
116 Reviews
entertaining and not bad
13 September 2023
I do not know the video game, nor have I seen other Street Fighter movies. Obviously, I watched this without a bias. And I thought it was entertaining. The female lead character came across convincingly, so did the villain. In fact, the villain was one of the most engrossing I have seen in a while. I could also enjoy the support characters, they all seemed in tune with the film. The martial arts were not the most impressive I have seen but they were appropriate for an eastern movie. At no point in time did it bother me. I suspect the movie's main issue is it's name which rises expectaions beyond any limit. What a pity in this case.
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I explain why it is a 2/10 and not a 1/10
13 September 2023
To avoid any misunderstanding, this movie is bad. But I am undecided if it really deserves to be on the bottom 100 list. Trying to be unbiased, there is a little more credit to it than 1/10. First, the plot is not predictable. It has many twists - admittably hilaroious twists, but you cannot argue that it is completely boring. Second, the actors all knew they were not to be taken seriously. They tried to be goofy and were not complete failures at that ...maybe with the exception of Michael Jackson who somehow seems serious about his role. But his cameo does not really change the movie. And finally, the pictures and costumes are pleasing to a certain degree. Even the CGI could be considered adequate for a spoof. Bottom line, I have seen worse than this, and was not in danger of falling asleep while watching.
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Kung Fury (2015)
brilliantly coordinated compilation of film clichés from the 1980s
1 June 2015
This is a most powerful strike against your risible muscles. It combines the most ridiculous film clichés of the 1980s with a trashy VHS look displaying jitter and picture dropouts we were used to in the last millennium. Nonetheless, the film is technically up-to-date and very compassionately made. Most actors appear somehow convincing even though the story is completely hilarious. Since it runs only 31 minutes it can hardly be a waste of time even if you do not share this humor. There is not one boring sequence in this film. It kind of feels like a roller coaster and leaves you stunned at the end of the closing sequence.
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nice movie with an exciting story
5 February 2013
If you are fed up with pathetic world war movies but still like heroic war sagas -and don't mind Germans being the heroes- this one might be just for you. The story is good for a relaxing evening given you like dramatic and adventurous moments. The pictures are nice, though at times, you may feel that the scenery appears rather cheap with only a few wide-angle takes. Most ships are noticeably CGI. Sometimes, I thought the writer put too much story in the 2h running time. But considering that the plot is based on real events it probably had to be that way in order to seem sound. Anyway, I did not notice any real flaws and enjoyed my time very much.
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Iron Sky (2012)
politically incorrect humor at its best
3 May 2012
Considering the budget of the movie, this film is superb! Considering the filmography of the Finnish crew, this film has clearly reached a technically and dramatically mature level (though, Star Wrek was also technically very good). Most outstanding is, of course, the tongue-in-cheek humor.

On the other hand, I wonder how successful this movie will be with a broad audience. After all, the Star Wrek movies have partially lived on their "homebrew" status. Iron Sky has real actors and is now competing against big productions at the box office.

But if the film is reasonably successful I wonder even more, how the future of movie making will be like. If people make movies of this paramount quality with a fraction of a Hollywood budget, what will happen to Hollywood? Maybe, we are at the beginning of a new era. I dearly hope we will see more of this!
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Taken (I) (2008)
brilliant action movie - but not at all politically correct
19 February 2010
From the action point of view, there isn't much to add to other reviews: it's a brilliant movie displacing James Bond and Bourne and all the other action heroes. It's very well made.

So, I will only give a comment on a few things that some of you might want to know before you watch this film: The movie is extremely violent, and the use violence is never really questioned. Instead, violence is accepted even if affecting innocents. Further, the dark picture of Europe (France in particular) is absurdly overdone. OK, it's a dramatic element needed for the plot. But you can really spoil a kid's mind with these completely awkward ideas.

For adults, of course, it's a super cool movie. Enjoy!
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Vingança (2008)
an excellent, emotionally and technically mature low budget movie
14 February 2009
This movie was shot with a standard video camera. Yet, the pictures appear powerful like in a big production. The actors were completely unknown to me and probably did their job for very little (or no) money. Yet, they act extremely well. I could list half a dozen of features that were made very well but supposedly have not cost a lot of money. In my opinion, this is low-budget at its best. But beyond the technical aspects, the movie also offers a very enthralling way of telling a rousing story. It's a story of love and crime and suitable for a broad audience. The turns and twists of the plot keep you interested at all times. In all, the movie makes a very professional piece of work. It gives me the hope that low-budget quality is generally on the rise. I sure hope to see more alike in the future.
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best amateur sci-fi ever
13 November 2005
This sci-fi parody is made by very dedicated people, and you see it particularly in the many well crafted details. I have watched it three times and am still picking up new small and funny things that happen behind the focus. I am sure, I still haven't noticed them all.

The special effects are no worse than in big productions. The same applies largely to the sets and the script (just compare the script to Star Wars Episode I or so). The only thing that let's you realize you are watching a no-budget film are the actors. I mean, they are brilliant amateur actors, but some just appear too young for their role - they somehow look like Trekkis (well, what a surprise).

But this said, I need to state that Star Wreck ITP is the best amateur movie I have ever seen. I suspect, some of the crew will be found working in professional productions pretty soon.

...and if there is to be a sequel, please, reincarnate Luutnantti Swagger (she is named Ruoska in the IMDb credits)! What a hot toddy ;-)
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The Aviator (2004)
Europeans, beware of the good rating!
7 February 2005
I made the mistake to read only American reviews before seeing the movie. I would have avoided the film. European reviews draw a different picture of it. The reason is simple: The movie assumes a lot of knowledge about the subject and American zeitgeist. You need to catch some keywords and names, and you need to recognise their meaning and produce the associated American emotions. If you cannot you will see a long and confusing film. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying the movie is bad. I am just saying non-Americans have a harder time understanding and thus enjoying it. However, if you want to get a glimpse of how the entrepreneurial spirit of our brothers and sisters on the other side of the Atlantic has evolved this film might be for you.
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Downfall (2004)
very involving and seemingly authentic
20 September 2004
First of all, I am not commenting on the morality or immorality of the depicted contents. I am commenting on the film as such. And that film was really catching. Hitler was portrayed in an extremely believable way. His private moments revealed the cracks in his confidence, yet, they stressed his stubbornness. All of the used décor seemed original. The military language and acting -even that of the extras- was precisely investigated and seemed believable. At no point, I had the feeling "oh, this is just dumb dramaturgy". I could feel the imminent collapse of a once so powerful oppression system. Still, in this apocalypse, the myrmidons lost their countenance only slowly. This film has let me live through all of this. Very well made!
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Princess Metapher
30 July 2004
Bora Bora and Princess Metapher are really two hot toddies! I would go see the movie again just for the two of them. But the rest is also great. At some points, I couldn't keep track of all the hidden jokes; there are too many of them - "Reisfeld"... I really couldn't bear that. Unlike in the "shoe", this time, there is actually no part I did not like at all. However, there are some parts where you can relax your laughing muscles a bit. My girlfriend (who has never seen Star Trek and does not like flat humour) also laughed and liked it a lot. So, there seems to be something in it for everybody. I will even go and try the creamy cheese at McDonald's ...and that's after having seen "Super Size Me".
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Shake, Rattle and Rock! (1994 TV Movie)
senseless waste of time
20 July 2004
Since there are obviously more people not liking this movie but only positive reviews online I have to add my opinion here. I saw this movie because of Renée Zellweger, and I thought it was a total waste of time. The other reviewers were correct in one point: the movie has no message and cannot be taken seriously. I would like to add, it is not funny and does not have an interesting plot, either. Throughout the movie, I was really trying to figure out the addressee of the picture. Possibly people from the 50s, but nobody else then. The only thing I learned is that Renée Zellweger seems to have always played the same character: a freaky but likable woman. Well, I am cautiously looking forward to her next appearance.
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The Old Fox (1977– )
I like it more than "Derrick"
15 July 2004
"Der Alte" has been on for more than 30 years now. The concept is always a murder, often in the so called "upper middle class". Compared to other detective stories, it might be slow. In fact, there is usually only one salvo of shots being fired in each episode: the actual murder (mostly only after an introduction of the subsequent subjects). The rest of the story is virtually non-violent, but you see more police action than in "Derrick", the most popular competitor to "Der Alte".

The appeal of "Der Alte" is the rather realistic plot and the possibility to solve the crime before the detectives do. However, you need to be a buff and pick up all the clues really quickly. In realtime, I merely manage that in one out of three episodes, and I am really an addict to "Der Alte". The murderer is always among the introduced characters and his/her motive largely traceable throughout the episode. This is a contrast to other series where murderers are conjured up just in the end or divulged to the audience from the start.

On average, I would say that "Der Alte" is the best detective series on German TV. Though, a few episodes of "Tatort" clearly outclass this average.
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best short film compilation of recent years
14 July 2004
I originally saw this movie on a festival when it came out. A year ago, I bought the DVD, and I am glad I did because I do not get fed up with watching it over and over again. The four stories differ a lot, but they are all really good (the last one maybe a little cheesy, but my wife likes that). My favourite is definitely "Samurai Cellular". As a non-Japanese, it was only yesterday that I found out about the story actually being historical (except for the cellular phone, of course). This makes it even more funny. If you are a fan of Twilight Zone or short films in general or like Japanese culture try to see this on DVD! And I really mean "or", because the compilation serves all three interests.
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Romance (1999)
a mediocre film boosted by its love scenes
22 April 2004
I guess, this film was ok. It is definitely not as unwatchable as other French films focussing on a man-woman relationship (usually through extensive dialogues). The characters behave rather realistically, the story is coherent, and the cinematography is good. Considering these aspects, the film should probably earn a 5/10. But of course, there are the sex scenes, and those seem to have paved the way for a more liberal and open portraiture of sex in European films. These scenes are rather unspectacular to watch, yet they address practices which may be disturbing for some people. I found the depiction adequate for the story. For this pioneering work I raise my score to 7/10.
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chaotic nonsense
21 April 2004
The best thing in this animation was Derrick himself. The bureaucratic coolness (or lack of humour) in his voice actually was the funniest part of all. The rest of the film was made up of childish and very predictable (thus non-funny) jokes. The story seemed to be made for a pre-teen audience and thereby failed to address those who still know the real Derrick and Harry Klein. Further, the constant repetition of the same jokes, in particular the denunciation of modern show business, got annoying and attested a lack of real ideas. Besides the poor contents, the quality of the drawings was merely mediocre. Again only Derrick stood out for a slightly more felicitous portraiture. I recommend to wait for the TV release.
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Head-On (2004)
moving love story for a general audience
25 March 2004
When I think of movies with characters stuck between two (seemingly) incompatible cultures I am a little put off because they are usually only understandable to people with the same problem (e.g. "Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995)"). With "Gegen die Wand" it's very different. The movie tells an universal love drama from a refreshingly modern point of view. I think, the intercultural aspect is a mere accessory part to add some exotic value to the story. This film is catching, sexy, honest and funny. And even though I might not agree with the attitudes of the director or some of the actors (as they put them forward in interviews) the movie is just plain good and a contribution to life itself! ...and the actresses are very pretty ;-)
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not to be seen as an easy evening diversion
17 February 2004
I totally fell for the teaser where they claimed this would be a movie about a woman seeking her lust. Well, it was, but not the way I had hoped for. Don't get me wrong, the film is extremely well done, but thereby at some points a little hard to process. The ingenious thing is that you barley see any explicit "act", but you are forced to imagine everything very explicitly. The acting was entirely convincing making it even more disturbing. Just all portrayed human relations were somehow frustrating. I don't remember any other film having succeeded to play with my emotions so badly. That is why I won't watch it again soon. Right for this reason my deer respect is due to the production crew. I give 9/10.
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The Dreamers (2003)
lyrical story with beautiful actors and a message
11 February 2004
I liked this film a lot. It has a lyrical story explaining the way strange ideas can prosper in a trouble-free upper class society. Part of that is the inclination towards erotic experiments. Particularly those have been portrayed in an amusing way. The latter half of the film was a little weak here and there, but I still give it an 8/10.
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not good
4 January 2004
It was a bold idea to compress 7 TV episodes into a 90 minute feature film. A challenge "Mission Galactica: The Cylon Attack (1978)" barely managed with 2 episodes. This challenge has certainly been lost here. The compressed version seems rather like a teaser for the original TV series than like a coherent stand-alone movie. In fact, the story is broken off into too many parts within 90 minutes. Furthermore, the new scenes which are supposed to glue the old footage together fail their purpose. They seem misplaced as they make use of digital effects and introduce a different, more modern language. I cannot understand why they did not stick to the original style. I would favour a complete remake of the series with new actors over this compilation.
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this film really catches the spirit of Erasmus
29 December 2003
As a former Erasmus student I enjoyed this film very much. It was so realistic and funny. It really picked up the spirit that exists among Erasmus students. I hope, many other students will follow this experience, too. However, I wonder if this movie is all that interesting to watch for people with no international experience. But at least one of my friends who has never gone on Erasmus also enjoyed it very much. I give it 9 out of 10.
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quite cool if expectations are cut down
16 December 2003
Judging a movie surely depends much on one's actual mood. I happened to be in the right mood for shallow sci-fi action when I caught this on TV. Of course, the story is predictable, and the characters were little developed, and the story is a ripoff from "Battlestar Galactica" and "Das Boot" and even "Alien". But the special effects and the sound are good. I also liked the dialogues with Rosie Forbes. They were cool and convincing. In my opinion, this movie should have become a mini series with more room for characters like Rosie and even Commander Gerald whose attitude and thoughts I never really understood, especially in the latter half of the movie. But for an audience of video gamers this is probably less important. So, I go with a 6/10.
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Is this a lost gem?
24 November 2003
Well, probably not. But it is (almost) lost, and that's for good reasons. Nevertheless, as a real Star Wars fan, I guess, you must have seen it once. It is an introduction into the less spectacular parts of life under the empire particular the boredom. And the major reason for a Star Wars fan to sit through it are certainly the original 1978 actors ...well, at least some of them. Besides, the fan learns about Wookies strangely having north American households and housing habits (not the tree location, though). And you get to hear a song horribly sung by Princess Leia Organa. I will never forget it. Some of the movie's plot reminded me of "Episode I", in particular the annoying kid. Still, there is one part which could be considered a gem: the cartoon with Boba Fett. Bottom line: it's not as unwatchable as some say, but it's bad.
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The Animatrix (2003 Video)
interesting, but not a masterpiece
4 July 2003
It is hard to rate this DVD, because the individual shorts are differing quite a bit in quality. Some provide excellent animation and a lot of ambience, but others appear like cheap afternoon cartoons only trying to jump onto the hype of the Matrix. The stories they tell are also ranging from genuine to worn out. So, my average grade of 6 is not really fit to rate this collection.
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intelligent and tuned humour
4 July 2003
Sometimes it is hard to say exactly why a movie is funny or not. It always depends on personal preferences. This one just happens to be my personal funniest movie of all time. I love the way the twists and turns spawn off hilariously funny situations. And I think, Michael Caine and Steve Martin were the perfect cast for this type of humour. Though, I could not constantly rewatch it, because some jokes require a bit of a surprise.
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