2 Reviews
The grand finale
P9711 August 2021
Everything a trails fan could ask for, the music is incredible, the characters development is insane, more than 15 years of storytelling and it pays off immensely, please if you love jrpg's give this series a chance and start from the beginning which is trails in the sky fc and work your way up to get the ultimate satisfaction if you don't have the time or you can't handle old looking games you can play from cold steel 1 and still will get more than enough enjoyment though these games are very much connected to each other and the more games you play, the more you are going to appreciate these games, it's one big saga that absolutely deserves your attention and trust me you won't be disappointed just be patient and keep moving forward, relentlessly.

An epic conclusion to one hell of a journey 10/10.
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A monetised digital novel
scotrutherford18 April 2021
The only thing you need is a screen shot feature as this version seals the fate of the franchise. Normal mode is "buy DLC to do well" in this iteration. Furthermore while it's an interesting story the player has no effect on it. And they added a super boring 39 year old mini game to boot. My 5/10 is for the excellent, compelling voice performances.
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