72 Reviews
A True Story that will Win your Heart
singh_arashdeep8 November 2014
The story of the 4 Sons of the 10th Sikh Guru is something every kid in Punjab has grown up with. So everyone in the audience already knows the 'plot' in a way. Still, this movie engrosses you, wraps you warmly in the lives of the Chaar Sahibzaadas, in the 17th-18th Century Punjab. It is an emotional ride. It Inspires you with the valor, Enrages you with the cruelty, Serenades you with the Kirtan and even makes you shed tears a few times. It relies heavily on the Narrative (done wonderfully by Om Puri) and the dialogue amongst the characters, specially the scenes at Sirhind involving the 2 younger Sons. For people who are not well versed with this episode of Sikh History, this movie can serve as a perfect 2 hour course.

Photo-Realistic Animation : it may not be really Impressive to the audience overexposed to world of Pixar, but it does the job gracefully. It was important for the characters to look like their pictures being carried over from centuries. So it worked perfectly well at that.

Thank you Harry Baweja, for a movie Full of Heart. Your relentless dedication towards the sensibilities of Sikhs, clearly shows in the handling of the crucial scenes, specially when they involved the Gurus. Hats Off !

Overall, this is one lovely movie, that can be enjoyed by the entire Family !
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STIRRING Concept, Weak Imagery, Slightly Confusing Subtitles
u059800822 November 2014
The timing of Chaar Sahibzaade is excellent, given the extensive religious killings in the Middle-East. It is based on true events concerning advocates of religious freedom. These people courageously did whatever was necessary to restore what was wrongfully taken from the weak and oppressed. The theme is mostly about their training, and about the military forces against them. In these ways, it is a religious war movie.

It is animated, with fair-to-good foregrounds but very poor backgrounds. There is a feel of limited movement. The images of holy people are stills, since the makers considered it disrespectful to make cartoons of them (but the audio strategically keeps the flow).

The English subtitles exclude periods. The translators obviously catered to audiences of Sikhs, leaving in untranslated titles (such as Guru) and other religious and martial terms. Non-Indian audiences find it hard enough to read through the long names without all the foreign-language extras. Audience members who did not need subtitles were much more pulled. The narrated overview at the beginning aids understanding, even though it includes spoilers.

Although most NR movies are adult-oriented, this one shows the weapon attacks WITHOUT the gore or suffering. It has its battle scenes, executions, and corruption, but is hardly disturbing or offensive.

I recommend watching it, even though the art and linguistics have their problems. It expresses the need to personally battle injustice, rather than idly pray, meditate, and give in.
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these are spoilers if you do not know the history, it is exactly as my grandmother narrated to me in the saakhis
jsbewli17 November 2014
So the movie is a journey through the Sikh history, the life and times of the Chaar Sahibzaade of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

There are no twists in the plot. It is exactly what my grandma narrated to me in the saakhis(the stories that Sikh kids hear from their grandparents while growing up....every religion has them).

The movie gave life to the characters of Ajit Singh, Jujhar Singh, Zorawar Singh, Fateh Singh and other Heroes of the faith. I knew the history but viewing it in 3D makes you feel every minute of it.

One gets a lump in their throat many a times during the film especially at the end. The music lives up to the pathos of the situations even the toughest people had the dewy eyes.

I recommend that the younger generations (the unaware generation) go watch this movie to know the history, the values of this religion and the sacrifices that the Sikhs have made to make this world a better place.

On the animation front we cannot compare it with Hollywood films, it is definitely commendable.
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the most wonderful & efficiently made Movie in animation,an example for Film Makers for elaboration of History with truth.
manmeetinodc8 November 2014
A MUST WATCH MOVIE..!!! Its one of the most wonderful & efficiently made Movie in animation. It would be an example for many Film Makers to make such kind of movies with elaboration of History with truth. A lot of hard work is involved and i am happy to get an opportunity to view this film. Worth watching again and again..!!!! FANTASTIC..!!! The movie is so well made and no were was it commenting on any caste/creed or religion. It elaborates in a nutshell many of the happenings of Sikh history that many do not know about and i wish that this movie runs into the theaters for long as possible so as to through some light on the Truth and give an opportunity for the unseen public to watch this movie.
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i am no one to judge this kind of a movie
ramanpreet-5888 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
story lineup-: this film has no story line up because its history which is adorable and cant judge it on this behalf.

music-: o my god such a heart touching music... u just cant stop tears when SAHIBZADA ZORAWAR SINGH AND SAHIBZADA FATEH SINGH was hugging their grand mom@(MATA GUJRI JI). And all other songs and Shabads like Mitar Pyaare nu and SATGUR NANAK PARGATYA...... AND some others.

characterizations-: sorry i did a mistake by saying characterized bcoz again these are not characters of virtual life but a real life heroes...

presentation-: the presentation of this film is just awesome and even in INTERVAL i walk out for anything and more my any friend and family members.... we were just sticked with our seats.

3d presentation-: A+.. a great work done by the team who make it possible to create a 3d picturization on such a SENSITIVE topic..... thumbs up for this (y). Overall its more than everything which i describe..... i might be biased in this post but just cant say anything wrong about it...... so go and watch it with your friends and family and tell others to watch what they do for us and against 'what was wrong'.
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Watch it for story alone because it's a REAL STORY!
seeratk9715 November 2014
A very nicely made movie, good research done. Because the story is real, so nothing is made-up here - I know this because I've known this story since my childhood. So, I found this film to be all True.

About Animation: Considering the budget of this movie, it is very well done. But don't expect or compare it with Pixar or Disney movie. No movie in the history of Indian Cinema has stood up to Hollywood standards, so don't expect similar quality. But it's still great animation from Indian standards.

Now, Viewers: Of-course every Sikh must see it for their history but I feel the whole world should see this movie to know what Sikhs stood up against. It's available in English as well.

It's a courageous true story of real martyrs and the sacrifices they made for righteousness, devotion to their faith, and piety to "Waheguru" (God) for their unwavering strength.

Go see it with your family n kids and show it to your friends, they will be amazed!
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Speechless !!!! Awesome Movie!
sintona-kaur9 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has left me out of words without a doubt!!! The way Sikh history is portrayed in this film is outstandingly OUT OF THIS WORLD!! It has actually made use of modern technology in the best way possible and made History so lovable!!

This movie is an emotional one and you're not gonna get out of the theater without crying. Also it tries to revive the goodness in people which is rare these days. It encourages people to be fearless and fight for their dignity! I actually thought that it might be a simple Sikh History movie which I have watched many times but Boy did it prove me wrong!!! It was nothing that I've ever seen...!!
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"Now i know why he said 1=125000 "
sameerbhagat118 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A master piece from Punjabi cinema, and with a great swap of history which once happened,now i can say " warriors are not made they are born with the blood of ancestors", and taught how to value other blood and religion.Sacrificing is the blood of his, and never worried about his own, his father gave off his head on his words for Kashmiri pundits.His mother never asked his what he's because she knew every thing that her son will never be wrong either way. And he with his mother, wife, and Chaar Sahizaade made lots of the best for people, and more he didn't gave it a second thought while sending them to the war field.He was the guru father who proudly send them with head held and gave them the shields and swords. Seeing them dyeing on the filed in front of his eyes and still had nothing on his face, just a sparking smile.

He is still watching us with that smile only because we are his blood any how, he'll protect us till end and he he'll be here...
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for anyone who believes in truth, honesty and ethics
raman_arora18 November 2014
One of the best movies watched till now...

I don't have any words to describe the depth / intellect of Chaar Sahibzade..

It is not a religious fare but a must watch (in theaters) for anyone who believes in truth, honesty and ethics (the main pillars of any belief) ...

worth 2hours of your time, specially if you have kids ...

Animation could have been better but one should not compare this with Disney / Pixar as this is not targeted specifically to kids..

It delivers the message it is supposed to deliver ... for every Adult and kids...

rating 10/10
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True story of courage, values and valor
singhmanjeet-154-8523578 November 2014
This is the true story of courage, value, valor, character and grit. Must watch for everyone and this is inspiration for everyone on how such young kids (sahibzaade) had the courage and values to stand against the cruel and did not digress from the path even for a sec.

Sikh history is full of sacrifices for mankind and this movies further enforces that. Watch guys - you will be amazed by end of film to believe this is in fact very much a true story.

Movie has the fun, valor and emotional components to it and it will definitely touch everyone hearts. There are parts in the movie which will make you very emotional specially the scenes when younger sons (Sahibzaada's) leave there Dadi ji on the final moments towards the end. Its very very emotional.
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Just a basic presentation of true historical events
jondo20101026 November 2014
The movie has gained great populace due to its religious undertone. Most people rating this movie are rating it high due to great historical story it represents rather than its cinematic brilliance. First the positives. - The movie claims to show exact replicas of historical locations, weapons used, etc. This is real interesting as one gets to see how things really looked in olden times. Such consideration to details are rare to see in Indian Cinema. - The director and producer should be given credit to make the movie without causing any strong complaints by any religious group. Another rare occurrence for Indian movies having such under lying themes. Improvement points - The movie appears to be a very comic bookish representation of these historical events. It could have done more detailing of some of the historical characters and the circumstances that lead to this happening. - A lot of areas could have been detailed without spoiling the story. For instance the art of warfare which enabled the fighters to fight such large armies is not shown. Apart from faith and valor there is also some great fighting and strategy techniques used in that period. These are still practiced today by the descendants of the warriors. The movie could have showcased this great art in more detail.

Overall a movie which narrates a religious story well but could have been done better.
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Chaar Sahibzaade - Truly Avante Garde Movie Making
pavi-singh6 November 2014
This is one of the best movies so far I have seen in the last few years. Definitely a very well presented animated movie. The whole process of film making has gone through a very high grade of conceptualization, planning and execution. Truly, the age of fine animation has arrived in India. This movie is nothing short of a visual treat of intense labor that presents a fine narration of history for one and all. It visually movie like any finely made movie. We were really moved by the collective effort put in by the team. Despite presenting a capsule in the history of Sikhism, the movie is not religious in any sense. It presents a great learning for the kids and adults alike. Serving the purpose for which it has been made, the movie definitely delights you all through with its perfect animation, narration, dialogs and music. A must watch and it inspires others to make similar movies.
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Raising the bar
pssoor9 November 2014
Ler's get the negatives out the way:

This has no Pixar-like graphics, there are numerous audio-sync errors and a little bit of cheese, to really draw out emotion. Subtitles are present but unreliable, with lots of errors.

Aside from that, this is, mainly in the first half, a gripping tale of these incredible beings. Fight scenes are very exciting to watch, and the music is quite memorable too.

Even with the lack of Hollywood animation, this film does well to entertain and enrich a neutral audience. It's not just for Punjabis, and not just for Sikhs.

Guru Gobind Singh is shown in image form (he never moves), and this limitation is used well too, to great effect. It puts to shame previous Sikh animation films which had terrible graphics and dialogues.

It can seem at times that dialogues are forced, particularly the youngest sahibzaade, but it is forgivable. The second half of the film drags on, really squeezing emotion out of very little actual progress in the story. Reducing 15-20 minutes would have greatly improved the flow of the film.

Oterwise, this film is a huge improvement on Indian and Panjabi animation cinema, and on it's merit, does not deserve a 10/10 but the score I have given, 7/10.
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An Alright Animated Movie
Mara-Jade-Skywalker-233 August 2019
"Chaar Sahibzaade" is a 2014 animated historical film from the well-known nation of India. The movie at this point is on Netflix, and has an 8.2/10 on IMDb from the votes of around 7,000 users. It is one of the top rated animated films on IMDb, and a rare piece of animation from Bollywood. So, what do I think about it?

Well, I think it's...good. Not great. Just good. When going in, I expected to love it, I like a lot of Bollywood films. And they had a good history with animation, creating "Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama" was a great movie. But, the movie is very dull in some areas, and the movie just disappointed me.

Now, my first big issue with the movie is the animation. The animation is really bad. It makes the movie look cheap, or like one of those rip off animated movie. And not something meant to be taken seriously. And most of the time I can look past that with Bollywood movies, because they are generally cheaply made movies. But those movies make up for their lack of production value with interesting stories and characters. But this film struggles a little to do that.

My second issue is the film's pacing. The first twenty minutes of the movie is so boring. It feels so standard and dull. And I was falling asleep as it was starting. Now the movie does indeed pick up after that. And does become very entertaining. But a pretty sizable chunk of the movie is a real snooze fest.

Now, what the highlights and pros with it? Well, I think, even though the animation is a little lacking, the battle scenes of the film are great. And the characters interesting as well, as we get to know every single character, so we feel something when they die. And creates captivating characters based on real people.

And while the movie is on the lengthy side (at 2 hours), it's almost never boring. The story is able to keep you on your feet. With characters and a story you care about.

The movie is by no means perfect, but the end result is still a very watchable piece of animation. I won't remember it as much as other animated movies or other films from India. But I still can appreciate this one. Not good, but not unwatchable.
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harrylall18 November 2014
There are few words that can describe this film. It is a real eye opener. The story of the 4 Sons of DHAN DHAN SHRI GURU GOBIND SINGH JI. It follows their hardships, their courage and their honour and respect for their father, and their grandfather before them. Their pride of being SINGH, and their sacrifices. It is a very emotional film, and one that you can watch over and over again.

The portrayal of Guru Gobind Singh Ji is worthy of praise, as is the captivating nature of his CHAAR SAHIBZAADE. The energy and pace of the film captivates the audience and will evoke many emotional moments

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Awesome MOVIE
bunty310416 November 2014
story lineup-: this film is based on history which is adorable and cant judge it on this behalf.

Music-: O My God.............. Such a heart touching Music...

You just cant stop tears when SAHIBZADA ZORAWAR SINGH AND SAHIBZADA FATEH SINGH was leaving from Anandpur sahib and hugging their grand mom@(MATA GUJRI JI). All other songs and Shabads like Mitar Pyaare nu and SATGUR NANAK PARGATYA...... AND all others.really really such a heart touching Music..

Characterizations-: sorry i did a mistake by saying characterized bcoz again these are not characters of virtual life but a Real Life Heroes...

Presentation-: The Presentation of this film is just awesome and even in INTERVAL mostly persons included my family members just sticked with their seats.

3D Presentation-: A++++++ this is best grade .. A Great work done by the team who make it possible to create a 3D Picturization on such a SENSITIVE topic..... thumbs up for this (y). Overall its more than everything which i describe..... i might be biased in this post but just cant say anything wrong about it...... so go and watch it with your friends and family and tell others to watch what they do for us and against 'what was wrong'.

Even with the lack of Hollywood animation, this film does well to entertain and enrich a neutral audience. It's for all the peoples not just for Punjabi's, and not just for Sikhs.

Once again thanks to all for making this 3D film

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Awesome movie
gssingh9917 November 2014
Movie was great! Animation was solid! Makes me proud to be a sikh. The movie is a great platform to boost sikh awareness and I encourage everyone not only sikhs to watch it! It's a sacrifice that the world shall not forget. And it's really saddening to see many people forgetting these sacrifices today. We should all be proud to be sikh! Never forget the sacrifices made for the turban. Tears rolled down my eyes when the young sahibzaades gave up their lifes and at such a young age were ready to give up their lives for the religion and I feel that is how every Sikh should be brought up. We rather let our heads be chopped off than have our turbans removed. Really impressed with how Guru Gobind Singh's elder children fought so bravely during the war. Anyways i'm not going to narrate the whole movie! Go watch it for yourself and you will definitely enjoy it! Goodbye.
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hkskaur16 November 2014
'Wow'..... I watched this movie in complete awe. It has left me speechless.

I heard it was sad, but I didn't expect it to bring tears to my eyes. I vaguely knew the story of our chaar sahibzaade but they touched my heart with their courage and bravery at such a young age.

The speech ' this is not a war against Sikhs and Islam but one between good and evil, which will always be' ..... Is an important take home message.

Well done to Harry Baweja, if your intention was to give something back to society, then your 3 years of hard work has paid off beautifully! You have worked pure magic here; into our hearts!!!

At a time of evil that we face today in the world, it is time to revisit history and remember the bravery and sacrifices our gurus, chaar sahibzaade as well as our countless shaheed Sikhs made. They fought against the tyranny of the mogul empire and against conversion to another faith. It's history we should always remember and be proud off!

This movie has certainly awakened a part of my soul that was becoming weak. If ever in life I came face to face with evil ..... I would want to be brave!!!! To battle evil.... You have to fight!!!!! The chaar sahibzaade are our true heroes!!!!!
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The best film ever made
sukipadda21 November 2014
Such an exceptional depiction of Guru Gobind Singh Ji's sacrifices. Harry Baweja has done an amazing job - the attention to detail and the showcasing of the true facts with such honesty is commendable.

A film and story everyone should know and watch - true lesson on humanity - the faith of all.

The way in which the Chaar Sahibzaade story has been told is with great respect and care. The narration by Om Puri and the theme music and soundtrack hit right at the heart strings.

This is a very sensitive story needed to be told, and I'm grateful to the producers and director for not cutting any corners and also for choosing not to have anyone play or voice Guru Gobind Singh Ji - it's the best treatment that could have been given to such a profound figure.
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The Best Movie Ever! Chaar Sahibzaade-Heroes The World Must Know
FrankieSingh21 November 2014
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Ji! This is the most amazing movie ever made. It tells us about our Sikh history. Though we grew up hearing legends (Saakhis) of our Gurus and their doings from our family and other sources, but watching this movie makes it a whole new experience. It brings tears to our eyes, when the sacrifices made by our Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaaj are shown. It sure will be an amazing experience for both elderly and kids. Also, through this movie, kids get to learn more about our Sikh History. The thing that I loved the most about this movie was that it respects our morals and values and it has been made keeping in mind the same. Also, the movie was well narrated. The animation and graphics, both were amazing. I and my little cousins, we enjoyed watching this movie and got to learn a lot of things from it. I hope they make more such movies in the future. May God bless everyone! -Bhupinder Singh Sokhi, Nagpur.
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One of the best
amarjotsinghbds17 November 2014
waheguru g ka khalsa waheguru g ki fateh Excellent work !! this is the best movie ever best use of technology to enlighten sikh religion must watch for children who know very few about sacrifices made by our gurus i hope it would be a gift for sikh community keep it up first ever movie on sikh religion great animation love it Guru Gobind Singh Ji was a great warrior and a spiritual leader. He had to spend most of his time fighting against the oppression and suppression committed by the unjust forces. He was a unique nation builder who fought for righteousness. He sacrificed his all for human liberty, equality and fraternity. Two of his youngest sons were bricked alive. Sahibzade Ajit Singh Ji and Jujhar Singh Ji were martyred in the battle of Chamkaur Sahib.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji revealed the order of the Khalsa Brotherhood at Sri Anandpur Sahib Ji. On the day of Baisakhi in 1699 at Anandpur Sahib Ji, Guru Gobind Singh Ji urged the Sikhs to take a pledge to lead a pure life as taught by the other nine Gurus. Amrit was prepared and the first five Sikhs were initiated into the order of Khalsa Panth. Thereafter, the Guru took initiation from the Panj Pyaras and merged entity of Guru Ji into Panth and entity of Panth into Guru. Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave the name of 'Singh' to males and 'Kaur' to females respectively to be used after their first name.
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Animation not up to mark, Sikh philosophy not projected
to-ajrawatsingh19 November 2014
Saw movie yesterday night. Don't know what is issue with SGPC in animating Guru Gobind Singh, if his sons can be animated? As a Sikh, I do not find difference between them. Projection of Story was Good. Movie shown Muslim Mughal Rulers and Hindu Hill Rulers against Gurmat. Good Emotions and thunderous display of martyrdom. But.

Animation: Unable to find blood spills in many fight scenes. Facial emotions are poorly projected. Sometimes it is found that ladies can't be differentiated. First attempt so IGNORE!!! Gurmat: Many dialogues are Anti-Gurmat. Like to study from KASHI(Banaras), whereas Gurmat is against Banaras Matt. Many scenes show Sahibzadas and Guru Gobind Singh deluded in attachment(Moh) which is against Sikh Philosophy. Though few historical inaccuracies, still acceptable as there are many historical writers and movie must be base on some or mixture of all.

Good movie and enjoyable and gives knowledge about martyrdom and situations of that time. Everyone in cinema hall was mum when movie ends. Found some people cries at my back. Even found old people cries at my side. But i am proud of martyrs who laid there life for GURMAT.
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ultimate movie
krmvrsngh8917 November 2014
Excellent movie... Contains Sikh history... Must watch i can't describe it in words.. During the movie you can't control tears.... We get to know about Guru Gobind Singh taking over as the 10th Sikh guru with his headquarters at Anandpur Sahib. The animated story begins. The sons (sahibzaade) of the Guru are being groomed as warriors, scholars, and Shabad singers.

The movie has very powerfully represented the animation character of Dhan Guru Gobind Singh. Though no one can even imagine even the slightest pinch of the glorification of our Gurus, but it was a very respectable and first hand approach of the movie director to show the glimpse of Parkash of Guru Gobind Singh maharaj. Personally speaking, I was not even able to face the animated character of Guru Gobind Singh maharaj in the movie itself, and the whole day and night after watching the movie, I kept thinking and thinking the Parkash of our Gurus, that is lightening the whole universe.
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A Must Watch A++++
harpz6917 November 2014
Finally a film that illustrates "Sikhs" in a correct manner and giving an account of the Chaar Sahibzaade.

The film deals with history, sacrifice, raw emotion, it has it all.

This is a must watch movie, giving an insight to Sikh history in India.

Hopefully this will set the bench mark of Punjabi films and the first of many movies regarding Sikh history.

The movie itself without giving anything away embarks on a journey of "FREEDOM".

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Educations, emotional and an excellent representation of sikh history in a friendly animated format! MUST WATCH
j-a-z-z_h17 November 2014
Beginning the long journey about learning about sikhi and the sacrifices made by those who have allowed me to be here today. Far from an emotional guy, this film truly tugs on those strings as it shows what Singhs and Singhnis went through at the time of the guru. A well presented "film" which is an eye opener as well as providing education to those of all ages! It is a must watch! Learn your heritage and be proud to be a Sikh of the Gurus. The animation aspect works really well to explain the events to children, a film for the whole family to watch together. Hopefully this film is the gateway to many more productions. A massive congratulations to the producers for showing us our history and providing that vital education by representing it as an animation.

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