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Sex & Nudity

  • A woman is seen in bed talking on the phone wearing a bathrobe and panties. The bathrobe is open and we see her bare breasts.
  • A dead woman lies naked, face down on a bed. Her bare buttocks are seen.
  • A topless woman is shown in a video recording bound and gagged. Her bare breasts are seen.
  • A naked man is seen lying in a hot tub clutching a wound (see Violence & Gore). His arm is covering his genitals.

Violence & Gore

  • A man is seen lying in a hot tub with a knife wound. A lot of blood is seen in his abdomen area.
  • A dead female body is seen lying on a bed. You can see bloody stab wounds.
  • Two men fight in a mobile home
  • A woman steps on broken glass with one foot. She is seen walking and leaving bloody footprints


  • Several instances of the F-word along with A-hole

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Two men are seen in a bar. One is seated at a table, the other at the bar. Both are drinking alcohol and the man at the bar is also smoking
  • A man visits another man in a hospital. He brings with him a small bottle of liquor and puts it on the hospital bed's tray
  • A man enters a bar asking for a shot of tequila, then walks to a table. He is later seen drinking the shot.
  • The main actor smokes in almost every scene.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

See also

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