But I shouldn't have worried. This is one of the most beautiful, breathtaking love story between 2 men I've ever seen.

The pacing is slow yet poetic. The acting is really strong, especially with the 2 leads who have a sizzling chemistry which made me care about them as I went along their painful yet eye opening journey. True, this is no happy go lucky feel good movie in appearance but the way the story is told, one can get swept into the romance of it all despite the harsh surroundings of a farm life where reality is often drab and cold.

I was particularly satisfied with the end which is always a very important aspect to me. So many movies which start out well end up being ruined by a bad or botched up conclusion. But I was very happy to see that the director/writer gave us a wonderful conclusion to this epic narrative and I was happy to surrender myself into his capable hands while enjoying the deep connection between those 2 men. I also saw a type of rustic life I knew nothing about which although difficult to go through in appearance, contains moments of beauty and grace.

I realize that a 10 star rating is very strong and some might say this is no masterpiece but I strongly disagree. I saw many movies on that subject and this is by far one of the most magical and epic story I've ever seen. Give it a chance and you might just enjoy it as much as I do or at least, you'll discover something that might touch you.
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Being 17 (2016)
Good Story and Acting
15 April 2019
I didn't quite know what to expect with this one so I just let myself get into the story and I have to say, I was not disappointed. It starts slowly and evolves into a complex and layered plot about 2 boys discovering their sexual desires but unlike many movies on that subject, it's not just about one thing.

What made this movie work in my opinion is the subplot involving Damien's mother played very well by Sandrine Kiberlain who gives a subtle performance. The standout to me in terms of acting is without a doubt Corentin Fila as Thomas Chardoul, the perplexed, confused and prone to violence teenager who keeps everyone at bay while yearning to be himself.

I must say I also enjoyed Kacey Mottet Klein's performance as Damien Delille even though he seemed a bit less able to convey the angst and subtle emotions needed for the part. His acting was sometimes clumsy and a bit fake but is still worked because it could be read as choices he made on how to play the part and the fact that he truly is a teenager playing one, not an adult actor trying to go back to his youth.

Even the ending worked for me so a strong 8 star rating is what I felt it deserved and if you speak French and want to spend some time getting to know these characters, they all have something to offer and I for one enjoyed the journey and can safely recommend it warmly.
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Good Acting Average Story
15 April 2019
I so wanted to like this movie. I was a teenager in the 80's and anything connected to that era is always a pleasure to experience so I was all set to really enjoy it but sadly, I was disappointed.

The acting is good and the music divine yet somehow, the story didn't quite make it for me. The chemistry between the actors was adequate, the dialogue snappy and enjoyable yet the main plot just floundered until I didn't much care by the end.

Don't get me wrong, some parts of it are fun, mostly seeing Steve Buscemi very young and sarcastically fabulous but it felt quite hollow and empty even if the subject matter led me to believe it would be a lot more dramatic than what transpired.

I gave it 6 stars, mostly for the pleasure of plunging back into the fabulous 80's but other than the nostalgia factor, I was not satisfied and felt let down by the story which, although worked in some aspect, ending up being much ado about nothing or at least, about very little. It might be classic to some but not to me.
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G.B.F. (2013)
Surprisingly Good and Funny
14 April 2019
I admit, I gave up on this one several times. I don't know why but I would watch a few minutes then get bored and stop. But once I gave it a chance not expecting much really, I was totally surprised at just how good it became. Sure, this is by no means a masterpiece but as entertainment, it works on many levels.

My favorite character are the 3 queen bees Sasha Pieterse as Fawcett Brooks, the blond icy beauty, Xosha Roquemore as the fierce Caprice Winters and Andrea Bowen as the Mormon and dim witted 'Shley Osgoode. Watching the 3 of them competing for the affection of the proverbial Gay Best Friend Tanner Daniels (Michael J. Willett) was hilarious. I also enjoyed Megan Mullally as Mrs. Van Camp in a character miles away from her signature role Karen Walker from Will & Grace.

The only character I had a hard time enjoying is Brent Van Camp (Paul Iacono). He was competent enough I guess but it just felt like a rehash of the flamboyant gay boy with a queen edge we've seen so many times before and I didn't feel he brought anything new to the table.

Yet, I really enjoyed it and even found the ending satisfying which is always very important to me to decipher if a movie is good or not. So a solid 8 stars rating seemed appropriate and I can safely recommend it to anyone who wants to have a good time. To be clear, as a light comedy, it works well enough to be quite enjoyable.
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